Wolf RPG
spring is my wonerland - Printable Version

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spring is my wonerland - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 01, 2015

[size=xx-small]@Keisk please! :3[/size]

What a pretty site. Spring. Or at least the beginning. She could smell new blossoming flowers on the trees, and the sweet smell of fresh air. The snow was weakening and melting. Warmness was chasing away the cold. New life was blossoming in the Teekon Wilds. It was truly a Wonderland. Well, if there wasn't any wolves it could be. The girl wasn't very fond of many wolves. They saw her as a little parasite that must be terminated. She wish there was a world with no wolves. But they weren't all that bad. Some could be pretty cool. But most of them she could do without. Her paws had carried her to a part of the woods where the trees had vanished, and flowers had appeared. It was beautiful. She wandered farther into the thicket of flowers, following the sent of water. When she arrived, she dived in and started to swim and drink at the same time. As a kit, she always loved to swim. It was a..... unusual talent and hobby she had.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Kesik - March 01, 2015

Kesik returned from the encounter with the bear, feeling proud. Not only had he survived the encounter, he had also caught a small rabbit. a small red blur made him smile as he approached. " @Autumn ! I-" He stopped, dropping the rabbit at the den's entrance. "You're not Autumn! What are you doing here?"he asked, keeping his voice slightly angry. He paused. "Pardon me ma'am, I was surprised." He said after he realized how harsh he must sound.

Where was Autumn? She might be in the den, but he suspected that she wouldn't be sleeping so late in the day. He wondered were she was, but knew that she would be fine, where ever she was. He kind of hoped to have her at his side however.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 01, 2015

The girl was startled and almost fell backwards in the water, but quickly twirled around and pushed her paws in the rhythmic beat of swimming. "Your right, I'm not Autumn. I'm Marble." She swam up to the bank and pushed herself out the water. She shook herself off and sat down calmly. "Sorry to trouble you sir, I was just taking a little swim." I must've not caught the sent she thought, Well at least he isn't a wolf. She lifted one paw and started to groom it. "I was just having a little walk, to get my mind off of things ya' know?" She smiled warmly and said, "What's your name sir?"

RE: spring is my wonerland - Autumn - March 01, 2015

crashing this fox party!

Autumn was digging at the tunnel. Often so far she squeezed through to get to her chamber, so she wanted to make it a little bit wider and a more comfortable size to fit through. Autumn! I- Her ears perked as she recognized Kesik's voice from somewhere outside. But she wasn't out there. Quickly she left her digging job behind and left the cave. There stood Kesik talking to another red fox. She overheard some other stuff. Marble her name was, out for a swim. Autumn's tail wagged- often she didn't get to meet many others from her species. She walked up to them. I'm Autumn. You said you were Marble? Nice to meet you, sorry to butt in. She said, with a glance at Kesik. She thought about introducing him, but figured he probably wanted to introduce himself instead of having her do it for him. Instead she said no more.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Kesik - March 01, 2015

Kesik smiled happily when Autumn emerged. She always made him happy. "I'm Kesik. Nice to meet you, Marble" He sat to, beside Autumn.
Sorry for extreme shortness!

RE: spring is my wonerland - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 01, 2015

"Well it's nice to meet you both. I don't see any foxes around very often." It was true, she hadn't seen any foxes ever sense her parent's death. All she had seen was birds, wolves, and maybe some coyotes here and there. But never foxes. "I have been wandering around, looking for a place to shelter. But every time I found the perfect place, I just forget all about it." She shrugged, "I guess I don't like staying in one place. I like adventure."

RE: spring is my wonerland - Autumn - March 01, 2015

np, it's not like any of us get exp anyway! Posts don't need to be big.

As Marble spoke, Autumn was about to offer her a home, but as she continued that thought went away. But Autumn understood, she herself was an adventurer. She would only stay in Wapun Meadow till it was warmer. Then she would continue her journey, towards the coast. Kesik and I are staying here till it gets warmer... Like, a month or two? Not long. I'm usually adventuring and on the move though, I know what you mean. She said. As Autumn mentioned Kesik she had cast a glance at him and smiled a little. He had turned out to be a good friend so far.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Kesik - March 01, 2015

Kesik nodded to show he agreed with Autumn. "We just met, and decided to venture to the coast together. But then we found this place." He looked around in awe. "It's perfect." He had a strange thought of many fox's living here, and pushed it to the back of his mind. Perhaps that would happen one day. A little fox haven.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 01, 2015

She nodded in agreement. "I have to admit, it is a beautiful sight. I remember I used to live in a place like this, just with more water." She smiled from the memories of her childhood. "My mother taught me how to swim everyday. I learned to love the water. My dad used to call me his 'little otter'." She chuckled merrily as she thought of her days as a kit. She was born in the winter time, so she was a strong little sprite. The memories of her father telling her stories while hiking in the snow warmed her with joy.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Autumn - March 01, 2015

Autumn listened to both. Marble seemed to be quite the swimmer. Autumn was a bit more of a land kinda girl, though she could swim. How long can you hold your breath underwater, Marble? Do you know? She asked. If Autumn were a swimmer and a diver, she would definitely record and try to beat her own records of holding her breath. And her cousins' records. But instead she tried to beat their fastest time in a race around the mountain. She'd always been pretty fast.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Kesik - March 01, 2015

kesik sat silently beside Autumn, listening carefully but letting Autumn do the talking. He would offer the small smile or nod, but otherwise was wordless. He was beginning to feel a little hungry, and dragged over the rabbit. He put it in the middle of the threesome, it was more then enough for two, anyway.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 01, 2015

She thought about that for a second. She had never really timed herself when she swam underwater. "Well, just a wild guess, probably seven seconds, nine seconds tops? I never really timed myself on it. Maybe I should do that in the future." She was an aplitic little fox. She always loved to dart and jump over fallen trees, and do powerful struts in the stream. But she had never timed herself. She just loved the fun of it. It kept her busy and also made her faster just in case she got into a chase.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Autumn - March 01, 2015

Autumn nodded as Marble replied with seven or nine seconds. So Marble didn't time herself. Personally Autumn would recommend it, recording records made it all the more fun and competitive. She didn't know about Marble, put she loved competition. Especially winning. As Kesik pushed forward the rabbit, she turned to him. Is this for all of us? She asked, surprised at his gift and continuing to be surprised by his skill in generosity.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Kesik - March 01, 2015

He nodded warmly and stepped back, letting the two eat first. He could wait.
(Felt the need to make the shortest post ever, feel free to skip him for a round if you two ever want to spree or something. Oh, and look. I just made this 30% IC and 70% OOC. I'll shut up nod : }

RE: spring is my wonerland - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 02, 2015

She smiled at Kesik. "Thank you!" She sat down and started taking little bites, not wanting to be rude. She enjoyed every bite. She noticed how long it must have been sense she's eaten. "You sure you don't want any?"

RE: spring is my wonerland - Autumn - March 08, 2015

btw i can't reply for a week. I'll be on vacation for spring break!

She smiled at him when he offered it to them, implying they could eat it, so Autumn bit in. It was good- and pretty good size for cold times like these. Thank you, Kesik! You should really have some, it's good. She offered, though she didn't stop her own eating. She only ate a little, not wanting to accidentally take too much of what should be Marble's bit.

RE: spring is my wonerland - Kesik - March 08, 2015

Kesik smiled ruefully. "Okay. If you really don't mind.." he dipped in a bite a small chunk of the lucky catch, smiling happily as he tasted the delicious meat.