Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow love me do - Printable Version

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love me do - Autumn - March 01, 2015

Autumn had gotten up early, slid through the tunnel and out of the den, quiet as she could as to not wake Kesik. It was before sunrise. She'd crept through the meadow, towards the edge, and away from the den. In truth Autumn was still a young love-sick dreamer girl. And so she picked a daisy that had bloomed only in the slightest, an early bird among flowers. She began to pluck the petals, quietly speaking as she went. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. Autumn reached to pluck the next petal, only to realize no petals were left. He loves me. Her tail wagged slow and slight and she dropped the petals and stood just as the sun began to rise. He loves me.

RE: love me do - Kesik - March 01, 2015

[size=x-small]Declaration time?[/size]

Kesik woke with an odd feeling of panic. He looked around, at first nothing seemed amiss. Then, he realized what was missing. He practically bolted to the surface, to where, with great relief, he saw Autumn with a petal-less flower, wail wagging. He wondered briefly what she was doing, and strolled over to her. "Good morning. Wh-"

Suddenly, he leaned in and gave her cheek a small kiss. He pulled back after a moment and dipped his head, blushing. "Sorry, Autumn. It's just...I've wanted to do that for a long time" he said quietly, staring at the ground. Great job. Now she would get angry, spurn him and leave.

RE: love me do - Autumn - March 01, 2015

declaration that they have feelings for eachother? Sure! Like how about in this thread they become bf and gf but (obviously) not mates yet. How about this is forward dated maybe about two days?

She was embarrassed when he walked up and saw her with the petals. Did he know what she was doing? Did he overhear her? But things were about to get weirder, in a good way. As her orange eyes turned to her handsome friend, he... Kissed her. On the cheek. He loves me he loves me he loves me he loves me! An inner voice squealed in glee while she was speechless in awe. Her eyes seemed distant and lovesick as she turned to him. She stepped closer and without a word, returned it with one of her own kisses on his white cheek leaving a lipstick stain on his fur.I like you, Kesik.. She confessed quietly while her banner waved rapidly in excitement. Her honey-flecked eyes staring deep into his beautiful blue ones.

RE: love me do - Kesik - March 01, 2015

KK : )

Kesik grinned like fool when she kissed him back, and told him that she like him. "I like you too, Autumn...just yesterday, I saw the coywolf and told her I'd eat her if she came near you because I really, really like you" He blurted out, feeling just as if he had eaten one of the blue mushrooms. His waving tail he stilled and entwined around hers, feeling light as air. He gazed into her eyes as well, mouth slightly agap. He quickly closed it and touched his muzzle to hers, closing his eyes. His heart felt as if it would burst.

RE: love me do - Autumn - March 01, 2015

Autumn's hackles rose when he mentioned seeing the coywolf, her worst nemesis in the whole Wilds. If she had hurt him or insulted him or anything, Autumn would get angry. That mutt better watch how she dealt with her.. friend? Boyfriend? Sorry you had to deal with that jerk. I really, really like you too... I think I love you... She said, her eyes quickly turning away from his as she blushed uncontrollably.

RE: love me do - Kesik - March 01, 2015

Kesik wrapped his forelimbs around her in a kind of fox hug, purring happily. "I love you a lot, Autumn. You're bright and bubbly and kind and happy and beautiful." He embraced her for a few moments before releasing her and shifting closer to her, so that their fur mingled. He couldn't help himself, he gave her another quick kiss on the side of her muzzle.

RE: love me do - Autumn - March 01, 2015

Her jet-black paws wrapped around him as well. And you're generous and sweet and gentlemanly and calm and handsome. She told him, breathing in his scent. His kiss sent excited tingles through her and she looked into his blue eyes. What are we then, Kesik? Lovers? Boyfriend and Girlfriend? We're not just friends anymore, are we...? She said. They needed a title if they both felt like this, if it was going to be like this.

RE: love me do - Kesik - March 01, 2015

"We can be... Foxwholovesanotherfoxthereforeisveryhappyandjoyful. s's. Or we could be Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Whatever you fancy, Autumn." They had most definitely passed friendship already, and Kesik wondered if she really wanted to be called 'Foxwholovesanotherfoxthereforeisveryhappyandjoyful-friends'
That would be quite the mouthful.

RE: love me do - Autumn - March 02, 2015

She grinned and her tail wagged excitedly. Yay then! We're girlfriend and boyfriend! What now, boyfriend? She asked Kesik. Her fiery banner waving back and forth, slowing to twine tails with him. Her orange eyes sparkled with young love for her new boyfriend. She wondered whether she'd jumped into the relationship too quickly-but figured as long as they were meant for eachother, there was no 'too early' for getting together.

RE: love me do - Kesik - March 02, 2015

Kesik smiled at her, a smile so huge it looked like it was to big for his face. His mouth hurt, but he didn't stop. "We could have a feast in our honor?" he asked her. Already his ears perked to the sounds of scratchings under the snow, but he awaited Autumns verdict on the matter. His paws ached to bring back his little friend a taste morsel.

RE: love me do - Autumn - March 08, 2015

She matched his grin ear to ear like the cheshire cat.Absolutely! Always celebrate great stuff with great food! She chuckled. She was so excited about having her first boyfriend. Of course right now Storm would be making sure he better not mess with her and Vulpis would be bragging about how her age she'd already had two boyfriends. And Autumn would probably make some retort about how they all dumped her. But her cousins, and the rest of her family weren't there to judge him. And in her eyes, he was perfect.

RE: love me do - Kesik - March 08, 2015

Kesik planted a final kiss on her muzzle before turning and listening, ears perked, to the scratchings under the snow. Suddenly, he leaped high in the air, and broke through the snow as he fall. After a moment, he surfaced with a mouse in his jaws, which he promptly lay in front of Autumn. Just like the time they had first met.

With a smile that said "I'll be right back' he turned and begun hunting for another meal, hidden beneath the snow.

RE: love me do - Autumn - March 15, 2015

Autumn smiled back at him. Get something good! She exclaimed. She watched him leave and began to ponder. What would her family think? Her mother would probably be impressed with such a kind gentleman. Father would be a bit much protective of Autumn and would think that Kesik was not feirce enough. Spice would probably approve as long as Kesik didn't hurt Autumn. It was difficult to tell how Storm felt about anything, and Vulpis would blab about how she thought that her first boyfriend was way better than Autumn even though at the moment Vulpis was single. Autumn wondered if Kesik had a feirce side. Her ears flicked forward to hear when he arrived.