Wolf RPG
i never met a cop that didn't like his jacket straight - Printable Version

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i never met a cop that didn't like his jacket straight - Starling - March 01, 2015

also AW - hunt anyone?

after she felt properly indoctrinated to the pack, starling had braved the mild weather to investigate the expanse of her home. the sheer ice cliffs to the south were daunting (she had no intention of exploring those) but the ample and generous ascent to the north was inviting. she had spent a few hours tackling the slope and eventually she was rewarded by the sight of a small herd of bleating mountain sheep.

starling had never brought down a bighorn of her own accord -- and while her stomach growled her instinct told her to wait. if she was hurt, she'd die -- and the thought alone was enough to make her decide against lamb-chops without assistance. with a sigh she slunk down along the sparse meadowgrass, her gaze ravenous as she tracked their grazing movement.