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Blackfeather Woods sigh no more - Printable Version

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sigh no more - Cicero - March 04, 2015

Compared to his siblings, Cicero was perhaps not as far along when it came to vocabulary, since he just didn't seem as curious for words as Potema and Damien. However, he was curious for the world as a whole and he did try his hardest to become motorically strong and explore all the bits of Blackfeather Woods... And beyond, when the time came.

Today, Cicero practised his sneaking skills, remembering the time that he had been taught by the scarred white wolf that used to hang around outside the den when he was younger. "Sees-roh shhh," the boy told himself in full concentration, and he crouched low to the ground and took slow, silent steps through the forest. He was hunting something in the distance, a light he saw that danced on the bark of a tree. So far, it didn't seem to have noticed him yet.

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 04, 2015

The dark male had met Burke who seemed nice enough. He walked through the dark forest exploring his new home. There were still wolves to meet and that is exactly what Ohen was looking for, new wolves. However he didn't expect to run into a pup. The ebony male watched as the youngster was sneaking around and heading toward a tree.

Ohen got low to the ground to watch the pup and he silently crept up closer to the boy. He wasn't sure if the youngster had noticed him yet, but Ohen kept approaching him ready to show the pup how sneaking is really done.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 04, 2015

Cicero was so absorbed into his sneaking that he didn't notice the other wolf that was sneaking up on him. He focused solely on the dancing light on the bark of the nearby tree. He kept low, making sure the light would not see him before he'd get there.

Then, when he was near the tree, Cicero let out an excited yip and pounced at the light on the tree. He pawed at it multiple times, but he seemed unable to catch it. Cicero looked over his shoulder at the source of the light, and he recoiled in surprise when a ray of sunlight shone into his eyes. Cicero made a disgruntled whine while he pawed at his face. Then, when the sting in his eyes was gone, he opened them again and repeated the previous thing a couple of times.

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 04, 2015

Ohen watched as the boy attempted to attack the tree. He laughed when the boy turned around and the sun shone in his eyes. The dark male wouldn't let the poor boy become blinded so he came out of his hiding spot and stood infront of the boy blocking the light. "Very good sneaking" he said looking at the boy. Ohen wanted the youngster to get a reward but he was going to have to earn it first.

He lifted his nose into the air and searched for any possible prey. A hare, yes, that would surely be good practice for the boy. Looking down at the pup Ohen spoke once more "how about we go hunting" he said in a gentle tone and looked for the pup's reaction.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 05, 2015

When there was suddenly an adult next to him, Cicero didn't startle; he just stared at the wolf and his tail wiggled in excitement. Cicero had already forgotten that he'd been sneaking moments ago, and the boy let out an excited "Yellooooooow!" while he was being praised for his sneaking skills. Cicero didn't know this wolf yet, but he was black, and so far 100% of black wolves Cicero had met were friendly. Surely, so was this one.

Cicero understood the concept of hunting up to a certain point. He had never really hunted anything before, nothing that would nourish him, anyway, so to him, 'hunting' meant catching bugs and plants and other small things that didn't put up much resistance. "Ya-ya Sees-roh hunt!" the pup agreed and he nodded. He looked at the adult, waiting for him to lead the way.

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 05, 2015

The pup seemed to agree with the male and so Ohen gave the youngster a nod before tracking down the hare. The older male walked slowly making sure the pup wouldn't get lost or distracted by anything else. Eventually the hare came into the ebony male's sight and he got low to the ground, and looked over at the boy. "Now we sneak" he said and began to approach the rabbit slowly making sure he didn't make any noise.

Ohen already had a plan on how to let the pup get involved in the hunt as well. He would grab the hare, and break one of its legs, and let the pup mess around with it a bit before killing it off.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 05, 2015

At the mention of the word 'sneak', Cicero lowered himself to the ground and started to walk really sneaky-like while he followed the adult wolf. "Shhhhhhhhh," he reminded the adult, just in case he'd forgotten how to sneak, while he followed silently.

When the hare came into view, Cicero nearly lost his patience, eager to dart towards it. He looked at the adult wolf for a moment, and then back at the hare. Another few paces he sneaked, until... "Sees go hunt!" he suddenly shouted loudly and he galloped clumsily through the forest in the hare's direction. The hare, of course, instantly reacted by making to get away; Cicero would never catch it, but maybe the wolf that had instructed him to be sneaky would manage to catch up despite Cicero's loud move.

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 05, 2015

Ohen immediately went after the hare when he heard the pup shout and go after the rabbit himself. His plan could still work, but it was going to be a lot harder to catch the hare due to the pup's mistake. Ohen leaped over the boy and went after the hare at full speed. The older male was able to trip the rabbit and break its leg, and Ohen looked around for the pup.

He didn't want the poor hare to suffer for long, but it was important the youngster knew how to finish off a kill. Ohen only needed a few deep breaths before he was back to breathing normally, and hoped next time he taught someone, they wouldn't almost ruin his plan.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 05, 2015

Cicero watched as the adult wolf overtook him and caught up with the hare. With a wide smile on his face, Cicero followed the adult towards the hare in a gallop. "Ouch toy!" Cicero shouted loudly while he giggled at the struggling hare. "Ouch ouch pain." He looked at the adult to see his findings confirmed, before looking back at his latest toy, the wounded hare, while it struggled to try and get away from the wolves.

When the hare tried to make a break for it on three legs, Cicero quickly pounced on it, now nearby. His brother Damien would have instantly gone for the throat, but Cicero instead grabbed one of the hare's front legs and started to tug it from left to right until it snapped. The hare, in a last desperate attempt to save itself, bit Cicero's nose and he let out a high-pitched yelp. The dying hare lay struggling on the ground while Cicero berated, "No! No! Bad toy no ouch Sees!"

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 05, 2015

Ohen watched the boy mess with the rabbit, and when it bit him, Ohen couldn't help but laugh. He would have finished off the hare, but he wanted this boy to. "Watch closely" he said and took the rabbit's neck in his mouth and shook it back and forth slow enough to not kill the hare.

He put the rabbit back down and looked back at the boy. "Your turn" he said and hoped that the youngster would be able to finish off the hunt.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 05, 2015

Cicero watched as the adult took the broken hare in his mouth and shook it around slowly. He then put it down and suggested Cicero do the same. Cicero was inclined to just play with it a bit more, but in the end he decided to follow the adult's lead to see where it'd go. Cicero took the hare's neck between his teeth and shook it, snapping its neck. He felt the struggling critter go limp in his mouth, and dropped it as it did.

While licking the blood from his teeth Cicero looked at his toy, which had gone completely limp. That was hardly any fun; his hunting instinct was no longer triggered now that the hare'd gone limp. "Toy go!" he shouted at the hare, but it refused to listen; it just laid there all dead, never to get up and play with him agian.

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 12, 2015

Ohen was happy when the hare finally fell limp on the ground, unfortunately the pup seemed disappointed. Ohen smiled as the youngster tried to tell the hare to go, but obviously that rabbit was going nowhere. "Good job, you are going to be a mighty hunter one day" Ohen said proudly as he felt he did a good job teaching the boy. He wondered if the pup was even intrested in eating the hare, or if he just wanted some fun.

Ohen never really had any younger siblings, and truth be told, there were never really any pups at Dragon Valley either, so he was gald to have the chance to teach the kid. The large male bent his head down down so he was at the pup's level. "Are you going to eat it, or do you just want to play" he asked curiously and looked over at the dead hare. If the youngster didn't want it, Ohen certainly wouldn't let it go to waste.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 12, 2015

The adult wolf told him that he was good at sneaking, which caused Cicero's tail to wiggle momentarily. He wasn't sure what he'd done well, because he wanted his toy to start moving again instead of just laying there, but apparently this was what the adult wanted. He watched the wolf as he was asked something. Cicero did not understand the full concept of the question he was asked, but he understood something about eating and playing.

"Sees-roh eating?" Cicero queried and he tilted his head. He opened his mouth and moved his nose closer to the adult's muzzle; it didn't even occur to Cicero to chew on the hare's meat.

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 26, 2015

IOnes watched as the pup seemed disappointed that the hare was dead. If the youngster wasn't going to eat the hare, Ohen sure was. However he waited to see if the pup was hungry or not. When the boy started approaching him, it looked like he was about to take a bite out of Ohen's nose. The older male laughed and then pounced over to the hare. "Don't eat me" he said while letting a few airy laughs escape his maw.

He picked up hare and gently flung it toward the boy. "Eat the rabbit" he said while sitting down. Ohen turned his head sideways, curious about what the boy would do next.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 26, 2015

When the wolf laughed and said not to eat him, Cicero laughed along, though he didn't understand the situation. He was not yet at the point where he ate solid food, so Cicero only knew to eat meat regurgitated by adults first. He looked again at the hare, and shook his head.

"No Cicero, wolf eats toy." Cicero flopped into a sitting position and looked back at the adult wolf, waiting for him to eat the hare; he was not that hungry anyway, so the adult could go ahead and eat the food.

RE: sigh no more - Ohen - March 30, 2015

Last post from me! Thanks for the thread!

It didn't even occur to Ohen to chew the food for the youngster. The dark male was never partially good with children, and last time he tried to teach a pup, he "accidentally" sat on their face. It was then Ohen noticed the boy said Cicero and the ebony male finally understood why the youngster had been calling himself sees-roh. With a smile on his Ohen picked up the rabbit and was about to walk away when he wondered if it was ok to leave the kid alone by himself.

"Go back to sneaking" Ohen whispered to the boy before turning and leaving him. The youngster had been by himself when Ohen found him, and so he was sure the boy would be fine. Once the ebony male reached his den he sat down and enjoyed the hare, and decided to take a nice long nap.

RE: sigh no more - Cicero - March 31, 2015

thanks for the thread, i'll archive! :3

Cicero watched the wolf as he took the rabbit, and seemed to hesitate for a moment. Cicero did not understand he intended to leave and tilted his head in question. When he was told to go back to sneaking and the wolf made to leave, Cicero finally understood. "Bye-bye wolftoy," Cicero whispered loudly, for he had already gone to sneaky mode again, and he watched as the wolf left.

After the adult wolf had left, Cicero started to sneak around yet, this time sneaking back towards home, where he would take a good nap.