Wolf RPG
When You Take My Life Away - Printable Version

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When You Take My Life Away - Ohen - March 04, 2015

The male was sprinting through the dark forest, but he wasn't going very fast as his weight always slowed him down. However he was in shape so he came to a stop and didn't even pant, but instead continued walking toward his new den. It was near the boarders, a perfect place for him to sneak away during the night and nkt get noticed. He had no idea that this pack was planning to attack the very pack his sister was in, because if he did he would kill everyone one of theses wolves who threatened her.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and could tell someone was near by, a female. She belonged to the pack, but he had never met her before. Instead of heading toward the strange wolfess he continued his way to his new den. He slipped inside a cave which could fit at least three wolves inside it comfortably. There were already several furs on the cave floor, and Ohen gave a pleased nod before peeking his head out the entrance. He looked around to make sure no one was watching him before slipping out of cave.

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Morgana Wolf - March 04, 2015

Morgana walked swiftly through the night, careful not to disturb any wolves nearby. She often liked to sit out at night and stare at the moon, whispering softy to it, as if it were another wolf. One that she could trust. She came alert, smelling another wolf nearby. From her pack. Who from her pack would be out here right now? She figured it was perhaps the new male, looking around his new home. But no, this was something else. He was walking away from the territory. Interesting....
She silently stalked towards the wolf, hoping to intercept his journey. There was something curious going on, and she would get to the bottom of it.

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Ohen - March 04, 2015

The male could tell the female was still close by. Had she been following him? He wanted her to know she was not doing a very good job of spying and called out to her. "Whoever you are, your not doing a very good job of spying on me" he said out loud and hopefully loud enough for the female to hear. He sat down and waited to see if his pack mate would approach him or walk away.

He looked around for any movement and his ears forward listening for any sound. Ohen would wait, he would wait until his packmate was gone before sneaking outside the boarders. The problem was, he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Morgana Wolf - March 04, 2015

Morgana scowled from the darkness. This wolf was clever. But something about him was..off. She stepped out of the shadows, now clearly visible to the male. I am Morgana, and you must be the newbie, She smirked. Getting strait to the point, she asked, What are you doing at this time of night, not something..secretive I hope. Any conspiracy against the pack could get you in a lot of..well, lets just hope for your sake that's not the case, She said slyly. To Morgana, it was perfectly obvious that this male was hiding something. If it was something concerning her pack, well that was a whole other level.
She could be wrong, but what else could get one so anxious at nothing?

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Ohen - March 05, 2015

Ohen watched as a dark female approached him and he was a bit curious on why she was watching him. He wasn't planning anything evil, he was just going to sneak out and look for his sister. She introduced herself and the male gave a nod of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you Morgana" he said politely and listened carefully at her question, and he would tell her the truth. "I was simply going to look for my sister, and made my den close to the boarder so I wouldn't bother anyone" he said but wanted an asnwer from her now. "What are you doing out at this time of night" he asked curious if she was planning something against the pack.

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Morgana Wolf - March 05, 2015

Morgana nodded, approving his excuse. He didn't seem to be lying. She didn't like to be questioned on what she was doing, and it certainly wasn't any of his business. But then again, she had asked him the exact same thing. I was out scouting, looking at the stars and such. Its what I do, she replied curtly. She wasn't used to getting a lot of sleep, her time traveling had made sure of that. And there always seemed to be someone trying to kill her. Why look at night? It would be so much easier in the day..Morgana asked the male.

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Ohen - March 06, 2015

The female wondered why he would travel at night, and Ohen had several good reasons why. "At night it is quiet and I am not so easily seen. Also many would be asleep, the perfect time to investigate were my sister is" he said and looked to see her reaction. It was then he realized what she said before, she was looking at the stars. "Are you a naturalist or working to become one" he asked curiously.m

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Morgana Wolf - March 06, 2015

Morgana found his explanation still just a little bit off, but she shrugged. He had his reasons. And everything always found a way to come out. If he was hiding something, it would soon be known. Morgana gave a slight frown, No I'm not a Naturalist. Anytime I try to be gentle and patient with nature, it ends up being dead. I just simply like watching the stars. To her the stars were a map, always leading you home. Its the way she found the Wilds, how she found Blackfeather Woods. Everyone has a hobby, whats yours? Morgana asked, trying to make conversation. He didn't seem to have a hobby like Crescendo, killing things, Or Twist, brewing things. No, he was different than the usual Blackfeather Woods wolf. They all seemed to be creepy, cunning or cruel in some way. This wolf had to be something.

RE: When You Take My Life Away - Ohen - March 21, 2015

He listened as she explained how that whenever she was gentle with nature it died. He gave a frown at her statement, and then thought about her question. Ohen didn't really have a hobby, at least not one yet. He enjoyed doing an abundant of things, all he enjoyed equally. "I don't really have a hobby" he told her and wondered what she would think. Like his sister he was curious and wanted to know a bit more about his pack-mates. "So how long have you been in the pack" he asked her, starting off with the basic questions.