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one god, one land, one king - Printable Version

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one god, one land, one king - Aesop - March 04, 2015

@Burke !

Somewhere between the time of his arrival and the current day, Stavanger Bay became home to him. Though at first the sea was new and intimidating, the gentle roar of its crashing waves was now such a common sound that he felt the world too quiet when he strayed far from its shores. Indeed, he had come to love the place for what it was, still an enigma, but one he would long tarry in, if fate allowed it.

And therein lay the problem for Aesop.

Through his years, he had found that he did not often get to keep the things he loved. Time and time again he had been proven right, until he privately grew bitter and shrewd. He built up walls, but they were flimsy things, built without mortar. So time and time again he let them crumble, only to inevitably reconstruct them in some new place.

Instead of try to fight the inevitable, Aesop had learned to simply try and leave his mark. In leaving something permanent, it might be a bit more real to him, and he would not be so easily forgotten. The Bay was no different. He spent his time building those skills which he thought were most useful. He settled quarrels, offered comfort, and gazed at the stars to divine their messages. And sometimes, if he grew restless and bored, he would pace the borders. It was hardly a proper patrol, but he liked to think that it helped, and that eased his worried mind.

Today he picked a careful path from scent mark to scent mark, relishing in his own perceived usefulness. It was an absent job, and he let his mind wander with his feet, only glancing up periodically when he recalled his true purpose.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Burke - March 05, 2015

thank you <3

Burke wanted to see what was up with these sea pack's lately. That one lady he met scented of the sea. He was curious because rumors were spreading about the sea attacking other packs. Burke was getting confused with all the rumors so he wanted to see for himself. The dark brother moved in closer to the pack he found. He wasn't certain if it was the right one but that would be something he would find out later after spying on them. The large tank of a male moved in to their territory, crossing their borders disrespectfully. Burke would go mad when a wolf would do that at BFW.

The large grey didn't think about that now. He wanted to spy and have information about these weird sea packs and the fights they had. Burke stayed low to the ground as he creeped in closer and closer. He stayed under a bush for awhile but there weren't any wolves close. He climbed from under the bush and trotted further until he came across a scent. His ears turned and was soon eye to eye with one of their members. Ah, well that wasn't very good. Burke couldn't really lie his way out of here. The male was certain it would turn into a fight. Slowly he grinned. "Hi," he greeted boldly.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Aesop - March 06, 2015

My pleasure!

Sometimes, one finds themselves in the right place at the right time, yet still feels as though the blessing is a curse. Aesop was all too familiar with the feeling, and knew that this would be one of those times the moment he smelled the intruder. An unfamiliar scent, free from the sharp sea-tang that clung to Bay wolves' coats, put him on high alert, and he was quick to follow the trail to the source. He was quiet as he approached, the intruder unseen but no doubt nearby, until Aesop found himself face to face with his target.

An exceptionally large male, not unlike himself, swathed in grays and seemingly uninterested in the fact that he is trespassing. The sight sets Aesop's blood to boil, and his lips curl at the casual greeting. "Hello, handsome," he rumbles, any attempts to keep his tone light lost with the sharp edge to his voice, "any way I can convince you to take a walk with me? Back the way you came." A peaceful resolution was the ideal one, though Aesop was aware that it was a pipe dream. The intruder seemed to be a fighter, with his docked tail and his scars, and certainly did not seem to be the type to back down without a fight. But there was the hope that this was a mistake, and that like Aesop, the man had an appreciation for civility despite his rough appearance.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Burke - March 06, 2015

Burke stood up from his spot, his body towering over the other male, it wasn't that unusual really. But Burke's big size also made him very slow and an easy target. His docked tail rose proudly when the male greeted him in such way. His muzzle raised arrogantly and then smirked. "I know, Can't I persuade you with my handsome looks?," he asked, teasing. He was a pretty easy going guy, but today Burke wanted to fight. If one could not spy well, one should defend itself by fighting. This male could be a good practice subject for him to spar against. A low snarl came from the male, who was utterly calm just a second ago. Burke was really well at looking utterly calm.

The tank of a male moved in closer to the cream colored male. He reminded him a bit of a creamier version of Kove, one of his brothers. Slowly a wicked smirk and sharp teeth appeared. Burke's pale eyes glinting in excitement. "Let's fight for it," he returned. "You win I go off your lands and not return again. I win and I get some intel about you sea wolves," he offered. "If you don't agree with it. Well, I say, try and win," he added. Burke instantly jumped forward. His large body gaining ground on Aesop and jumping for his throat.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Aesop - March 07, 2015

Eep! I hope I do this right.

At Aesop's size, it was not often that he was overshadowed. Many were his equal, but few eclipsed him in size. This did little to discourage him, though. If there was one thing that he knew, it was that size did not always suggest an advantage. Still, it made him uneasy, and paired with his reluctance to fight, it put him on alert.

Recalcitrant as he was, it still seemed as though a brawl was the only option. The male was itching for a fight, and his arrogance struck Aesop with the need to prove him wrong. To beat the grin from his face and teach him to fear the Bay as he should. "A pretty face ain't gonna save you here, friend," he said, voice marred by the low rumbling of a growl like the crash of boulders on a mountainside. "Good enough terms for me. We have a deal." And with that, they began. The male came barreling at him and, seized by instinct, Aesop turned, hoping to limit access to his neck. He felt teeth dig in somewhere between his neck and shoulder, the pain shooting adrenaline through him. Once they were entangled, Aesop snapped at the intruder, looking to catch a leg or shoulder, the rush of battle like fire in his veins.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Burke - March 25, 2015

I forgot it was my turn! Lalala ignore me being stupid. XD Considering Aesop is exhausted because he had only 2 HP

Burke started the fight and it didn't take long for him to have the other suffer through the pain of his jaw around his neck. Burke thought he was going to win but just like with Kove at the end the stamina of the large tank build wolf would drop so much his movements would get even slower. He was not quick enough to dodge a very successful hit. The claw barely missed one of his pale eyes, blood tickled in a small stream down from his eyebrow. "Well fought," he spoke. Burke wanted some information but now he had failed his pack. How terrible. 

The large male let out a non pleased grunt. "Well I guess I will be off then," he muttered. "What is your name by the way? I do like to know a wolf's name that was better than me. It doesn't happen often." Burke barely won himself though. It was close to being a tie, the male seemed exhaust like him. Could it be that Burke actually wanted to be nicer to the other than before? He was curious where this male learned to fight like this.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Aesop - March 29, 2015


The fight was long and difficult, more than Aesop had been prepared for.  Time and time again pain lanced through him, cutting like teeth in flesh.  By the end he was ragged and wounded, bleeding from countless puncture wounds in his neck.  He had won, but only barely, and at great cost.  Aesop's breathing was harsh and ragged, a rush in his throat as his heart pounded a rallying call through him.  "Right back at you," Aesop said.  For much of the fight, Aesop had been at a disadvantage, so he thought it silly to pay an obvious compliment.  He did so only to mask his upset.  He was not a fighting man.

"I'm seeing you to the borders," he said, his distrust of the male running far too deep to let him go alone in their lands.  His lands.  "That's not a prize you've won.  Just remember that you lost, and the Bay doesn't take kindly to intruders.  Now move." He wanted Burke gone, gone far away and never to return, never to disturb Aesop's peace again.  The call of battle was a strong one, the temptation to make himself a hero, a warrior, too powerful.  He squared himself, drew himself up, stern and monolithic, prepared to see Burke out and wash his hands of the ordeal.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Burke - March 29, 2015

Burke's heavy panting filled with the lighter colored male. It was easy to see that both males were worn out. Burke nodded courtly at the other that he accepted the compliment. The large male disliked that he has lost but he had learned from his fight and that is what mattered. "Worth a try," he panted and then started to casually walk through the borders. He was lucky that this male was letting him go with his injuries. It could have meant his death. But seeing the other male as tired as him he probably didn't have the strength to kill him, just like Burke wouldn't have the strength either.

"Yes, yes Moving," Burke snorted and then walked towards his home. "The bay wolves, they are different from the sound wolves right?," he then asked. He was just genuinely curious with all these rumors. "You both like the sea, what is so different about you two then?"

RE: one god, one land, one king - Aesop - March 29, 2015

Inwardly, Aesop breathed a sigh of relief as the man began to move with little complaint.  His expression, however, remained stony and impassive.  Though it was severe, it betrayed little.  Aesop would not truly relax until the intruder was gone from their borders.  So Aesop hovered just behind and to the side of the intruder, his jailer and guard until they were in neutral lands.

"I don't know about the sound," said he.  It was no lie, Aesop knew little of the lands around him.  There were several packs in close proximity, the Sound, the Mountain, and the Spine, but he knew none of them.  "Every pack is different.  For one, they handle their intruders differently.  Some packs torture 'em, or hold 'em hostage.  Some just kill 'em, but I've never been fond of that.  Don't learn your lesson that way, do you?  You're lucky I'm new here," though only relatively, compared to their newcomers, "haven't learned how we treat our intruders."  And honestly, he'd just be glad to be rid of him.  Torture had never appealed to Aesop, and enslavement and hostages were tricky.  A quick fight and a warning was good enough for him.

RE: one god, one land, one king - Burke - March 29, 2015

After your reply you can archive it! Super amazing thread/spar! :D Thank you!

Burke was indeed lucky and he would keep that in mind if one of the Bay wolves would enter Black Feather without permission. Burke could be righteous. A life for a life. He wouldn't kill if his life was spared. "Our pack is like that," he spoke in return. "But since you spared me I will make sure a Bay wolf will return with its life in tact if one might be trespassing," Burke promised. "But that doesn't mean that that is a free pass. I know I've been wrong." The large male would respect the other after a fight. He wasn't entirely stupid. 

Burke was close to the borders and started a trot. The male then turned once he reached the border. "Good day," he wished and then galloped off towards his shadowed lands. One thing he did know, the bay wolves security could be better. But he wasn't going to press onto if after this male had been so kind to let him live. 

RE: one god, one land, one king - Aesop - March 29, 2015

Right back at you!  We should have another sometime, Aesop would probably be a big wuss about it.  He's all shaken up.

"A life for a life?  How poetic," he mused.  How idealistic, he thought, but he would not look upon this gift unfavorably.  Mercy and fate proved to work together in mysterious and often vexing ways sometimes.  He let himself hope that this would turn the tides somehow, that ripples would make waves.  He liked to think he was important.

When Burke sped up, so too did Aesop.  He would be pleased to see the back of the intruder.  Once they reached the pack borders, he slowed, allowing the man to cross them peacefully.  "And you," Aesop said automatically in response.  He watched the male disappear, relaxing incrementally until he was no more than a speck in the distance.  And then, once all was said and done, he returned to his den to lick his wounds and get some well deserved rest.