Wolf RPG
before the fray - Printable Version

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before the fray - Leucothoë - March 05, 2015

pre-dated thread before the invasion! for @phantom but anyone can pop in :)

By day, Leucothoë lingered at the Seas edge. Soon the battle would come. The silver girl was no warrior, but she was at the very least versed in defensive maneuvers and a fighting style that suited her stature. The youth was quick. The Sea and Amazons had taught her the basics.

Even now, the sterling youth could see the Moon in the sky. Her lips moved as she sought guidance, and the Sea lapped at her toes in a comforting manner. She did not look forward to leaving this place for battle, but to protect their own she certainly would.

RE: before the fray - Phantom - March 05, 2015

Farther along the beach, lay Phantom, too staring at the moon. Her maw was opened in a soundless howl, her eyes closed. Sometimes, she would pretend that her howl was real, and that she could hear it traveling to the moon. For a few more moments she lay in the praying position, her silence eerie. Her eyes slid open, and lowering her head she finished her silent prayer to Mother Moon.

She trotted back to the flat rock she had placed her supplies on, the shriveled blue berries she had used to dye the fur of the plump squirrel blue, the color of the sea. Carefully she picked up the squirrel, it's blue fur covered in strange runes and markings, etched with a claw dipped in red.

She wandered into the waves, and bent her head, releasing the squirrel from her jaws. The water was quick to take it deeper into the sea, leaving a trail of purple in it's wake. She watched as it disappeared into the depths. Now to see if the Mother would be happy with her sacrifice.

She swan back to shallow water, and begun to swim along the shore side, warming up. The cold water didn't bother her too much, as her thick artic coat kept away the chill.

RE: before the fray - Leucothoë - March 05, 2015

Leucothoë watched the waves with great interest. They were so very peaceful this day... So calm. Noting something in her peripherals, Leucothoë whipped her head in that direction. It was the lovely pale wolf she had met with Wynter the other day. Her tail twitched idly as she watched the other send something quite clearly dyed into the sea–the last time she had checked, she had seen no walking blue creatures wandering their territory–and the silver girl is quick to alter her days plan.

On all fours for certain now, Leucothoë moves to trot toward the white woman, tail waving pleasantly as the youth approaches. “Why was it blue?” the curious Leucothoë wastes no time in showing off her curious nature, something the girl was trying to quell (Minthe had warned her it could get her into some trouble, one day).

RE: before the fray - Phantom - March 07, 2015

The white fae's paws met sand again, and she walked a little ways up the beach before shaking her pelt dry. Some sort of underwater flower remained stuck in the fur of her neck, but she made no move to pull it off. On the contrary, she craned her head and admired it for a few moments before the sound of paws drumming sand alerted her to the scent of another.

She turned to see silver fae who she had met just a few days ago. One of the wolves who had come from another pack, and from what she understood, to lend guidance to Caiaphas? Phantom didn't quite understand to a full extant to as why they were here, but she simply accepted it and did not question their presence, as long as they did no harm to their pack.

She dipped her head to acknoledge the sister, then flicks her ears in acknowledgement of her question. She motioned for the other to follow then made her way up the beach to the pile of various shriveled berries. She crushed one between her paw and the flat rock, and it leaked out the dark blue liquid that she had applied to the squirrel.