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The darkness and the light - Printable Version

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The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 05, 2015


Morgana walked swiftly across the valley, sniffing out a medium sized animal not to far away. She had only eaten once throughout her journey, only a mere squirrel. Her stomach growled loudly, her hunger growing.
She suddenly stopped, alert. Another wolf was near. But she continued, too hungry to stop. This time the curiosity would not win.
She finally found the creature, it was snuffling about, looking for food. Her mouth watered, waiting for the right moment to pounce. She hid behind a bush, crouched in a pouncing stance. She was too hungry to notice the wolf had gotten closer.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 06, 2015

Scarlett made her way through Wapun meadow to start with the relocation of Adartok. She had been scouting several den sites that would be perfect to be the alpha den for her and Kove. It was difficult to detach herself from her future mate. Her coat smelled of Kove. She loved it. Scarlett trotted through the valley when she noticed a dark female being on a hunt. Scarlett sat down because she didn't want to scare away her prey by walking past. Maybe the female would even be mad about that.

So Scarlett sat down and watched how she was catching her meal. She didn't had any duties to do that required to go anywhere pronto. It didn't matter at what time she would arrive at Adlartok to bring him to the new lands.

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 06, 2015

Morgana lunged at the creatures back, not giving any attention to the female who was watching her. After a small fit of thrashing and shrieks, the animal was dead. Morgana ripped open the soft part of its stomach, indulging into her dinner.
After licking her paws off of the grimy blood that spattered against them, she stood up. Now completely aware of the female watching her. She could fell eyes on her but didn't know exactly where the gaze was coming from. She concluded that the female was camouflaged in the snow, making her almost impossible to see. But her scent said otherwise. She knew the scent from somewhere. Sniffing around more, she remembered. Kove. Kove is a female? No there had to be another explanation. Ahhh, this had to be his lady friend who he had left the pack for. Pathetic, was her response to the whole thing. Come out, come out where ever you are.. Morgana teased. She really didn't like being at the disadvantage, for the she-wolf could attack her at any time.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 06, 2015

Scarlett didn't know that the snow was hiding her so well. She didn't made any effort to hide herself. She just stopped her motions completely so the other female wouldn't be bothered by her. Scarlett watched the female search for her, a soft frown came on her face. "I'm here," she pointed out clear enough. "I wasn't even hiding." If she was a bit bolder she would ask if the female's eyesight was okay, but she didn't. It didn't feel like the right lady such a thing. Her nose registered that this female was from black feather. Oh! Kove's previous pack!

"You look very hungry. By all means you can eat. I was just stopping because I didn't want to scare away your meal," she explained kindly. Her tail moved in the same gentle manner as she carried herself. Scarlett's own tummy was full, she wasn't hungry for the prey the other female just caught. "You are from Kove's previous pack! Well technically Meldresi's. She is a nice alpha," Scarlett chatted. Remembering the day she met Meldresi sunbathing and they had girl talk about her cutie puppies. Scarlett had no idea that not a normal Meldresi she encountered.

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 06, 2015

Morgana instantly felt stupid for her "impaired" eyesight, how could she not see the female right infront of her. *Mental facepalm* .Morgana knew perfectly that she could eat, she didn't need this princess to tell her what she could and couldn't do. Meldresi nice? Yes, she was a great Alpha and kind towards her followers but to wolves like these, nice wouldn't be the word Morgana would use. More like tolerant. But then again, Morgana didn't know her that well. But that would change soon. This white female probably caught her on a good day. Morgana's suspicions were confirmed when the girl talked about Kove. And you are the girl he left for. I would never do that, love is weakness, Morgana stated. She realised she was raining on this female's parade by her sad and cruel talk. I am Morgana, she said. She was to respect the mate of a pack mate, even if they technically they weren't pack mates anymore. Kove was kind to her. And now she would have to repay that kindness.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 07, 2015

Scarlett curiously looked at the female, at first she thought it was Crescendo but the scent was too feminine, still she could smell him in this female's fur. Scarlett disliked that male. Her red eyes moved over the other, wondering if he was just a packmate to her or not. Well, she got her answer quickly enough. 'Love is weakness'. That probably meant she and Crescendo weren't together. Scarlett frowned, she was only saying kind things and now this black lady was not being entirely nice back. Rude.

The red eyed female heavily disliked it when someone talked bad about her Kove. He wasn't weak. "Hi Morgana," she returned, normally she would say 'Nice to meet you' but now she didn't. Scarlett felt super badass. "I'm Scarlett," she spoke. "And I don't appreciate you talking about Kove like that. He is in this club with the red paw and I see your aren't. I believe it is very disrespectful to talk about a red paw wolf like that. But that is what I know." Kove had told her bits about his 'club' but not enough to scare Scarlett away or talk about the brotherhood. He wasn't allowed to talk about it after all, so in return Scarlett grasped a bit of the concept in return.

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 07, 2015

Morgana frowned, No, Kove is nice. He was respectful to me, so guess I have to return his kindness. It's just in my opinion..never mind. Lets start over shall we? How is Kove? Morgana asked..nicely. It really wasn't in her nature to be this kind. But this was Kove's mate. He was a friend. No Kove wasn't weak. But love was.
She shook the thoughts from her head. She didn't need to worry herself of the pale couple's love. It's wasn't any of her business. She foucused her attention on the female, waiting an answer to her question.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 07, 2015

Scarlett looked at the female and was pleased to see her change her behavior towards her. Yeah if love is so weak then why are you changing your behavior towards me. If I had been a stranger and not Kove's love then I would have met a different female, Scarlett thought. Love was super powerful but she was not eager to give this female a lecture about that. Scarlett smiled back utterly sweetly, which didn't look fake since she was a nice being in general. "I'd like that."

"Kove is doing very well, thank you for asking," Scarlett hummed, being her beaming self again. "We are almost done setting up the pack and we found a perfect location," she returned.

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 07, 2015

Morgana was suddenly intrigued. A new pack? Surely Kove wouldn't have left to start a pack to ruin BlackFeather Woods? No, they were probably making one of those sappy ones that was all "Oh no! She stole my future mate! Oh no, we must defeat all evil! Let's bring peace and joy to all the world! " and Blah blah blah. How boring. She wonderd how Kove could make such a pack given his past experience in the Dark pack. There had to be some evil element in his new pack, or he really had changed. For the worse, in her opinion. It didn't seem like the female infront of her was anything like that, but looks can be deceiving, like Fenris. Frail and sweet on the outside but on the inside was a demon from the very pits of hell. Morgana became suddenly wary of Scarlett, she didn't even know her. Oh well. A new pack you say? How interesting. How will it be like? Morgana asked, being sweet but straight to the point.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 08, 2015

Scarlett looked at the other female that didn't seem pleased with her talking about a new pack. The light female found it a weird question to ask. How would it be like? Well she wouldn't know. She hadn't been Alpha before and that was the same for Kove. A soft shrug came from the wolfess she had some idea but she wasn't going to tell Morgana that. Her pack would have some ties to Black feather since Kove was still in their secret club. After the shrug the red eyed female smiled.

"Who knows what it will be like," she returned with some air, raising her tail a bit. She was feeling more confident lately. "I will let you eat," she added then back to all her kindness. She would need to head on with her day anyhow. "I feel like you don't really want me here, which is fine. So that means I will be removing myself from this place," she stated coolly.

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 08, 2015

No, wait! Morgana rushed. She didn't want to leave this conversation on a bad note. Especially when the female could go off and tell Kove about the conversation. And she don't want an old friend to be a new enemy. Sorry, I don't mean to come off rude or distant. It's just the way I am, Morgana shrugged. She didn't know why she was so open and different lately. Ever since the..NOPE. No no no no no, NOT going to think about that. She redirected her attention to the female, eager to hear her response.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 09, 2015

Edit; I swear she has a talent of making dark wolves her friend. Meldresi, Kove, and now maybe Morgana XD

Scarlett turned around to the darker female a she had been starting to walk away. The red eyed female smiled kindly, which could be taken on as something suspicious for a dark wolf like Morgana. "Look Morgana. You might disapprove of me or think I am weak. But I am not. I've been mentally and physically bullied for more than two years, day in and out just because I looked different. My own mother made my life a living hell. I think I know when someone doesn't want me in their presence and that is okay. I find that being nice to someone you dislike is being stronger than just plainly hate and wrath towards this being. Kill them with kindness," she explained.

"I might not look strong in muscle but I am strong in mind. I also did not want to spoil your day by just having a forced conversation. If you are rude and distanced that is just you being you. I don't mind to have wolves dislike me since there is always several that try to make my life sour," she shrugged. "I'm not saying you did today. I'm sure you have your own hardships in life that made you this way. I thought it would make you more relieved if I would go and you could have some peace and quiet. Unless I saw it wrong and you do want a friend?"

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 09, 2015

Morgana lightly smiled at the female's kindness. She felt a pang of regret, thinking such things about her. Just because she was born different, didn't mean she had to be treated horribly. Her appearance, to Morgana, was actually really cool. Her red eyes were intimidating, As for weak, well, she had a good amount of fight in her. But her kind nature masked that. But the red eyed female was wrong, her hardships made her stronger than she already was. Morgana cocked her head, a friend request? That had never happened before. Could she possibly be friends with a wolf outside of Blackfeather Woods? Was it possible? It could... But it wasn't her. She felt the need to be her friend, that it would be nice to have one. But she didn't quite know her that well. Blame her trust issues. Well, i'd like to walk away from this conversation with a new acquaintance, a friend, but I'm not sure i'm there yet. If I get to know you better, that could be. Morgana smiled lightly.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 09, 2015

Scarlett seemed to have won the female over at least one bit. Or so it seemed. Her red eyes stayed on her. It also seemed she was a female of not many words. Scarlett liked to talk. You should see her and Crëyr. They were best friends and crazy talking all the time. Scarlett offered her friendship but was also a bit rejected by the female. "Alright. Then we will do that," She spoke with a smile on her lips. "I don't want to force you to be friends with me. Something like that comes natural. Sometimes fast and sometimes slowly."

Scarlett had the feeling that this female never really had a friend before. That seemed obvious. The red eyed girl licked her lips curious if the female would accept.

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 15, 2015

Sure, Morgana replied. Morgana was suprised, this she wolf was quite surprising. Her level of understanding was admirable. Most she-wolves (at leased the ones she had encountered) were to say the leased, snobby. Especially the ones who thought they were all that. But this one was different. She had some sense. Morgana could see why Kove liked her so much. Morgana wondered how Scarlett came to be without a pack. She didn't seem the one to break rules, unless provoked. And what wolf would kick her out the pack? Obviously a stupid one. Speaking her mind, she asked her. How did you come to be without a pack? , asked out of pure curiosity. Morgana quickly realised that it was probably a tough subject, a personal matter. You don't have to answer that if you don't want. Sorry, I'm just naturally very curious. Morgana apologized. 

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 15, 2015

Scarlett liked how Morgana was getting more considerate. The red eyed female had no trouble telling how she disapproved of her previous pack. Surely it may come of negative to even be kicked out a pack but Scarlett liked to think she left herself. "Don't worry. I don't mind telling. I was always very timid, lately I've seemed to have grown and speak up when I disagree with something. The founder and I already didn't meet eye to eye. So when I spoke up against her, she told me I could leave. Frankly I wanted to leave. She attacked a child that wasn't her own. I am not obeying a child attacker." 

Scarlett had been very serious about that. Now Adlartok was safe under her care. He would make it, and once they started the new pack there would be plenty of food for him to heal from his injury. Outcry could also help with treating the wolf. 

RE: The darkness and the light - Morgana Wolf - March 15, 2015

Morgana sneered at the words of the red eyed female. What kind of scum attacked a child? Even for Morgana's standards, that was cruel. Well, good riddance. Which pack was that? Perhaps they need a talking to, Morgana teased. However, she was completely serious. That was disgraceful, a helpless pup? And that was something coming from Morgana.

RE: The darkness and the light - Scarlett - March 16, 2015

Scarlett wasn't sure if she wanted to speculate and talk badly about Duskfire but then she reminded herself that all the members of DFG not one did talk back to Tuwawi for being unreasonable. It still bugged Scarlett. "It was Tuwawi from DFG. She is the child attacker," Scarlett replied to Morgana. "They are the glacier pack? Up North? Yeah. She is mentally unstable or something. Ever since she returned from god knows where."

Scarlett cleared her throat feeling bad to talk this way about Tuwawi. But she hadn't been nice to her either, so Scarlett was slowly learning that it was okay. These were all facts. She could show Adlartok and his injuries.