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Ouroboros Spine Belated Valentine's Gift - Printable Version

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Belated Valentine's Gift - Kaname - March 05, 2015

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Cara - March 09, 2015

this is cute :3

[size=medium]"in the land of gods and monsters,
I was an angel"

[size=small]Despite the fact Cara was not one to sway for romance, she had an undeniable taste for beauty, especially about her own. Being a vain girl that often prided herself in her appereance, not to mention took advantage of her looks, the Spine Queen was a sucker for complimens; in every shape or form. In her mind, beauty was not a gift, but a weapon that if handled with the correct precautions and with the sufficient intelligence could become of lethal caliber.

So with her still baby-empty belly stretched over the floor and her legs crossed idly as she allowed the weight of her eyelids to win the fight against her desire to stay awake, Cara napped. Her tail twitching ocassionally as the breeze brushed its fingers across her exposed back.

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Kaname - March 10, 2015

Kaname held the ridiculous-looking and chubby hare tightly, stopping himself when he felt the flowers slipping. He took a slow and deliberate place, heading back to the den, where he figured she would most likely be.

She was laying out on the ground, her eyes closed. He hoped she was only napping and not in a deep sleep as he placed the rabbit down by her face. The assassin nudged her lightly, chuffing to get her attention. "Hey, wake up."

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Cara - March 12, 2015

[size=medium]"in the land of gods and monsters,
I was an angel"

[size=small]Before the gentle prod of her mate's nose and the shivering that was produced by the cold sensation his touch left behind, Cara was sumerged in the most strange of dreams. While the memory of having laid down to rest under the flickering shadows casted by the clouds overhead was vague in her memory, it was somehow hard for her to recall if she was asleep or if in fact the images being projected before her eyes were real.
The lines and creases beneath his tired eyes was too real..
She had to be lucid.

But she wasn't.
With a strangled yip and a little jolt of surprise the Queen pulled herself from the floor only to find herself staring not at her father, Freud, but at the icy pools of another man, her mate.
Immediately after recognizing him a smile was brought to her face, curving her slightly messy post-nap appereance into one that was more pleasant, more inviting.

"Hello to you" she barked, her voice still drowsy and her mind briefly flashing back the image of her deceased father in the back of her mind, sending a pang of melancholy across her veins before her pale eyes shifted to the small heap that was the rabbit beside her feet.

"What's this, hmm?" she asked, genuinely amused, not to mention surprised, by the intricate designs of flowers the animal had woven around its neck.
Then with her head swinging back to Kaname she allowed her lips to raise over her gums to expose a bright smile that gave away her delight -- not only had his gesture managed to appeal to the Queen's eyes with the vibrant flowers but also, to her hungry stomach.

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Kaname - March 12, 2015

He snorted softly in amusement as she awoke with a un-queenly yelp, her eyes bleary and her fur messy from sleep. He found the look adorable, in a way. Especially when it was coupled with her smile. "Hey sleepyhead." He rumbled softly with affection before licking her forehead gently.

The assassin breathed an internal sigh of relief when Cara took to the rabbit without a hint of disgust in her eyes. That had pleased him. He could do this more often without being embarrassed, at least with her around. He could not say the same of his packmates. "The best hare and the prettiest flowers I could find in early spring. A gift befitting a queen." He declared, smirking a little. "Hope you like it."

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Cara - March 19, 2015


With the faint image of her father's face still lingering in the background the Queen blinked rapidly in an attempt to shake away the drowsiness that remained and the nostalgia that threatened to come with her father's remembrance. She accepted his gentle kiss with delight, only twisting her ears back to allow his tongue to rasp over her forehead freely
It was rare that the Spine's leading couple shared such gestures of affection, yet it was still as welcomed and appreciated by the young Queen.

While her desire of having children to carry her genes and last name still remained latent in her heart, it was for now the preparations and clearance of the area from the pesky enemies they had what concerned her the most. Yet, she knew that some day, some time, she'd have to get pregnant.. and after her detailed talk with Finley, a friend she had made from the neighbouring Caldera, she knew what she had to do in order to be.. pregnant.

For now, however, this was not a cornern.
Immediatley after the reasons of his gift were given, Cara could not repress a soft 'aww' from escaping through her lips. While it was true that Cara, being the attractive female that she was of course, had had her fair share of admirers, none had proven to be quite as devoted as Kaname -- because she had never given them the chance either..
"Worthy of my heart" she barked with a satisfied smile stretching through her narrow muzzle, "I love it" she declared with the same conviction he had used, her neck craning delicately as she planted a soft lick on the tip of his nose.

"But I would love it even more if you joined me to eat" she then added whilst lowering herself to take the first bite, her glimmering pale eyes inviting him to help himself as well.

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Kaname - March 24, 2015

Kaname flashed a small smile at her "aww". He would be blushing like a Japanese schoolgirl if he had been human. But he could still feel the heat radiating in his cheeks and tried to keep his face stoic in case Cara could feel it. He was the strong one of this relationship, dammit. But he could hardly keep up that façade when she placed chaste kisses on his nose and thanked him and cooed in delight. Dammit all.

He was surprised when she had invited him to share in his gift. The Gamma had intended on simply dropping off the gift and watching her eat it contently; he would feed himself later. But he truly wondered how good it would taste. It certainly smelled nice.

He watched her take the first bite, and snuck in beside her to tear off a leg. She deserved the choice cuts of the hare, after all.

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Cara - March 27, 2015

Softly, as her sharp incisors carved out an opening on the animal's plump body, Cara allowed her tail to fall into a soothing ryhtmn behind her. Things in the Spine had been quiet lately, and though she could not deny she enjoyed the silence and tranquility that finally came with the promise of the end of the cold Winter days and nights, she could also not deny that the lowkey profile Mara had been keeping was holding her on edge.
Since the 'fortunate' intervention she had had with her and one of her own, Gaiban, Cara had been caught in a feeling of unrest.
She had tried to fill the young boy's head with lies, and while he had not buyed any of her shit, she had also left clear that that was not the last crap show she had planned.

Still, as she swallowed the tender meat her lover had brought for her, no thoughts of the infamous bitch came to mind. There was no reason to ruin a perfectly good dinner over such an odious creature. 
"Spring is almost here" she barked then, inbetween the slow chewing of her mouth, "I'll miss the quiet of the den..." she added, swallowing quietly and raising her eyes to meet the icyness of his own.

The nights of two were almost over.

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Kaname - March 28, 2015

He busied himself with the plump leg, silently congratulating himself on this catch; it was delicious for this time of year. He did not speak, quietly enjoying the silence between them, only punctuated by the crunch of bones and tearing of flesh as they ate. Kaname gnawed on the leg bone; he had devoured the leg swiftly, and busied himself with cracking the bone in order to get at the marrow.

When she stopped to speak and met his gaze, Kaname's own stared at her inquisitively. Was she pregnant at last? Or did he have to help her conceive? "So will I, but I will enjoy the sounds of little ones much more." He gave a small smile to his mate.

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Cara - April 06, 2015

With her viperine tongue still cautiously removing all traced of her meal from her lips, the wild Queen of the Spine brought her eyes to meet her lover's. She was not implying being pregant, and truth be told she was not sneaking a suggestion to get under the sheets either -- she was merely foretelling what would, sooner or later, arrive for the Spine.
The blooming of the flowers and the chirp of the birds did certaintly create a certain romantic mood -- yet in the pale eyes of the Queen, there were things to be tended first.
Even as a shameless promotor of public displays of affection (ask Sinaaq), the thought of getting down right then and there was not in the young Queen's plans for the day.

The meal he had brought had already sated her hunger --- all of it.
Now, with her ears pricking in amusement to his own replying quip she allowed the tip of her tail to curl and wave above her back playfully. Kaname did not seem much like the 'dad' material -- even if he was repeatedly mistaken for her own -- yet he spoke with what Cara perceived as genuine excitement.

"We'll see how long that thought stands.." she barked with a gurgling chuckle flowing from her chest. As a first time mom-to-be Cara had really no idea how much effort it really took to raise a child, but her expectations, being as high as always, told her it was not going to be an easy job.

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Kaname - April 08, 2015

Being a little older (ok, a lot older) than Cara, Kaname had more experience seeing how pups were raised. It was a fulltime job, especially for the mother. "I'm sure I can handle it." He said, matching her chuckle with an almost confident smile. "And I'm sure you could too." He nuzzled her cheek.

"I'm not going to live forever and neither are you, though I've got a bit less time." He did not have an inkling of sadness at that notion; he was raised with the expectation that he would die, but now he saw that he might pass on in his bed someday, gray and creaky. "We should make sure that a part of us is still going to keep on living, right? If you think about it that way." He sighed. "But look, I'm not trying to rush this at all, but I think we're ready for it. I think the pack is ready for it too."

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Cara - April 10, 2015

A flutter of butterfly wings suddenly invaded her chest as with the characteristic and reserved sweetness he had for her and her alone, assured her she would make a good mother. Since the first weeks after their first intimate encounter the fear that the title of 'mother' was not fit for her to wear began to terrify her. Not having grown with a mother figure by her side, and not ever having contact with younger wolves before, the decision of attempting to bear and rear her own children was truly a shot in the dark. 
Yet, the gnawing fear and anxiety had never been able to gnaw off her desire to spread her genes, and at the same time her legacy.
His vote of trust was truly appreciated -- silently, but still.

"I don't want them to come into the world if I know it still isn't perfect for their arrival.." she began, her voice tinted with the slightest hint of nervousness. Even if there were still no traces of developing life in her womb, Cara was already certain of at least one thing: if something were to happen to those children (still inexistent) because of an error in preparations for their home, nurturing or safety -- she would not be able to forgive herself, or him by default of being the other parent.

"We can keep trying.." she barked, seeking the eyes of the older wolf as she bitterly tasted the truth in his words, he was really not going to live forever. "We can actively try if you'd like but, understand me Kaname, I do not want to birth any child to be later killed by our enemies" she barked a little somberly, feeling no need to specify who the enemy were. 

"Are we truly ready?" she questioned. 

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Kaname - April 10, 2015

"The world's not going to be perfect, no matter what you try to do. Believe me." He interjected, regardless if Cara took verbal notice. She needed to hear that, more than anything else. He cannot have her trying to force the world to bend to her will, because that would only destroy her in the end. He could not bear to see her end like that. "Our parents, everyone's parents gave birth to their children knowing that. It is a risk you have to take."

One thing did cross his mind, however, in the midst of his thoughts. What if either of them were infertile? What if all of this was for naught. The Gamma pushed the thoughts away for now. They would just need to try more, just to be sure. "I will make sure that that will never happen." He said, completely serious. When (and if) Cara became pregnant, he would be certain to increase the patrols and sequester her away somewhere safe. "The pack is strong and well fed, our enemies are few. This is the perfect time to do this, Cara."

RE: Belated Valentine's Gift - Cara - April 20, 2015

baby i'll miss this :c last post for me feel free to squeeze a last one

Being a selfish perfectionist Cara thought his answer, as real as it was, to be unnaceptable. She could smply not bear the thought of not being and not providing her own children with the best, yet she could not argue with him. She had not been brought into a perfect world, she had a broken family since her early months and her mother died of illness and her littermates made her life a living hell. Yet she had gone above all those hardships and she had conquered it all.
Perhaps it was only through those rough edges that she had been able to shape herself into the diamond of a wolf she was now.

Maybe he wasn't so wrong.
There was anyways, nothing lost with trying --again.
"I hope so" she breathed, her voice an inaudible whisper carried in the wind as she, waving her tail, as only she knew how to, began to turn around coyly, leaving the impending invitation to make her surrender to his carnal desires unspoken.