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Duskfire Glacier bodyache - Printable Version

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bodyache - Kaskara - March 06, 2015

All welcome! :)

Kaskara decided to visit Duskfire Glacier as they moved northward, toward their new home. She had yet to see the peak her brother spoke so fondly of, but she was excited to get there. It would mean home, peace, and prosperity. Above all, it meant rest. But today she decided to veer away from the pack and visit one she held dear in her heart, though she had only been here once: Duskfire Glacier.

As she neared the borders, the scents that greeted her were unfamiliar mixed in with Tuwawi's. Who had been here? She smelled Njal, though it was faint, and a few others she did not understand. Kaskara paused far from the border, her nose working to sort through the scents, and gazed fondly upon the glacier in the distance. She did not want to trespass and at this moment she didn't want to call for anyone, either. Who would she call for, anyway? She didn't know what was going on within these borders anymore.

RE: bodyache - Manauia IA - March 09, 2015

Gonna be vague since things with AS haven't been sorted. mind if we set this before the raid?

Manauia spent a lot of time on the edges of the territory, though she resented this place slightly less now that some had departed the lands. Tuwawi she could deal with, for the woman showed strength, if far too much emotional instability. Malachi was still here but his presence was not strong as it had been, and she wondered how long it would be before he too departed. Hopefully not long.

She was pacing the edge, considering leaving for a short time to make another quick trip to the coastal lands. She was divided, though. Their safety here was uncertain and she did not want to leave Tezca to deal with such danger alone. With her luck she would return to find him gone or injured, her duty once more failed. She wondered if, at that point, she could even call herself an Amazon any longer.

A stranger drew her attention away from that upsetting thought, a shadow on the horizon. Standing, she broke into a run along the border to intercept. They moved slowly, not appearing to be intent on trespassing, but with recent events she could not be too careful. As she drew closer, she found the stranger wasn't actually moving at all, but rather staring in. Unusual. "What do you want?" she asked abruptly, not remotely caring if the greeting was far from polite. At least the stranger was female, so she did not receive outright hostility. Just wary mistrust.

RE: bodyache - Tuwawi RIP - March 14, 2015

Like Manauia, Tuwawi patrolled the border tirelessly ever since receiving the gift left by the sea wolves upon their borders. The pack's defense was her top priority, so it was only a matter of time before Kaskara's familiar caught the matron's attention. Swiftcurrent's nostalgic aroma drew the ember from the tree line, approaching the wanderer and Manauia with a lofty stride.

The last words of her comrade's statement rang in the air as the alpha sidled up besides the amazonian, and spurred Tuwawi's ears to cup forward expectantly, curious to what Kaskara had to say.

RE: bodyache - Kaskara - April 01, 2015

That sounds good! Quick posts are fine with me. :)

Kaskara wasn't alone for long. Another, lighter in coloration, joined her within moments, and demanded to know what she wanted. If Kaskara was a more hot-headed creature she would have balked at that, but instead she simply watched the woman before her and wondered what had crawled up her butt and stuck there. After a moment's pause, she decided it was best to answer her truthfully. "I know the wolves who formed this pack many moons ago. I came to visit."

It was at that point that Tuwawi joined them. Kaskara smiled at her, not knowing her as well as she should, but still glad to see her nonetheless. "Hello Tuwawi. Last time I came 'round, you weren't here. Seems the glacier has had a rocky start." Kas knew nothing of the issues with the sound, and therefore could not know what, if any, reaction that might spur. "Swiftcurrent is no more. Scimitar, Bazi, and I have moved the pack. We are still journeying northwest." Kas wondered what the matron would make of that news.

RE: bodyache - Manauia IA - April 08, 2015

A visit.  How quaint.  At least she wasn't dropping a 'gift' on their borders, but still, in Manauia's eyes she was no more welcome.  Thankfully for Kaskara, though, she wasn't calling the shots here.  Nor did the huntress wish to.  When Tuwawi approached, she gladly stepped back, allowing the woman to do as she would.

She stood on behind, though, cold gaze fixed on Kaskara and wondering how Tuwawi would, in fact, react.  She studied the visitor, but it was the Alpha on whom her real attention was fixed.  Tezca had some sort of fixation on this wolf and, so far, Manauia had yet to see what so intrigued him.  She wondered if perhaps this could give her insight into what held him... and how she could sever it.  Besides, Kaskara's words held no meaning for her.  Even if she had cared, she had no knowledge of the places - or individuals - of whom she spoke.

RE: bodyache - Kaskara - April 20, 2015

I'm going to go ahead and reply, assuming that Tuwawi was called away. Is that okay?

Kaskara watched her former beta with a distant look in her eye; Tuwawi seemed distracted and distant, like she had other things on her mind. That was confirmed when a howl rose and she was called away. Kas nodded to her former leader and gracefully acknowledged her. Kaskara turned her bright eyes back toward the other, wondering what her relation to Tuwawi was.

"Since she's been called away, maybe you can tell me of the glacier's progress." Kaskara did not know what to make of the woman, but watched her warily. It would be stupid of her to let down her guard, but since they were a few yards away from the borders, she risked a glance toward her face. Kas wasn't trying to threaten her, simply get to know the face of the glacier's wolves. She shifted her eyes away respectfully, ears trained forward.

RE: bodyache - Manauia IA - May 05, 2015

Sorry! omg this is so dated but here's something ;.;  It isn't much to respond to but Manauia is... difficult.  If you need more let me know!

Manauia's ears tipped back with displeasure as Tuwawi departed, leaving her to deal with the other alone.  It appeared she wouldn't be gaining any insight today, and she had no desire to speak with this outsider.  It was in no way part of her duties to the glacier, and Kaskara was nothing to her.

"There is little to tell, and nothing I desire to speak on."  It was true enough, for another baser reason as well.  She was hardly integrated enough with the pack to know how it truly fared.  She hunted, she stalked the borders, true enough.  But she showed herself little and spoke even less, so would have no ken as to 'how the glacier fared' aside from the obvious points; war had been declared against them, and they lacked a strong foundation.  The former she saw as an exciting challenge, the latter a flaw that would be unavoidable for any non-Amazonian pack.  And neither were points that this other needed to hear of.

RE: bodyache - Kaskara - May 11, 2015

It's okay! Let's try to make it to 10 posts. :)

Kaskara watched this woman carefully, wondering what her problem was. Kas was not an enemy, but she supposed she wouldn't know that. Tuwawi had been called away, so her source of information had vanished as well. Her words, spoken so bluntly and without much emotion, grated on Kas. She wouldn't be much help here.

Soon she would need to return to the pack, to their journey northwest, but for now she remained. What was this girl's problem? Kas understood the need to be secretive, to keep things close to the chest, but with the leader's former pack mate and friend? What harm could divulging a little of how the Glacier fared do to them? None, as far as she was concerned.

"I'm sorry for that," Kaskara said, wondering if the girl would even understand her sentiment. Probably not. "And I'm sorry that I've seemed to impose upon you. I simply came to see how some old friends were doing, and to pass along information of our whereabouts." Kas shrugged then, unsure of how to continue. She would need to leave soon, but she would remain long enough to see if this woman would relay anything. "I don't think I introduced myself earlier. I am Kaskara, outrider and beta. And you are?" She left it open, but wondered if the other would return the favor.

RE: bodyache - Manauia IA - May 29, 2015

omg I knew I forgot someone! Luckily Mana is rude af so we can wrap this XD

Kaskara was correct - Manauia didn't understand the sentiment, nor why this wolf was even here. How was the status of this pack in her interest? "Someone who is done here. You've delivered your news, and I have none to give even if I wanted to. So you would be better off finding another for your answers."

As was her habit, she left then, twisting her ears though with only vague curiosity. She did not care to see if the woman would stick around or leave. That was hardly her problem. If Kaskara wished to find out how Duskfire was doing, she would be better served by asking one who actually cared enough to know. The Amazon was hardly even a member and definitely not an informed one.

RE: bodyache - Kaskara - May 30, 2015

Thank you! :)

Kas had never known Tuwawi or Njal to consort with such rude creatures. However, her thoughts on the matter remained unvoiced, as she watched the very rude and quite bitchy creature turn and leave. It wasn't her place to stop her, and Kas certainly didn't want to after that display of hospitality. So instead she simply watched her receding back for a few minutes and then turned to leave, wondering what on earth was that woman's problem. Kas had bad days, sure, but she had never been rude for the sake of it. After a mile or two, she pushed the woman from her mind, and vowed to return to speak to someone more knowledgable than the last.