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Sequoia Coast stranger than earth - Printable Version

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stranger than earth - Levi - March 06, 2015

Clouds scuttled overhead, gulls wheeled on the wind and cried out, the sound carrying above the waves that crashed below. The sand and beach that stretched along this area of the world was free territory, and the half-grown child that stalked along its edges blended into the grey day. His eyes, bright turquoise at turns, flashed as he surveyed the land, looking for shells and sand creatures and crabs to add to his naturalist collection.

Levi paused by a pile of seaweed washed ashore by the high tide and began digging into the green mass, searching. Would he find anything worthy today? As he dug, the waves crashed along the shore to his left, though he paid them no mind. It was the sound of his life, his childhood, and he felt comforted by it. Small creatures were moving in the seaweed as he moved it, and one jumped on him, biting down. Levi yelped and shuffled back, shaking his head to rid himself of the creature on his nape. What was that?!

stranger than earth - purity ring

RE: stranger than earth - Leucothoë - March 06, 2015

Leucothoë rarely strayed from home. But she was debating on becoming an Outrider, and wanted to test her will. The woman despised leaving the Sea, and so for now stuck nearby... so long as the waves were near, she felt alright in her activity. Naturally she had told her family of her intent; she just wondered how far she would be able to go before feeling the need to return. Should she come back with something...?

In the distance was a form digging into the seaweed. The silver youth paused in her trek, and lifted her head to observe... and watched as he jolted upward and yelped. Leucothoë snickered, and kept her distance, content to simply watch.

RE: stranger than earth - Levi - March 06, 2015

The annoying biter was quickly displaced and Levi bent once again to digging in the seaweed. After a moment he found what he was looking for - a shell. He picked it up carefully in his teeth and laid it down in the clean sand, away from the other debris and detritus on the beach. Then he turned once again to combing through the tangle of ocean flora, looking for more shells.

As he was digging, more of those tiny creatures flung themselves onto him, some biting down. Levi yelped, shaking himself all over, trying to get them off. Once he was satisfied they were all gone, he grumbled something under his breath and moved away. He picked up his shell and left; he didn't want to get bitten any more by those stupid minuscule creatures.

RE: stranger than earth - Leucothoë - March 06, 2015

Leucothoë continued to watch him. He found something, and her ears perked as she watched him place it aside. She rose to all fours, now making to approach him. Whatever he had, she had decided she wanted. The Seas gifts were not meant for men, unless Her daughters so decreed; and today, Leucothoë did not. She stopped when more of the oceans tiny crustaceans fell upon him, they themselves punishing him from taking what was not his right to take. But he did not listen to them, the insolent fiend, and so she resumed forward, her pace quickening as she saw him turn to go.

The silver youth bristled. Σταματήστε! she yelled, her voice high and not nearly so commanding as her mothers. The pristine, well-kept girl felt her strides lengthening as she sought to reach him, her bright eyes narrowed. She was on a mission.

RE: stranger than earth - Levi - March 06, 2015

Levi was not long alone. A larger, silvery woman approached, speaking in a strange tongue. The Ostrega stopped mid-stride, the shell in his maw, and his turquoise eyes studied her. What did she just say? What did she want? He dropped the shell gingerly at his paws and turned back toward the woman, who was now moving toward him with purpose.

"What did you say?" he asked, his voice raspy and gravelly from disuse. He did not speak much, but when he did, it was with clear understanding. He didn't know this woman, and whatever language she used was unfamiliar to him. He watched her, bright eyes intent on her, taking in her body language, gleaning that she was angry with him. For what, though?

RE: stranger than earth - Leucothoë - March 06, 2015

It was when he turned that again, she stopped in her tracks. Her breath caught in her throat and the expression on her face was swift to transition from shocked to accusatory. He spoke, confused; but was it not just the other day that this same wolf spoke their tongue? She finds it hard to remain composed, but for the minute appears just that as she gathers herself. Stop, she translates, her eyes looking him over. He looked unkempt, which was different from the time she had first seen him. The first time, he had been pristine and presentable. Now... well, he seemed out of sorts.

Where are you going? She thinks to ask then, knowing for certain he was not going home. She was unsure how things worked at the Sound, but at Themiscrya, abandoning the home for any measure of time without consent from the Queen herself was punishable by however the Queen deemed fit. Her tail lashed impatiently at her hocks, an expectant look upon her face.

RE: stranger than earth - Levi - March 26, 2015

Sorry for the serious delay in reply! <3

Levi paused when she spoke the word "stop" and turned to look at her, wondering what on earth she could want. He studied her for a long moment, thoughts and questions tumbling through his mind. Who was she? What did she want with him? The way she acted seemed to suggest that she knew him, but Levi definitely didn't know her. How could she know him, then?

She asked where he was going and though Levi wanted to answer her, he was afraid. Her tail flicked dangerously behind her, thrashing her legs in her annoyance, and instinct took over. Levi crouched low, ears flattening to his skull, his own tail tucking between his legs. He did not crumple, however, or roll over in submission. He simply made himself smaller and watched her with wide, frightened eyes.

RE: stranger than earth - Charon - April 13, 2015

@levi i figured i'd pop in here since leucothoë's gone -- i pp'ed her leaving so this thread won't go to waste (:

Levi was not in Stavanger Bay, and while Charon himself often travelled out of the pack for this or that, or simply to explore, it was rarer for his brother to do so. Charon had taken it upon himself to search for his brother and bring him home, for he did not wish for anything to happen to Levi; or perhaps they could explore together for a little while before heading home, but at least it would be with the knowledge that Levi was safe. Since Levi was the only sibling -- the only biological family -- Charon had left here, he felt very protective. And Levi was a bit of a pushover, always gentle, kind and quiet, so Charon thought it would be too easy for someone to take him if they wished, for him to wander all alone.

When the strange, grey wolf, with tones much like Levi's, came into view, Charon quickened his pace. He galloped closer to the wolves and yelled, "LEAVE LEVI ALONE!" as he charged on in. Levi was on the ground, crumpled down instinctively, while Charon raced forth. However, after he yelled and joined by Levi's side, his head high, tail curled over his back and heckles raised dominantly, the adult wolf simply turned to leave. Charon was surprised by this, and he watched as she disappeared, almost as if the calling of Levi's name had made her realise that she had made a mistake.

RE: stranger than earth - Levi - April 18, 2015

Thanks! <3 I think one more post from you can wrap this up. 

Soon Charon arrived, loud and boisterous as he was, to save the day once again. He stormed up to the female and scared her away with his barking and yelling. Levi turned toward his brother as soon as the woman left and whined, licking his chin in thanks. "Charon!" he whimpered, falling at his brother's feet. "She kept on talkin' in this weird language. I didn't know what was happening."

Levi whined again, wondering what on earth would have happened if Charon hadn't come to save him. "Less go home." He suggested, turning to pick up his discarded seashell between his teeth. Then he turned back toward Charon, feeling shame and humiliation course through him at the thought of what might have happened if not for his brother.

RE: stranger than earth - Charon - April 23, 2015

@levi could you toss in one more post maybe? then i can finish it with another after that -- that way i can use it for exp too :-)

Charon's heart swelled with pride as Levi fell down at his feet and whimpered about how confused and scared he was. The incident with the monster would always remain hidden from everyone, Charon decided -- he wouldn't tell anyone, and no one would ever know -- and this act of heroism in saving his brother would mark his slate instead, making him look like the superior hero he was... Even if the stranger hadn't needed much persuasion to be chased off.

"It's gonna be okay, Levi," Charon toughly said, making sure to sound cool and heroic so that Levi knew he was all safe now. He nodded at Levi's suggestion to go home. Nudging his brother's shoulder, Charon asked, "What'cha got there?", curious for the prize that Levi had gathered. It looked like some kind of seashell, or whatever, though Charon wasn't sure why Levi would want to have some seashell. Was it a special one? Did it have magical properties, perhaps?

RE: stranger than earth - Levi - May 05, 2015

Charon told him it would be okay, and Levi believed him. He loved his brother and would follow him anywhere. When he asked what Levi had, he placed the shell carefully at his brother's white feet. "Just a shell. I've been collecting them." The shell wasn't anything terribly special, just a spiral shape, but Levi had liked it for its markings. It was that light silvery white color, with spots all over it. It reminded him of Charon.

"Can we go home now?" he asked, bright eyes watery. He would never stray from Stavanger Bay again.

RE: stranger than earth - Charon - May 06, 2015

Charon wasn't sure why Levi liked shells. Maybe he pretended they were treasure and kept them hoarded somewhere. Levi said that he wanted to go home while Charon tried to get a glimpse of the shell, and Charon nodded and nudged Levi's shoulder as he came into motion. "Cool, I'd like to see it when we're home," Charon said and he started to trot homewards, making sure Levi followed closely.

While they walked home, Charon looked over his shoulder occasionally, making sure that nobody was following them, least of all the creepy grey wolf that had harassed them earlier.