Wolf RPG
Sequoia Coast crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Printable Version

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crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Twister - March 06, 2015

Open for anyone, either save him, kill him, or leave him to die. ;) Set right on the shoreline, maybe between SB and AS.

The sun had begun to rise behind him as he had sank onto the sandy shores before the ocean. Sides heaving with exhaustion, the pain near unbearable as it radiated from his swollen hind leg. That damnable coywolf had gotten ahold of him and he had paid the price when he had made it through so much. From there on out, things had become so increasingly difficult that he suffered more than he thought were imaginable. It had been days since that event and it had taken him literal days to press as far as he thought he could away from the wolves altogether. His efforts to find his comrades was purely in vain; they hadn't made themselves known, let alone allowed themselves to be discovered easily.

Not that he could have tracked them now; he was too consumed by the pain in his body and the ever constant hunger in his gut. But the anger that had burned through him had dwindled to nothing more than an ember, ready to be snuffed out. In a way, his life was beginning to seem very much the same way. He stretched out on the shoreline uneasily, prone completely on one side. Twister did not have much will left to pick himself and keep going, let alone enough willpower to move himself to somewhere more secluded.
rise against — collapse (post-amerika)

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Bindi - March 07, 2015

I couldn't resist! Let me know if you want me to change anything!

Bindi had been admiring the beautiful sea, from the mountain's peak, and today she set off to discover what the great ocean had to offer. She liked being near the water, it was so peaceful and calm, but the air did bother her here. She continued to walk along the shoreline when she spotted something up ahead. At first she thought it was a wolf, and ran to go help it or see if it was injured but then she saw the true identity of the creature.

One of those filthy pathetic muts that threatened her home. A low growl escaped her, and her golden eyes fixed on the wolf like creature's throat. She wondered if the mut was already dead, and trotted closer to get a better look at the creature. She remembered that this was the leader of that group of muts, and Bindi's hatred only grew. She had no idea if the creature was alive or not, but she went up to one of his hind legs and sinked her teeth into it. If he was alive he couldn't escape now, there was nothing left for him but death.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Twister - March 09, 2015

You're fine!

He heard the approach of another long after he had smelled her. A wolf. Another goddamn stinking wolf. But Twister did not bother moving any more than he had to put himself on the ground, didn't even bother turning an ear towards its approach. Any other wolf could have investigated him and poked at him at length and he would have ignored it, but this one seemingly took it another step further.

His contentedness in ignoring her was jarred abruptly as she sank her teeth into his leg. It couldn't have been the other leg that had nothing wrong with it, she sought out the one that had already been battered and twisted about. If it hadn't been broken before, it was certainly close to it now; he howled with pain and wrenched himself up, folding over backward on himself in some vain attempt to get her to stop.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Bindi - March 09, 2015

This post is so random XD

The creature was definitely still alive, and Bindi let go of the leg as it howled in pain. She would not show mercy the the pathetic mut, but instead torture him, until he begs for death. Just like she promised. She watched with hatred, and smiled at his suffering. However the midnight wolfess was feeling a bit off today, and decided to do something completely random. She walked over beside the (most likley) dying animal, and sat far enough away from it so that it couldn't reach her easily.

She was positive the mut was unable to run away, and even if it could, it had no chance of outrunning Bindi. She looked out toward the sea, a smile on her face, and she turned her head to look at the male. "So....how was your day" she began, and held back a laugh. She wasn't sure why she wanted to have a conversation with the mut, but she figures why not get to know the guy your going to kill.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Twister - March 09, 2015

When his attempt to reach for her failed, he watched swiftly as she backed off and settled somewhere else. And in that time, Twister rose on his remaining three legs with difficulty, quivering at the newfound exertion it took merely to stand. The pain had brought him back to a sense of awareness, most specifically the one that questioned how things had become so bad. He remembered this wolf clearly, though he saw no reason for her to be out so far after him. All they had wanted was food, and it had been food they had been given.

But this one seemed to possess a malice so great that he readily marked her as the enemy. The mirth in her tone as she queried him was met with a huff. He would not humor her with an answer, but instead brought his gaze to her own. If she had come there to attack him repeatedly, he would be ready for it this time even at the disadvantage. Twister was many things in the end, but a fighter was one of his primary functions.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Bindi - March 09, 2015

She watched as the male ignored her question and stood on his feet. She was impressed, even though he could barely stand he still fought to stay alive. If the male was planning on attacking her, he was a fool. He could barely stand, and he really thought fighting her would be the best thing. She stood and looked out to the sea one more time before turning her attention to the canine.

Without warning she leapt forward, but instead of gowing for his throat she decide to just knock him over. She wanted him to know that his life was in her hands, and nothing was going to change that. Bindi wasnt sure what she would do with his carcass, maybe eat it, or leave it for the birds, however that would only matter if she actually succeeded in killing him.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Twister - March 09, 2015

apologies for the shorter post, i figured it was easier to go with strict action than anything. :X

She charged forward and he knew instantly that her intent was to bowl him over. Twister found himself shifting his weight forward to meet her own, though this attempt was also in some degree, vain. Her bulk in comparison to the wastrel he had become was enough to topple him over, but he went down snapping and snarling, trying so desperately to grab for purchase and tear, tear, tear.

It was madness and he knew it, but he had become mindless along the way.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Bindi - March 10, 2015

your fine <3

She managed to knock him over, but when his teeth connected with her chest, she let out a yelp in pain. It was not a deep wound, but it bled and the patch of white fur on her chest, now had red mixed in it. This only enraged her more, and she decided she has had enough, and her golden eyes found the male's throat.

She went for his throat hoping that she would soon taste the sweet blood of her enemy. She prayed that she could finish off the male, and that he would give up and stop fighting. Although Bindi doubted the male would give up easily, but she could be wrong.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Twister - March 11, 2015

His teeth connected with something as they had come down together and Twister had wasted no time in doing what he could to her. But he lacked the strength to rip right on through whatever he grabbed and because of that, she escaped his hold easily. It did not come without damage to herself though and this he knew. He had no more time to right himself a bit before she had swooped in upon him again.

This time, his attempt to stave off her blows did not succeed as he would have wanted it. Her teeth caught him high up on the neck, jaws sinking furiously into the side of his jaw and head both. The pressure there was immense and he was left with no choice but to try and shake her off. How easy it would have been for her to simply re-position and strike again, having him down to the ground already with no sure way of getting back up.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Bindi - March 21, 2015

She was successful in her attack but the damn mut just wouldn't give up. She tasted the blood of her enemy and it satisfied her. She held onto his neck as long as she possibly could, but somehow he was able to loosen her grub on him and she let go. The midnight female was sure that by now that the male had no chance of survival, he if he did escape her. Her golden eyes locked onto his bleeding neck, as she took a deep breath.  

"Your already going to die, don't you want me to make it quick" she asked and left no time for his response as she went in for his throat once more. It was now the mut's decision if he would suffer, or if she would make it a quick death for him. If he resist then she would let him die slowly, if he allows her to end his life, it will be quick. The choice is his.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Twister - March 21, 2015

Fade on your next post, perhaps? Fading this out.

She repositioned her grasp and he felt his life slip in between her jaws.  Her words were muffled and distant, partially lost behind the rush of emotion and pain that he felt.  This was not how he wanted his life to go and certainly wasn't how he wanted it to end.  But in a way, she was right.  He was going to die and this time, it wouldn't be at a time or place of his own choosing.

A snarl bubbled up in his throat, though he found his response difficult to perform.  There was no getting out of this on his own and he knew that in his lame state, there wouldn't be anyone coming to aid him.  Her mark was true and had struck deep into the musculature of his neck; Twister felt his very soul cry out not to be extinguished, but he could not muster the will to struggle with her for long.  Those attempts were feeble and failing, and his gaze drew in the sight of the ocean and its horizon as it ebbed away.

Darkness would greet him soon, and it came to him swiftly.

The malinois ceased to breathe and his tenure on the earth ended just as it had begun.

RE: crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace - Bindi - March 30, 2015

She felt him struggle against her, and just as she was about to leave him to bleed out, it felt like he had given up. A smile formed on her face even with the male's neck in her mouth. This would send a message to all those pathetic muts to not mess with the mountain wolves. She released his throat and looked at him once more before leaving.

It felt good to injure him, to make him suffer. Bindi didn't know why she liked that feeling, but she did know that she wanted to kill again. The midnight wolfess would soon strike again, and next time, she'll have a bit more fun with her prey before ending their life.