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this place was calling my name - Printable Version

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this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

The delicate Moon Child had found her place. Blackfeather Woods. It was like heaven to her, though to others it was looked as hell. The darkness made her shiver in joy rather than horror. It made her quiver in honor rather then cowardice. This was where she belonged. This is where she would thrive. This was the perfect place for the Moon Child. A place where she had not to worry on behavior to others. Only to her queen, the Brotherhood, and herself. Anyone else she would not respect nor tolerate.

She rested by the foot of a tree and looked up at its branches. They seemed to be laughing with madness. Their branches were sprawled and the leaves shook wildly. The girl closed her eyes and breathed in the air. This was her new home. This was her turf.

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

The huge shadow, darker then night, had scented yet another presence in the dark wood he called home. It was female, and therefore it was his duty to...greet her. He came across her looking up at the branches of a gnarled tree, the species he did not know. He found things like species and weather boring, tedious. There was much more to life then knowing the names of trees.

He chuffed softly to announce his presence, eyes glinting coldly. This one, like all the others in the dark woods, was pretty. Very pretty.

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

She opened one eye from the chuff to announce his presence. She didn't want to be bothered right now, but she didn't care that much if she had company. She looked down to see a dark brute. Charming indeed. "Hello sir," she said in a soft, calm tone, "Wasn't expecting company. My name is Lusa, but they call me Moon, or Black." She stretched out her legs and sat down. Her tail swished from side to side. "And yes, I am new here if you where going to ask. I'm not one for small talk you see."

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

Moon. The name set off a memory... the white brute, Moonbane, who had sired Meldresi's pups, and then disappeared.

Crescendo ignored the thoughts and looked down at the female. "Greetings, Lusa. I am Gamma here." His silver eyes scanned over her body, taking her all in. "I trust you have been briefed on our customs here? That you know of the dark Brotherhood?" His ego was inflamed, it had always been. The slaves help inflate it, as well as the females he took whenever he pleased. He offered her no smile, no emotion yet. She would have to earn them.

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

She nodded her head. "Yes. And I respect the ways of your costumes . I will do the best I can to respect the ways of the Brotherhood." She may be an all-out disrespectful devil, but she had truth in her words. Even if a Pack had a custom of letting bears rule their world, she would respect that. She was raised to believe that all ways of life should be honored and respected, even if they went against your will. To not go by that law would be beyond disrespectful and rude. She would do as the male told, for he bore the mark of a red paw on his shoulder. The mark of Brotherhood.

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

Crescendo dipped his head. "Very good. And what skills do you offer?" His eyes darkened for a moment, mind suddenly turning over a dark thought. For a moment, a tiny fraction of a second, his eyes portrayed something other then sanity, but as quickly as they had darkened, they cleared. His ear twitched in annoyance, a tiny flick, that like his brief slip, should not have been noticed.

Every day, though his pack mates did not know it, Crescendo was changing. Maybe, his ego was to inflamed.

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

His expression changed for a quick second. But it didn't really phase her. "I offer good hunting skills." she started, "But I get bored of that most of the time. I live to fight. I was trained at a very very young age to be a killing machine. I show no mercy to anyone nor anything." She stood up and walked around him with long strides. "I don't take kindly to trespassers or anyone who pushes me around. I like to be looked down as a warrior. I will prove that." The words came out as a low whisper. She seemed in a flirtatious mood today.

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

A grin spread on Crescendo's face as she spoke, then begun to circle him with long strides. "Only the strong survive. You will be among them, if what you say is true." His eyes sparked with amusement as she circled him, and he gave a soft chuff. Sitting, he watched her with a flirting grin on his muzzle, only his silver optics moving.

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

She smirked in happiness as she walked around him. "Believe me, I'm no weakling." She felt satisfied, so she moved in closer, brushing her fur against his. Her breath was warm against his hide. Her smile widened as she said, "You seem to be enjoying my company hm?" Her strides became slower and softer.

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

She brushed against him, and his breathing came quickly for a moment, but he got it under control as her hot breath brushed his pelt. "My dear, I believe that it is impossible for anyone not to enjoy your company" She slowed, but still Crescendo moved only his eyes. A small smirk was still on his face as he watched her. Yes, she was a natural at this...

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

She chuckled in response. "That's funny. Most people are terrified of me." She had to admit, she was flattered. She had people compliment her a few times, but never like this. She stopped by his side and gave him a light kiss. "Well I'm having lots of fun sir." She smiled softly, "What's your name Casanova?"

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

Her kiss, he enjoyed. A lot. He turned to her slowly. "I am Crescendo. I can be your worst nightmare....or your most intimate dream." He bent forward and sniffed her cheek, his hot breath ruffling her fur. "Tell me, Lusa, which do you prefer?" He already had an idea of what her preferences were, but he wanted to hear them from her.

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

She smiled as she knew he was enjoying this. She was enjoying this very much. "I don't know. I do like dreams. But nightmares sound more appealing to me." She kissed him lightly on the ear. This was fun to her. More entertaining than laying around and doing nothing. Her mouth curved with satisfaction and her piercing blue eyes glinted.

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

(A little bit of PP here, but nothing to cause harm. If you want me to change anything, tell me in your next post.)

Without warning of any sort, he leaped at her and bowled her to her side, placing a paw on her side to hold her down firmly, but not harshly. He bent toward the girl, eyes inched from hers. "Choose carefully, dear."

He placed a kiss on her muzzle, and slowly begun to move down her neck before looking up at her again, examining her.

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

(No its fine :) I'm using mobile so bare with me XD)

She was pushed into the ground, but not hard enough to injure. She smiled as he kissed her. She wanted to mess with him a bit. "No. Be careful what you wish for." She flipped him off her belly softly and got up. She placed her paws on his belly and laughed. "See? I'm not someone to be taken so lightly." She placed her paws back on the ground to let him get back up. She gave him a little smirk.

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

He allowed her to flip him over, moving his bulk until he was on his back, her paws on him. When she took her paws off him, he made no move to get up, simply rolled to his side and looked up at her. Morgana, unwillingly, had sated him earlier, and while he wouldn't turn away this female, he wasn't desperate, either. "I can see that, Lusa."

RE: this place was calling my name - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

[size=xx-small]Last post for me![/size]

The male had unwisley stayed in the spot. She leaned over to give him a bite on his belly, but then licked the blood clean. She kissed him on his muzzle in return and said in a soft voice, "I'm serious when I say don't underestimate me. You may be in the higher favor, but if I where you, I would watch my back. You would never know who is my victim or how I would deal with them." She gave him a sharp nudge and pulled herself up. "I need to go. I hadn't had the chance to take a look around half this place. But I'll be back... trust me." With that she turned around, whipping his nose with her tail, and seeped into the darkness she had loved for her whole life more than anything.

RE: this place was calling my name - Crescendo - March 07, 2015

She nipped his stomach, a drop of blood leaking out. She kissed his muzzle, then left with a few words. Amused, Crescendo watched her depart. What she meant by her last words, he wasn't entirety sure, but didn't really care. He was a bit miffed by her threats, though meaningless to him (Or so he thought) but decided it was just her attempting to make a name for herself. Chortling softly, he stood and melted back into the shadows, blood occasionally dripping from his stomach and littering the earth.