Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Relax and stay a while - Printable Version

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Relax and stay a while - FitzDutiful - March 07, 2015

FitzDutiful was in the mood to meet his members. There had been a few new arrivals that he hadn't really gotten to know. He had seen them at the borders and had yet to actually get to know them in any way that could help them make Silvertip Mountain a home. Padding softly out his den as to not awake pregnant Raissa, he headed towards the pack meeting place - the cave with the pretty quartz crystals.

Throwing his muzzle into the air he let loose a howl that reverberated around the cave, filtering out of the entrances and down the mountainside for @Ayita to come and join him. He had picked this location because, if for some reason she didn't show or was delayed, he could spend the time examining the clear crystals. It was interesting how they had formed and with the gain of his naturalist trade, FitzDutiful found himself appreciating these sights more and more.

RE: Relax and stay a while - Ayita - March 07, 2015

Ayita had been dozing lightly, enjoying the warmth of the spring sun as it wore away the cold of winter from her bones, dislodging the ice cold chips that had frozen like bitter regret in her fur, when the sound of howl called her from sleep. It rang far and wide, calling those who were new to the pack and her as well in that number. Pulling to her feet, letting the melting remnant of snow dust fall from her fur as she made her way up to the source of howl.

The quartz cave came into view just moments before she saw her alpha and it's beautiful shine almost took her breath away. Little remnants of light had begun to light up the cave and it's beauty was deeper than anything she had seen before. Ayita crouched a little as she stopped a few paces from her alpha, head ducked down and submissive. She found this sometimes grating but it was the way of the world after all. "FitzDutiful, you called for me?"


RE: Relax and stay a while - FitzDutiful - March 08, 2015

Thanks for joining!

Ayita came quite promptly after his call and paid her respects. FitzDutiful was kind of amazed at how many wolves remembered to give the proper respect. Although he had never known anyone to not respect their alpha it had been heard of for some to resist paying full respect if they could get away with it. It appeared, though, that his pack was not one of those.

"Yes," he said, when Ayita mentioned that he had called for her. "I was hoping to get to know the members of my pack a little better. What kind of trades you were interested in, things that I can do to help you, ideas and suggestions for ways to bond the pack - things like that." He wanted to ask her those questions outright but this was also a counsellors test of character. He wanted to know if she had the kind of personality that would answer questions that floated unasked or if she needed direction questions in order to provide answers. This would help him understand how best to connect with her.

It was time for him to start using his trades in his leadership.

RE: Relax and stay a while - Ayita - March 09, 2015

My confusion levels are so high xD English is not my strong suit @FitzDutiful

Ayita grinned at the questions, though she had really the answers she was sure her alpha wanted. Every alpha she had met seemed to want well-developed wolves, who knew what they wanted and needed and were on the path to achieving their goals. Well.... Ayita really didn't have any of her marbles in the right bags and she rarely had any extreme or central goals in life. "Well, I've never thought of it too in depth before. I've never been a forward thinker, much more a act-in-the-moment kinda gal but I think somethings warrant some deep thought and this is one of 'em."

She thought deep and hard for a few minutes, summing up herself in a few sentences. "Trades... I'm interested in being a Chronicler and maybe a Counsellor. Many wolves dismiss how important our histories and the stories of our ancestors truly are. Many, many moons ago they say the paws of the Father walked the earth and now we walk this same place. Is that not a good enough reason to respect the earth we tread?" She paused for a moment, drawing her thoughts together. "I suppose I just want to help the pack, in any way I can. If I can teach the young to avoid mistakes now, they will not have to learn the hard way in the future. There's not much you can really help me with, unless it's just to point out anything relevant I should know."

RE: Relax and stay a while - FitzDutiful - March 10, 2015

Really?! Your English seems better than mine haha!

Ayita answered the unasked questions and FitzDutiful smiled as she did so. It was helping him to get to know her. He nodded as she mentioned not being much of a forward thinker and mentioned her trades. Chronicler was definitely one that he would encourage. They pack didn't have one of those yet and he had yet to meet any pack members pursuing that. Counsellor was handy, though FitzDutiful wasn't entirely sure he would need a counsellor personally, he saw that some wolves in the pack may prefer to air their problems to a non-leader on occasion - a worthy trade. When she mentioned teaching the young he wondered if she meant the trade Caretaker too.

"Those trades seem very worthwhile. Though I know nothing for stories, I know of a wolf at Blacktail Deer Plateau who could help you with that trade. Osprey is her name and she was acquiring a Chronicler trade when I last met her. I can also provide you with the basic facts of our history to weave into stories as you will. For counsellor, I also hold that trade so any tips and tricks I know I will happily share with you. As for the latter, we should have pups joining us within the next few months. If that's the kind of teaching you intended?"

He waited for her responses, hoping that she had meant taking care of the children. That would take yet another weight off his shoulders if so.

RE: Relax and stay a while - Ayita - March 13, 2015

Haha, glad you think so. @FitzDutiful

Ayita grinned at the hope in his voice at the end, almost a request it seemed and she laughed gently. "Yes, that's about it. The caretaker trade would compliment my other trades I think. I'm not built for fighting really, don't have the muscles or the build for it. I'm quick and light on my paws, so I was also considering outrider but I don't think I have the forethought and tact to do it justice."
She thought for a few moments, trying to make a decision. "I might see if I can find Osprey then. I still remember the many stories of my people and culture but I would love to hear her ideas and stories, for there is still more that I can learn. I would honoured to help teach these stories to the coming pups, as well as taking care of them if that's what the pack needs. I have a soft spot for pups anyway." She smiled sheepishly.

RE: Relax and stay a while - FitzDutiful - March 17, 2015

FitzDutiful nodded, he was liking this new recruit quite well. If she really dedicated herself to the trades then the pack would have a valuable member indeed. "Let me know how it goes." he said, in response to her visiting Osprey. It would be good to know how she was doing. He remembered fondly the time when they had created a story together, back when FitzDutiful had also considered the Chronicler trade - before he realised that he had no affinity for the subject!

"I like that your strengths are in line with our packs weaknesses." he told her straightly. His counsellor trading told him that the wolf in front of him wouldn't take this amiss. "It's good to know that our pack will grow stronger by having you here and I, for one, could definitely do with some help when the pups come. Raissa would probably also appreciate having a female around to help. You should talk to her and see if there's anything she needs now - not long until we're hoping landed with lots and lots of little ones!"

FitzDutiful fell silent momentarily and let Ayita pick where the conversation went next. He wasn't sure that there was much more to do with trades that he could offer unsolicited.