Wolf RPG
Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Printable Version

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Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Mikael - March 07, 2015

@Tempest Here we are~ Sorry it's so short.

Mikael had been travelling for thirteen days now, through the southern lands of Teekon Wilds and all the way to where he stood now, following the scent of the one had left behind. He'd already passed through his old pack, trying to find her but to no avail. He had though her lost to him. They had only just begun to know one another, to perhaps gain interest in one another but hopefully she would still remember him, injured and scarred as he was.

He howled at the border of the mountains, calling not for an alpha but for the one who he hoped remembered him.

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Tempest - March 07, 2015

The pale fae sat by the edge of the still water of the pond, the water undisturbed by nothing except for the tiny drops of water a dripping icicle produced. She looked at herself, noting how she had changed. Of course, the fresh scars, and then there was her paled pelt, and her features had become more refined and sharp. Her eyes, it seemed were the only part of her that had stayed the exact same.

Even her pack had changed. In the short time she had been away, Bindi had been appointed Beta, and another pack mate had joined them. Tempest could not say she wasn't a little envious of the female, but Tempest knew how supporting and trust worthy the female could be, and knew that Fitz had made the right choice. 'Beside' she thought bitterly 'I'm already marked as a deserter.' At least her old pack knew what had befallen her now, and that she hadn't really run away.

Perhaps Fitz had doubted she would return after her couple weeks leave, learning about herbs for her healer trade. She wouldn't blame him, but wished she could do something to prove herself as trustworthy as any other pack mate.
A howl cut through the air, haunting, the one sound she had never expected to hear again. Her muzzle whirled in the direction of the sound, ears perked, before her head fell. She was being stupid. He was long gone, his scent having almost faded from her memory. It was only the stubborn part of her that held on to fragments of memories spent underneath the moonlight, confiding in the golden male she had called her friend...perhaps more. But he was gone. That she knew.

Never less, she made her way at a steady lope toward the howl, slowing when it's owner came into view. What a coincidence, for he too was the same golden that her friend had been...

With a start, her eyes picked out familiar accents in his coat, and soon she was only a few feet in front of the male she had thought left her forever. Her face was shocked, and thousands of emotions whirled behind her eyes. Happiness. Anger. Shock. Longing. Surprise. She stood wordlessly in front of the male, who couldn't really be him. No, she had to be mistaken.

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Mikael - March 07, 2015

There was a moment, as everstretching as eternity and as short as a whisper of the wind, when Mikael thought she would not come. The snow was melting, dissolved into the ground and perhaps her affections for him had done the same. He had left her, to find the truth and the answers and the truth had been that he had already found it. He had found everything he needed right where he was but he had dismissed it, thinking that the truth lay out there but it was a lie. The only truth he had found, where the things he had left behind.

Then she rounded across the hill, pale in the light and it was if he had breathed for the first time in months. He had not realised the depths of his own emotion but she was oh so beautiful in that moment. She was paler perhaps, with scars to add to her life and definitely different in bearing but her eyes had not changed an iota, not at all.

Her stare was wide, her gaze troubled and confused and angry and shocked and everything in between and she was there, tangibly there. "Tempest...."

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Tempest - March 08, 2015

Tempest stayed where she was, a couple feet away. Her expression didn't change, and for a moment her muzzle opened and closed. "Why?" she said in a tiny voice. Then, in a small voice that was completely emotionless, she asked "Where did you go? Why did you just disappear? Why did you forget me?" Her voice broke on the final word, and she looked at Mikael with wide green eyes, still struggling to stay afloat in all of her swirling emotions.

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Mikael - March 08, 2015

How could Mikael tell her? How could he explain, the depth of the sorrow that had collected deep within his gut? That he had found the land he had once lived in, found the bones of his father in a cave and that he had just curled up and wept the bitter saccharine of true regret. He had no words to tell her, no way to make her forgive him. "I went looking for the truth. I went looking for answers. And my foolish heart made me so blind to the fact that the answers where here. You are the truth... I went home. I went to find my family, to find my sister. I found nothing but bones and ashes and dust." Those last few words broke him and perhaps he had been too long. Has she forgotten him? Had he left her too long, caught up in his own soulful pain?

"I can't ask you to forgive me. But never did I forget you. Never. How could I?"

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Tempest - March 08, 2015

As he spoke, the pale fae took a step closer, eyes sorrowful. So he too had found that nothing remained of his family. She wanted so badly to forgive him, to tell him it was alright, but...

"Mikael. When you left, I thought... I thought..."
she dipped her head, wanting to touch him, make sure he was really there, but at the same time felt anger toward him. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have gone with you! If I did, maybe my father wouldn't have found me, maybe we could have both had a home back at the Caldera!" She gave a tiny whine, and took another step forward, eyes brimming with sadness. She wanted so badly to forgive him, have everything go back to the way it had been...

But could she? Could she really forgive him after his sudden disappearance, the way she had suddenly vanished from her life just when she had let him into it? She felt selfish, for thinking these thoughts. His father had died! But his father hadn't tried to kill him.

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Mikael - March 08, 2015

There was so much anger in that gaze and in that moment, Mikael was sure that he had lost her. "That wolf, who called himself my father, has taken everything good away from me in my life! Did you think I was going to take the best thing that has ever happened to me, straight into the lion's den? He killed my mother and my brothers and sisters. Without mercy and.... A-and there was no way he was going to get you!" His voice broke on that last twisted syllable, the saccharine bitterness of defeat and anger and grief. His voice softened down, to a just audible level.

"I didn't want to put you in danger. He tried to kill me, moons ago and... there was no way I was going to risk you."

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Tempest - March 08, 2015

Tempest couldn't help it, she was at Mikael's side and breathing in his scent. It was him. Finally. "Mikael, I missed you so much. I left Redhawk, trying to catch your trail. My-my father found me. He tried to kill me, and gave me this scar" she said motioning to her shoulder. In a quieter voice she said "You should have told me, Mikael. How do you think I would have felt if you had vanished and died? I-I love you" she whispered, to overcome by numerous emotions to speak.

There was so much for she wanted to say, but for now she was simply content to stand beside him, feel his coat beside hers and know that he was real. And not just a figment of her imagination, a part of her reaching for better days. No. This was real.

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Mikael - March 08, 2015

As his pale fae met him, he breathed in the scent of her fur and it was as if all was right once again. He whined as he nosed the scar, his own protective nature lamenting that he had not been there to stop it, to keep her safe from everything. Her scent was as sweet as ever, tangerine and citrus and sandalwood. He licked her cheek, settling on her fur with a content sigh, as her closeness calmed him. "I'm sorry... I too had a dangerous encounter with a wolf pack, wounds still unhealed and painful now. And I am sorry, but I would rather have died than put you in harms way. I love you, after all."

She was real, the smoothness of her fur against his as he felt @Tempest against him and it was everything he remembered it to be and hoped it would've been.

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Tempest - March 08, 2015

Tempest sighed contently, and then it felt like a missing piece of her had gone back into it's place. For now, she didn't want to waste to moment with more words, she was happy just to touch his pelt and kiss his muzzle, knowing happily that she hadn't been wrong. He was here, and she hoped that he stayed here.

RE: Grief does not change you, it reveals you - Mikael - March 08, 2015

Last post?

Mikael just forgot time and space and words and everything but this moment, something precious as once again everything was right and beautiful in his world. He kissed her muzzle, content beyond contentment as he closed his eyes, listening to the voices of the wind and it brought hope.