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a demon in wolf's clothing - Printable Version

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a demon in wolf's clothing - DeadLusa - March 07, 2015

[size=xx-small]@Morgana :)[/size]

Her face said darkness. Every little thing about her was devilish. She was smart, ruthless, manipulative, and determined. Everything about her was cruel. When she wanted something, she would get it. No questions asked. If she didn't get what she wanted, bad things would happen to good people. Innocent lives would be crushed. Souls would be broken. After her encounter with the brute Crescendo, she had been hunting in the dark woods. It was a sport she looked up to when she wanted to kill time. She had caught a few squirrels and a rabbit. Now she dining on the fat mammal. She looked up at the sky and gazed at the stars and moon. She remembered the days when she was called a goddess. When she was called the 'Moon Child'. She had always been praised and respected from day one. But now she would have to crawl her way up. Fight her way into the Brotherhood. But for now she would have to lay low. But she would be respected. And she would show it.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - Morgana Wolf - March 08, 2015

[size=x-small]Lol this is gonna be interesting since her and Lusa are so alike XD[/size]

Morgana, like she always did, was stargazing. She wasn't a Naturalist or anything like that, she just enjoyed watching the stars and moon as she did when she was a pup. She thougt she was alone that night but a scent said otherwise. She stalked silently through the snow covered forest, watching carefully for the intruder. She had not encountered the scent before but quickly realised it was from the same pack. BlackFeather Woods. The loosened up a bit, but never let her guess down. The only time she did was when she was with Crescendo, and seriously, she with she hadn't. Stopping, she noticed a black female, the new one. Morgana had felt the presence of another the other day but had not attempted to see it. Another female. She silently walked over to her. I am Morgana, you are? She asked. She was stern and intimidating, the way she always was. Soon she was to be apart of the Dark Brotherhood, so she would have to look the part. But it wouldn't be hard for her. She new just by the look of her female, she carried the same morals as Morgana, wicked, cunning, malevolent, determined and to be respected. Morgana could see her liking this female.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - DeadLusa - March 08, 2015

When she heard the footsteps of another, she was quick to look down from the twilight night. In front of her stood another dark female, strong and noble looking. Her voice matched perfectly with her appearance. She nodded after she introduced herself. "I am Lusa, they call me a 'Moon Child'." In her old pack, the offspring of an Alpha was named a Moon Child. When they would grow up they would be called Moon Descendant. But of coarse, the girl was kidnapped before her ceremony, so she couldn't rightfully be called a 'Moon Descendant'. But it was possible to become a Dark Brother, and that title interested her. She did have the right potential to be in the Brotherhood, but she would still have to earn it. And the only way to do that was to show no mercy. But the delicate lady had already learned how to do that. She was trained to kill. Her whole ego was a ruthless murderer.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - Morgana Wolf - March 08, 2015

Moon child? Well that was ironic considering that all wolves were children of the moon. The female carried herself well, in a way that Morgana admired. You are new, yes. what made you come to Blackfeather Woods? Morgana knew the answer to the question, but she was intrigued. Morgana almost felt.. threatened of this female. But she felt like they could be friends, if she played her cards right. She froze, faintly smelling Crescendo on her. She growled, if this female had anything to do with him, she didn't want to have anything to do with her. But maybe she was a victim as well, one of his..charm. Not.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - DeadLusa - March 08, 2015

She heard a growl come from the girl's throat. Her ears twitched. If she wanted to get into a fight with her, she could get it. But when the dark girl spoke, her voice was calm, "Yes I am." But she looked up at the girl with stern eyes, "Why I came here however, is not your concern. Nor anyone's concern." She looked down and stretched out her limbs. "Don't take it personal. I just don't like to talk about my past. I only look to the future. My future is here and now." It was true. She never spoke of her childhood to anyone. It was for her ears only. Besides, she felt it wasn't much of a fuss. People who talked about their pasts were weaklings, as her father had informed her. She was born into a very strict and organized world. Law and order was her backbone.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - Morgana Wolf - March 08, 2015

Morgana nodded, her past was never to be told to anyone either. As with me, she replied. Sorry, you smell very faintly of Crescendo. Morgana hoped this wolf was not another weakling, honestly, there was no need for more of those. But, this she wolf didn't seem to be, she was strong like Morgana. We are very much alike, you an I, Mirgana said. It was curious to how she new such a thing, having only met the she-wolf. But the way she talked, the way she carried herself, was similar. She realised that this could go two ways, walk away with a new aquaintance or a new enemy.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - DeadLusa - March 08, 2015

The tip of her tail twitched. "Yes, we were.... speaking earlier." Her words made her lick Crescendo's dry blood off her chops. She had hoped that the rabbit blood would cover the scent of his. But her fur was stinging with it. If anyone found out se had bit him when his guard was down, she would probably be punished. After all, he was part of the Brotherhood. He would most likely not let her go away without a scar in return. But she didn't fear him. 'We are very much alike, you and I'. She chuckled in response, "Do you know me all that well? I don't think we are. I don't really know how you act. And I highly doubt you know how I play the games." She stood up and sat down, her tail tucked neatly by her paws.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - Morgana Wolf - March 08, 2015

Huh, Try me. Morgana smirked. She knew these types of she-wolves. But to her, this was just play. Morgana was still a higher rank than this she-wolf and was soon to become one of the Darkbrotherhood. Respect was all she needed to get along. Yes, she was being bitchy, but hey, it was the way she was. Changing the subject, she went for it. Hmmm, talking with Crescendo. That normally doesn't end the way it starts , she said, slyly. She knew perfectly well tht the little conversation they had wasn't just a conversation. But she knew not to expect an answer from the girl, she would probably just sneer at Morgana and tell her to mind her own business. But it was all part if the evaluation.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - DeadLusa - March 08, 2015

This girl was being pretty slick. She didn't like it one bit. For a minute she just stood there, silently. "Your right. It didn't end as it started," she said with a smirk, "Just with blood and a few choice words." She lifted one paw calmly and groomed it. She put it down slowly and glanced up at her, "And the blood was certainly not shed from me. Never will it. It was from him." She put her head down and gave a little laugh. "But I must admit. The guy was flattering."

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - Morgana Wolf - March 08, 2015

Morgana full heartedly laughed. I applaud you then. Catching him in a weak moment is something to praise yourself upon. Normally, one would be scared to disrespect a Brotherhood member, but after what he did to her, he deserved none. He wouldn't dare confront her, otherwise she would spill to everyone what had happened. Leaving her broken in the tunnel only made her stronger. He would be pushed right to the bottom and butted out for that. Yes, having him in a weak spot was good. It was power.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - DeadLusa - March 10, 2015

She excepted her praise with a nod of approval. "Well I do have a habit of being a bit manipulative. I like to... play around with the prey before killing it." Yes, she was a very crafty little bitch. Her specialty was playing mind games with people. She liked to get them weak and unsuspecting before striking, like a snake and a mouse. Squeeze the mouse hard, take your time to let it suffer, than gulp it down in one bite. It was the way she did things. And it always took people off their guard. Worked every time. "There was no way in hell I would let him get the best of me. I just wanted to turn the tables." She looked up at her with curious eyes. "You said that talking to him won't end the way it started. Is there something I need to know?" If there was any danger, she wanted to be aware of it.

RE: a demon in wolf's clothing - Morgana Wolf - March 10, 2015

Morgana smirked, As with me. Toying then crushing is kinda my thing. Its not a war is both sides have an equal chance of winning. Morgana prided herself in talking softly to the enemy and then catching it right when it didnt expect it. It was exactly what she did to that pitiful love-crazed wolf, Tempo, and what she had done to so many others. It worked every time. Morgana frowned, the answer was very clear, Well, lets just say, I talked to him and nothing good came from it. Just a warning unless you want to find yourself in a position even you will not like. She growled, the thought made her want to rip something apart, which was not good once she got started. Don't give in to his flattery, she plainly stated. She hadn't, she had seen right through it but nature had gotten the best of her, turning against her against herself. She just hoped that this she wolf was strong enough to resist.