Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Build the foundations - Printable Version

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Build the foundations - FitzDutiful - March 11, 2015

It was time for FitzDutiful to wander out. He had Bindi now, his official outrider, but he wanted to personally get to know the packs around his own. It was helpful that he had come across Charon all those days ago and he wondered if he would get to see the young male again. As he wandered down the mountain side, turning the corner that lead to the sea, he marvelled at the enormity of the force in front of him. He wasn't even close by and yet, from his vantage point, it seemed to stretch for eternity.

Taking a breath, he started to cover the rest of the journey to Stavanger Bay. It was a wonderful trek, with the difference in nature becoming more and more apparent the closer he got. It was a wonderful sight, although the lack of mountain territory set FitzDutiful a little on edge. Arriving at the borders, he howled for someone - anyone. He'd prefer the leadership with the hopes of building the foundations of pack relations, but he, for once, truly understood how busy leadership left you. Especially without assistance and he had no idea as to the leadership structure of the pack before him.

RE: Build the foundations - Spectra - March 11, 2015

Spectra hadn't been feeling all too well and she wasn't sure why. Although the temperatures were rising and spring was obviously in the air, she somehow felt stuck. Spectra had ceased her exciting wanderings and thirst for adventure, it had dried out like a rain drop in a vast desert. For the past week her activity had been mediocre and it was hard to do anything. She wasn't exactly why this was or what had caused it, but she needed distraction. Anything to get out and escape the solitude.

With a new scent lurking upon the borders, a small spark of need-to-do-something was reignited once more. The black-painted female got up from her resting position and decided to do get into action. The borders had been a source of tension lately, with stragglers brutally spreading their own mark on her territory.

Luckily, today her golden eyes rolled upon not a stranger but a friend. "Heya Fitz!" She greeted cordially even if her body language remained neutral and subtly dominant; to indicate pack boundaries. "What can I do for you on this merry berry day?"

RE: Build the foundations - FitzDutiful - March 12, 2015

"Spectra!" FitzDutiful exclaimed as she approached him. He was happy to see a friendly wolf, and not one he had expected. His body language deferred to her, he had caught the subtle signs of expectancy - almost as if they had had problems lately and felt the need to reassert themselves. He knew that feeling too well of late.

"When I last met you, you were a lone wolf wandering the lands of the mountain! I actually came here on some kind of naturalist experiment. I met Charon not too long ago and he said the lands here were completely different to my mountain home. How long have you been here?" He recalled meeting her at Silvertip Mountain but, at the time of meeting her, he hadn't yet started that adventure nor did he have any knowledge or associated with the pack she had represented. He wondered if she would note his change of pack scent. How times had changed in such a short space - or was it that he had met her so long ago.

Time, it was a very odd thing. Some moments it stretched out and exasperated you, others it was as fleeting as the wind.

RE: Build the foundations - Spectra - March 12, 2015

Although most wolves felt a dire need to be suspicious around other wolves, especially with the rise of tension at the borders, Spectra felt naturally at ease greeting Fitz. Although her approach might be a bit naive, she definitely felt that she could trust him; especially since he had shown the right amount of subtle respectful body language.

"I joined the pack a few weeks ago; but I'm still much of a newbie." Spectra honestly explained though with a light-hearted tone of voice, hoping that he would keep the 'newb' part all too himself. "But you smell different as well. Did you run into a skunk? I heard things get smelly welly over at Redhawk Caldera sometimes." She referred to Perry who had to deal with weeks of smelliness. She didn't know that the young and eager male was now an Alpha wolf.

Her eyes lit up when he spoke of a naturalist trait. It also meant a new opportunity to learn, even in her own backyard (pack), she would be glad to show him around and pick up a few new things at the same time. "Naturalist experiment, huh? Wicked! Maybe I can help with that too."

RE: Build the foundations - FitzDutiful - March 15, 2015

Silvertip Shiny Title!!!

With the explanation that she had only joined the pack a few weeks ago, FitzDutiful wondered if he should have hunted her out to recruit her to Silvertip Mountain. It was a shame that he hadn't done so for she was a very lovely wolf - she might proclaim herself a newbie yet she defended her borders well! "Nope, no skunk for me, but no more Redhawk Caldera either. I'm an alpha now, of Silvertip Mountain!" No matter how many times he said that it still excited him. It never seemed real, even if the workload suggested it was.

"Any help you can give would be wonderful! For starters, how big is that lake?! Is that the thing Charon called the sea?" He had laid his eyes upon the sea from a distance and it had seemed immense, yet he had never been close to it. FitzDutiful didn't have a clue that the sea was salty and unsuitable to drink. His experience told him that it was the worlds best water supply ever. No need to look for streams and rivers - though did the sea dry out in summer like brooks did? There were so many questions, but FitzDutiful held them all back until his sea theory was confirmed.