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Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Printable Version

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Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Tempest - March 11, 2015

Nervously, Tempest arranged at rearranged the bundles of herbs laying in front of her. Mentally, she named them all, remembering flawlessly the names given to her from the healer. Closest to her she had a few piles of deadly poisons and shriveled berries, a sort of do's and don'ts lesson for the pack. She would do her best to give them all a little knowledge of healing plants, so alone they wouldn't be helpless. Finally content with the arrangement of the bundles, she lifted her maw and called for her pack mates, the majority of which she hadn't seen in days.
@Mikael @Fitzdutiful @Bindi @Raissa @Copper @Aspen @Ayita

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - FitzDutiful - March 11, 2015

Tempest sent a call up calling for all her pack mates and FitzDutiful wondered what it was about. Picking himself up he decided that it was worth while going to. It had been a while since he had seen Tempest around and he wanted to keep in touch with his pack. He didn't want come an aloof alpha.

"Hi Tempy," he said as he approached, sitting on the floor and looking at an assembling of herbs in front of her. "What have we got here?" He wasn't sure if she's answer his questions or not seeing how no one else had arrived yet. If she said that she wanted to wait for others to arrive he'd happily just nod at that and wait, patiently. Maybe the pack was about to acquire their one and only healer - a trade well worth the time and effort that was put into it.

Glancing over the plants in front of Tempest, he recognised a spattering of plants from his escapades in his naturalist capacity. Maybe he'd learn more for that trade too.

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Bindi - March 12, 2015

Keeping things vague since I'm not sure how Bindi's and Fitz's talk turned out

Bindi heard a howl go up calling for the pack, and the obsidian female started toward the area from where the call came from. It was Tempest, and the midnight wolfess smiled as she saw the pale wolfess come into sight. The next thing Bindi noticed was the herbs put into piles. The midnight wolfess knew nothing of herbs, and was curious as to what Tempest as in mind.

If the pale wolfess expected Bindi to be a test subject, then she was completely wrong. However a the midnight wolfess was positive Tempest was here to teach them, and so Bindi looked for a good place to sit. When she noticed Fitz, Bindi became a bit uncomfortable. Ever since their talk, she had become nervous or uncomfortable around him, and so instead of sitting close by or near him like she use to do for hunts or meetings, she kept her distance.

Bindi looked down at the ground and started using her claw to drawing something in the dirt. This is what she would keep doing until the rest of the pack showed up, that is if they even did come.

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Tempest - March 16, 2015

Tempest grinned when Fitz arrived. "Hello, Fitz. I thought I'd host a pack lesson, teach everyone about a few herbs."  Soon after she said that, Bindi arrived, and to her surprise sat away from Fitz. She seemed almost nervous around him, and Tempest briefly wondered if the two had had a fight. She begun to idly trace something in the dirt, and Tempest absentmindedly pushed a smooth pebble around with a claw. She called out a greeting to Bindi as well, and waited a few more minutes for anyone else to arrive. When no one did, and the only other visitor was a gust of wind, Tempest thought about just starting then. If anyone else were to show up, they could.

She sighed, for she had seen almost nil of her pack mates at all over the last week. She knew Copper was sick, and Mikael was probably settling in, maybe even asleep. The others....she had no idea. She hadn't even seen Raissa for a while yet. "Since no one else has shown up, I guess that we can start." She drew a clump of Black, shriveled berries forward, being very carefully not to puncture one. "These are one of the things that you must always avoid, lest you mean to cause harm. The name of these berries is Nightshade, and is almost always fatal if ingested. It causes terrible hallucinations, headaches, vomiting, and death."

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - FitzDutiful - March 17, 2015

When Bindi arrived and sat away from him, FitzDutiful's heart sank. He hated that his beta didn't want to be near him and quite frankly it hurt. It was more personal than he would let on for his feelings for Bindi ran deep and he hated to see her unhappy with him. He was hoping that she would understand that, especially this point in time, he had to protect Raissa. He wanted those pups more than anything, anyone else right now and they were his primary focus.

Offering her a smile to let her know that he wasn't too mad at her, he turned his attention back to Tempest. Almost instantly he wished Bindi wasn't here. What if she got it in her head to use these Nightshade berries against Raissa? What would he do?! Keeping all fear away from his face, body and voice he asked the most pressing question he had, "If you happened to eat some, is there a cure, an antidote?"

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Bindi - March 17, 2015

The midnight wolfess continued to draw, when she realized she was drawing the moon, and the sun. She looked down at her masterpiece and gave a frown, then she took her claws and made a slash across the sun. It was her way of saying there is no light in the world, only darkness. She gave a sigh and looked up to see Fitz give her a smile, but she thought nothing of it. Anyone could force a smile, and that's exactly what she did, she gave smile to Fitz but only for a moment, before turning to Tempest. As the pale female begn to explain that the berries were dangerous, Bindi's mind thought not of Raissa but of the safety of the pack.

The obsidian female listened as Fitz asked for a cure, which would surely be useful. "If they are as dangerous as you say they are, I believe it would be best if they are removed from the mountain. That is if there are any growing on the mountain" she said, and was curious as to where Tempest did get these berries.

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Copper - March 17, 2015

Ooc/|\ Sorry.. i'm late, teacher.. I was actually sick, and almost died [b]Ic and Ooc. as you know.. . I'll edit out too, if I'm too pathetically late./|\[/b]
Copper had heard the howl good and fine. it was just getting to it that was hard. He had finally staggered his way up the mountain, to get to the Alto howl of Tempest. He trotted when he saw he was very late to the party.
"Uhm, sorry.." He said, trying to announce his presence, without butchering the lecture that was going on at the same time. Also, as far as he knew, nobody knew of his sickness, besides Tempest. So leaping up the mountain, blatently late, would tick off some people. Namely, Bindi, which he saw, notedly, giving Fitz some not so nice looks. Everybody seemed either sour, or broken. luckily, he fit into the broken category. He sat down, groaning. He had been sitting in the same position, without doing anything, for days. Just blinking hurt.

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Tempest - March 18, 2015

Tempest shook her head sadly at Fitz's question. "No, there is none that I know of. You could try barfing them up, but traces of the poison would probably remain. I've heard of pups left alone and eating them, of those who do not die but lose their sight and go insane." Frowning, she nudged the horrible things, shoving them into a pre-dug hole. "If Raissa has pups, you should do your best in educating them not to eat unknown berries or plants. The herbs here are abundant, and not all are for healing."

Tempest smiled wryly at Bindi's suggestion. "That would be nice, but the berries could be anywhere on the mountain. It would take weeks to find them all, and even if you somehow remove them all, they would just grow again next year."

She whirled as Copper arrived, and gave him a small smile. "It's fine." She sniffed his pelt, the small of illness was less so, she noticed happily. "I told you that the herbs would help"

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - FitzDutiful - March 20, 2015

Tempest explained that these berries were all over the mountain and Bindi seemed just as concerned as he was. He chided himself for ever thinking that she would poison Raissa. It was a stupid thought, he didn't even know if he meant that much to her that she would want the position of his mate to be free. Stop thinking of yourself as some kind of chick magnet he thought to himself and then the moment passed.

Copper arrived on the scene, explaining that he had been ill and FitzDutiful felt a moment of guilt. It had been too long since he had spent any time with the lower ranking wolves - not a thing Peregrine would do. Yes, he had been very distracted but that was no excuse. Shaking that off he turned to Copper, "I'm glad you're doing better. It'd be a shame to lose you."

A howl went up, he turned to Tempest. "Sorry to cut the lesson short but I should respond to that!" He nodded at Copper and Bindi before taking off to answer the call. 

RE: Nightshade for coughs [Q] - Bindi - March 20, 2015

Bindi listened as Tempest explained that there was no treatment for the berries. Even though the berries would just grow back, Bindi would find and dispose any she came across. She watched the pale female push the berries into a hole, and then the midnight wolfess heard a voice. She recognized it as Copper and she almost laughed at how pathetic he looked. However she didn't, as she was sure it was not his fault for looking so terrible. She hadn't seen him for awhile, and she was a it shocked that he didn't run off and never come back. She offered him a small smile, hoping that they could work on their relationship.

She wasn't really in the mood to talk, in fact she wasn't in the mood to do anything. She glanced back down at her artwork in the dirt, and started doodling again. It seems she found another hobby, one that she never thought she would be good at, but it turns out she is not bad at drawing. Focusing back on Tempest, Bindi wondered what had happened to the other wolves in the pack. She had not seen Jensen in forever, Jace was nowhere to be found, Bindi had not seen Raissa since their spar, and all these new comers were not being seen around much. The midnight wolfess let out a sigh at the thought of losing members in the pack, but was sure they would find good loyal wolves.

All of a sudden a howl went up and Fitz took off. Already not in the mood to do anything, Bindi gave a nod to Tempest before leaving herself. "I think I should go help him with that" she said before fully walking out of the wolves sight.