Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine In Darkness I am King - Printable Version

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In Darkness I am King - Sitri - March 11, 2015

Sitri walked among the shadows, his red eyes gleaming. The bloody copse and saliva dripping from his muzzle as was normal. He looked around him, trying to discern who was around and about this late at night. No one good, he didn't really want to speak with anyone. The memories and voices reaching a rather high crescendo today. The voices he hadn't heard them in months, so to hear them was disheartening.

He had falsely thought perhaps he was cured, maybe not so crazy. But they wanted blood and death and hatred tonight, and he wasn't sure how to handle it. He couldn't just go about killing others, their thirst had been awakened. Awakened when he had ripped into Ptarmigan. What was he to do.

RE: In Darkness I am King - Wyvern - March 21, 2015

She picked her way through the shadowy stretch of the Spine territory, not with a particular destination or goal in mind. She was kind of bored, kind of hungry, and not quite tired enough to actually go sleep like she should have, so here she meandered without cause.. whether or not it was really what she wanted to be doing remained to be seen.

So after ducking through a stretch of low-hanging branch (spiderwebs and all, she noticed), she shook out her coat and squinted ahead to see a wolf approaching through the nightscape. Scent did not play majorly into her favor, but as he moved nearer to her own path, recognition began to make its way to her and so did the scent of blood. Her muzzle wrinkled and she trotted forward.. almost hesitating. She did not know him well.. only that his essence was well-woven into the territory and that he had been here long. Cara had never said much about him, and neither had Lotan, so Wyvern didn't know what to think -- besides what she observed upon looking at him, which frankly, made her uneasy here at such a late hour.

He was such a sight to see, all scarred and salivating, that she almost cringed away, but presented herself low for his reaction when she knew she was in his line of sight, even considering the dark. She didn't verbalize a greeting since she didn't even know if he'd want one, since something about him didn't bring out the most cheerful response in her.

RE: In Darkness I am King - Sitri - March 24, 2015

Sitri heard noises, and bright red eyes turned towards them. He searched the dark, and his eyes lit upon another wolf. A female, another pretty one. There were a lot of them coming lately. It didn't matter, they didn't find him pretty or attractive, though he had been once. But he could look, but let them alone couldn't he?

He sniffed the air, trying to gather her scent. He didn't want to chase her away, but he would if she didn't belong. But she smelled of Cara and Lotan, the nice male he had met. He dipped his muzzle too her, and spoke. His voice guttural and hoarse as it always was, from years of no use. Hello. This wolf Si...I am Sitri. He shook his head and whimpered slightly, trying to clear the cobwebs that hung in there.

Tyrande had left, and with her went his lessons of speech, and without practice he was falling back into his old rhythms, of mispronunciation and third person.

RE: In Darkness I am King - Wyvern - March 25, 2015

Wyvern's ears stayed slicked back against her head. He sniffed the air, presumably testing her scent, and she stayed still while she took in the sight of him. She couldn't help but trace the ropey scars crisscrossing him everywhere. They were unlike anything she'd seen, and while not fresh by any means, they were still vaguely worrisome when paired with his hauntingly crimson eyes.

He offered a name, and whimpered afterward, which did flick her ears up for a second. She looked worriedly at him. Was he in pain? Or.. something else? "I'm Wyvern," she quipped, and attempted to straighten somewhat while staying respectfully postured. "What are you doing out here?" she asked with a small step forward. While the same could be asked of her, she asked first anyway since it was one of the more appropriate questions she had floating around in her head.

She stayed long enough to hopefully hear some kind of answer, but not much longer. Wyvern offered the scarred male a curt farewell, then slipped on through the night -- away from here, and maybe to lurk on Lotan to see if he wouldn't mind the company even at an inconvenient hour.