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Itty-bitty knights - Printable Version

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Itty-bitty knights - Kesik - March 12, 2015

For @Jasper

Kesik was working furiously to expand the warmer den set of a little bit from the main one. He wanted his girlfriend to be as comfortable as possible, and through the night he had expanded the cavern until it was big enough for three foxes. Covered in dirt, but proud of his work, he sat back and looked around happily. He turned to see his sleeping love, and carefully grabbed her by her scruff and pulled her slowly into the bigger den. He snuggled up beside her, but couldn't sleep. Something was bothering him.

Giving a small kiss to Autumn, happily slumbering in the warmer and more comfortable space, and quickly darted above ground. His nostrils flared as a distinctive scent met his nose. It was that of a male fox. He growled softly, not even knowing that he was, but soon realized that his hostility and anger was rising and stopped. Confused, he looked at his paws for a second. Why did he feel this way? It was strange of him. He looked up, picking up the vague form of the other fox. He chuffed out a greeting, struggling to appear friendly, which was normally easy for him. This male didn't even know Autumn existed...yet. So why was he acting so out of character?

RE: Itty-bitty knights - Jasper Fox - March 12, 2015

Jasper turned his head to a small snarl behind him. He turned to see a male, quite hostile. Well there's no need for that now is there? Oh hello! Just passing by no need to worry. The name's Jasper, he smiled at the male. He really didn't want a fight. But then he realized. There was a female's scent on the male. Ahhhh, now that makes sense. And don't worry mate, not here to steal your girl. Jasper completely understood, nothing stood in the way of a guy and his girl.