Wolf RPG
Finally - Printable Version

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Finally - Crescendo - March 12, 2015

He stood, impassively, upon a mound of the dead and dying. They were all past screams, and in ever single one lay the curving scar he called his. A heavy gloom lay over everything, and he panted heavily as the mound of bodies shifted slightly beneath him. He was Darkness, the conqueror of all that was mortal.

No longer was he simply Crescendo, a cursed name uttered by his mother. No, he was better. He was different. He was the ultimate, the one that collected skulls like trophies.

And then she came. Through the silence that was the nothing and that was him, she came, shroud in a mist that cling to her like greedy children, and never left her. Her form was indistinct, quavery, but her scent was something Crescendo knew but would never remember in his waking moments. She was simply her, the dam with no name.

She approached, and Darkness lifted his mighty scarred muzzle to look at her silently as she approached. Her eyes flared a beautiful golden as she came, with no hesitation in her graceful step. Crescendo's nostrils flared, but he did not move until she came to rest a few feet from him.

"You have come?"

"I have"

With that, her eyes flared once again and a glaring golden light filled Crescendo's gaze, and in it was him, and the mark, hung over everything like the sun. And there their where, Star, Lexis, Redwood, they were all there, and they looked at him with empty faces, their wounds from his claws and fangs glowing silver. And then they lunged at him, and for a split second before their claws snagged on his fur the light disappeared, and they with it.

And then he was gasping, laying alone in a pool of red that was his blood. She was there, and looked down at him with a face that was impassive too, but his blood marred her features. And the dying brute met her eyes, and nodded, for he knew that this day would come. He would not escape death this time.

But before the eternal claimed him, his eyes of stars searched beyond the female, and there he saw two, smaller, but they smelled of the female, and they were of the female, and of...

From their features his gaze traveled to the golden eyes of the female, and their eyes met, and he understood. But he did not feel, could not feel now. Too late. Finally, he was lost in the eyes of the fae, and his world was one of gold before black.

And he woke.
But he did not remember.

RE: Finally - Kadence - March 13, 2015

She was just padding back into Blackfeather, blood on her paws and a fresh notch carved into her ear. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and darkness. Her pawsteps were silent as she entered her night shrouded home and she breathed deeply, welcoming the musky smell.

It had been her first mission since joining Blackfeather and the kill had filled her with energy and she had returned as soon as it was over, not even bothering to wash the life blood from her paws.

The mission had been to kill a loner, one that not many knew of, and she suspected it was just to test her skills. She had met him in the warming woods, gotten to him and made him trust her. Then one night after he had fallen asleep in the cave they had shared, she finished the job, slitting his throat and letting the scarlet blood trickle onto the soft sand they used as a bed in their time together.

When her mind flickered to the nights they had spent together, her thoughts pushed to Crescendo. No doubt he wouldn't like that one bit, but that was too bad. She wasn't going to pretend she hadn't enjoyed it just for his benefit. Being away from him had been like getting a fresh breath of air after being smothered by a thick layer fur. But now she was back, and she thought she would probably talk to him.

RE: Finally - Crescendo - March 13, 2015

Her form became apparent to him, and his first thought was...
The Bitch

Soon he stood before her, eyes narrowed as his eyes scanned over her. Sweet crimson covered her gloss-amir black fur, it's sweet scent mixing with hers. He chuffed angrily, silver eyes relieved and angry at the same time. "Where the fuck did you go?" He refrained from any contact, his pelt struggling to stay flat. She had that effect on him, the fae had. Just her scent caused him, he with the body that could not be best by force, to shiver and his emotions to change.

It was getting to him, being mortal. But soon he would be in the spirit world once again, with his true form, Darkness.

RE: Finally - Kadence - March 21, 2015

The smile of being home slipped off her face as Crescendo himself slipped into her view, bringing along the feeling of being smothered once more. She took a deep breath to fill him in when he practically snarled at her, asking her where she had been as if it was crime. Her eyes narrowed dangerously at him, paired with the drying blood on her fur, she looked like a creature of ones nightmares come to life.

"Where have I been? Well wouldn't you like to know." She replied with a sneer, his tone of voice setting her off and making her voice come out with the hint of snarl, adding even more to her monstrous appearance.

RE: Finally - Crescendo - March 21, 2015

He glared at her angrily, ready to issue a sharp retort, when his gaze softened. "Kadence. I take it you left. You killed someone. You came back. And now I'm in your face. But why did you vanish? You could have told me." He studied her, thoughtfully. His silver eyes sparked occasionally with slight anger at her disapearance, but he pushed it down. Such thoughts were only a hindrance. He needed to speak to her calmly, and get all the answers from her that he could. Also, he had been meaning to ask her something about Grimnir...but that could wait.

RE: Finally - Kadence - March 21, 2015

Even though her anger faded ever so slightly, her eyes stayed narrowed as she glared at him. Why was he so possessive? It wasn't like they were mates or anything. For all she knew, he could have been fucking other females the whole time she had been away.

"I didn't tell you because it really wasn't your business." she informed him, lifting her chin ever so slightly. "Plus, it was supposed to be a secret. I was the only one who knew about it, other then Meldresi of course." She finished in a softer tone, not wanting to completely push him over the edge.

Then her gaze changed from anger to mischievous and her stance changed completely, becoming more welcoming, more open then before. "Why? Did ya miss me?" she hummed, her eyes glittering.

RE: Finally - Crescendo - March 21, 2015

Crescendo finally grinned when she became friendlier, a true smile rarely seen on the brute. "Of course I did, Kadence. No one else is even close to being as perfect as you" He advanced, closing the distance between them slightly, before sitting in the damp earth. He waited, smile still on his face, silver eyes scanning her blood stained body. She hadn't even bothered to clean up. Typical.
(Sorry for the super short post!)

RE: Finally - Kadence - March 21, 2015

It's perfectly fine!

She actually smiled a bit at his words, something that was rare for her as well. It was usually a smirk that curved her lips, not a smile. She took a seat too, noticing the way his eyes roamed over her body, catching on the blood stained parts of her.

"I didn't have time to clean up, hope you don't mind." She responded nonchalantly, laying down so that she could lick her flank clean with slow, strong strokes of her tongue.