Wolf RPG
PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Printable Version

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PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Scarlett - March 12, 2015

Set in Bearclaw Valley. Each joining member should post at least once in the claiming howl. There isn't really a penalty for not participating, but a character can't be awarded EXP as a pack founder unless they do post!

@Kove @Adlartok @Néa @Raziel @Carter @Anselm @Outcry @Rhythm

Néa & Artlartok, Slight PP since I implied they were already with her because, both are injured. Let me know if you want it changed. Kove, also PP'ed you a bit. But it wouldn't make sense if he wasn't there. Kovlett does this together after all! :P

Scarlett felt the excitement bubble inside of her light colored body. The lands had been fully scouted to the extent that there was no further danger. There was only a lazy bear that shared their lands, and a fox couple apparently. She checked upon Arthur once more but the bear was sleeping, figures. The female dug out the alpha den, close to where the river disappeared into the steep rocky wall. There was nothing more to do than howl for her fellow pack members and become one united pack. Scarlett surfaced from her den. The caretaker wanted to make sure the youngsters would be okay. Scarlett wouldn't go too far away from the den for the claiming howl. The open lands were close by, just outside the forest. For now that was a good meeting spot because everyone could easily spot a group of wolves in the open field.

Scarlett helped the two as much as she could with walking, maybe the little walk was good for the injured youngsters. Although, Adlartok was doing much better than a month ago. Scarlett wasn't so sure about Néa. Maybe this happy ordeal would do her some good. Scarlett glanced at Kove, the one she loved dearly, it was thanks to him that Scarlett even considered having a pack. She nudged him lovingly for a moment and then stopped at the edge of the open field. "So exciting. It is really happening. You have amazing ideas," the red eyed female hummed happily. It only took seconds for Scarlett to start howling, eying at Kove and the others to join. It was great they settled in a valley with steep walls since that made their howls echo even further. Their claim would be loud and clear for everyone around. There was a new pack in Rising Sun Valley. A pack that shared their lands with bears lead by a white King and Queen.

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Outcry - March 12, 2015

Yay it's happening

Outcry moved from her temporary den, to hopefully a permanent one inside the soon-to-be pack's territory. She had been able to collect many herbs and berries for the pack, and was glad that they would be prepared if anyone got injured. She wasn't sure what the other wolves would be like in the valley, but she prayed they would be as nice as Scarlett and Kove. The brown wolfess had made her way to a small stream to start looking for some moss, when she heard a howl. It was Scarlett and that could only mean one thing, the pack was finally going to be official.

Without hesitating Outcry lifted her head high in the air, and let her howl mix with the air above her. She began to run to where Scarlett was and found the alpha pair and two wolves she did not know there. She gave a bright smile to all of the wolves there and began to howl again. The brown wolfess couldn't be happier, as this was her second chance at a good life. As she howled she prayed that the new pack would be safe, and that no trouble would ever come upon it. Outcry sat and continued to let her song wash over the valley and couldn't wait for her new packmates to join her in this glorious moment.

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Rhythm - March 12, 2015

Rhythm's ears twitched. It was beginning to get dark outside and she was walking not far from the place she would soon call home. She knew not to venture far because the claiming howl was to be soon.

Just then Rhythm heard a very loud howl. Scarlett and that of a wolf unfamiliar to her. She could pinpoint the song from anywhere. This must be it. Tonight's the night. She smiled and began to race into the heart of the territory from where she heard the beautiful voice. She slowed down as she came closer.

She trotted through the trees to find Scarlett,Kove, and three other unfamiliar wolves. She brushed up against Scarlett as she walked by and bowed her head to Kove.

Looking up at the sky Rhythm too began to howl.

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Adlartok - March 12, 2015

Adlartok followed behind his foster mom. Choosing not to say anything to the male. As far as he was concerned, the male could just go do something with himself. He did not deserve Scarlett, would never deserve Scarlett and nothing and no one would change Ad's mind. He snorted at the female Nea, he didn't know her very well, he actually stayed away from her.

He just didn't know how to talk to her, so he kept to himself. He didn't even know who half the pack members were. Not to mention having seen his uncle, it put him in a strange mood. He lifted his nose and the warm husky sound joined his foster mothers. His voice would be deeper as her grew.

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Néa - March 12, 2015

Néa had never done a howl before, as she walked slowly behind Scarlett but almost bubbling with happiness and excitement. She hadn't talked much to the pack, still healing and not really having enough time to do much but heal, but she hadn't decided whether Kove was trustworthy or whether the male pup was even worth her trouble.

The pack gathered, as Scarlett's voice rose in an aria of a howl and slowly, the pack joined in with her and claimed this land as their own. Her own high voice joined them, the faint traces of of a mature, deep howl coming from within and as she howled, she felt her voice join with the others.

This was her home now.

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Kove - March 12, 2015

Late to the party, omg. Sorry about that. x-x"
Super excited about this, though! :D

The moment had finally arrived in which they were ready to settle down and make their claim official. It was an exciting thing to witness, and even more so to take part in. As he moved along with the albino, he'd attempted to try and discretely assist the younger wolves in walking, but didn't wish to overstep any boundaries. It was already clear the boy was not the hugest fan of him, and he didn't want to make the situation worse between them. The girl he didn't know much about, but hoped he would be given the chance to learn more of her, and the other wolves of the pack, once they were all settled in. Kove couldn't keep a smile from his maw as they stopped in the open space beside the forest, and made sure to give Scarlett a small nudge of adoration back. He was happy to be given the chance to lead with her, and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. “Without you around, the idea of starting a pack would have never come to mind,” he told her, tail swaying with a mixture of joy and delight.

For a minute or two, the ghost just stood and listened to his lover's voice as it rang out and echoed off the valley walls, smiling widening as others joined in and gathered. Unable to keep it in, the man raised his muzzle to the sky and let loose a howl, joining in with the others. Their songs would easily bounce off of the valley walls, that was inevitable, and allow their calls to echo through the previously quiet air. There was no place Kove would rather be than right there, beside his lover and among his pack mates. They still had much to learn about one another, but he was certain they would all have an unbreakable bond of trust sooner, rather than later.

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Shiba - March 13, 2015

Late as heck- but Here I am, I guess.

Shiba was nervous to join something bigger, to be frank. She knew if she was going to be accepted, she needed to keep her "breakdowns" a secret. This is it. No more killing. This time, it will be different. It will be different. Shiba let out a long howl, slow, and somehow ominous. The mad hatter's eye began to twitch, and she stopped. Facial spasms was a symptom of an imminent breakdown. She stopped, and slowly strode over to the group. she somehow felt, not part of it. The others were sound of mind, and she wasn't. They got something she didn't. She suddenly resented the friendly sounding one. She could act however she wanted. But Shiba was ruled by her symptoms. It wasn't a problem, though.

Nothing is a problem until you make it one.

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Raziel - March 15, 2015

Raziel kept his promise and stayed to become a founding member of Bearclaw Valley. He also made sure to keep his romantic interests with Scarlett aside, completely devoting himself to becoming a brotherly figure to her, he did not want to ruin her now perfect (or not) life by suddenly declaring he no longer wished to be a brotherly figure to her, but to be a potential mate. Kove was a perfectly good wolf for Scarlett, even though he was undoubtedly not as handsome as himself. And Raz knew if the white Alpha ever hurt the albino, he would be there to kick the damn king's ass.

He was not far from the new Alpha pair when Scarlett's howl rang through the air, so he easily trotted towards where they were gathered and after gazing at his new packmates with piercing, fierce teal eyes, Raziel tilted his head backwards and howled. His voice mixing with the other voices of his packmates as they claimed the valley as their new home. Maybe some of them wanted a new start, but his purpose here was nothing else but to protect Scarlett and those she cared about. Which meant he had to protect Kove if it ever came to that.....

RE: PACK CLAIM - Bearclaw Valley - Carter - March 23, 2015

sorry for holding this back with my late response everyone:(

carter had been in the background as of like, taking care of the littlest things while simultaneously working for the growth of the pack. when the alphess, scarlett lifted her white head and released a howl, a howl of spoke of their claim on the lands, the boy went forward to join in the song.

he hadn't expected to so quickly earn himself a place in a pack, a place among others. but it was time to shred his previous life away, right? so he howled, howled with fierce determination and with all his might.