Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley New Home - Printable Version

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New Home - Adlartok - March 12, 2015

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Adlartok strode from the makeshift den. He sniffed at the ground, wondering for a moment if he shouldn't find his own place. He didn't know how Scarlett would handle that, but he did know he wouldn't be able to handle Kove. That rat bastard pissed him off. He had done the wrong thing with the other female, and then he had fought with Scarlett. Had made her feel worthless. Yea, he pissed him off.

Artok sniffed around, walking the pack territory. He limped as he went, but at least it was a huge pustule. He was no longer seeping blood, and skin, and green pus. Now it was mostly scabbed over, it still was tender to the touch. It still hurt if something touched it, and it still hurt if the wind hit it just right. He wasn't sure if that would ever change, he sure hoped so though.

RE: New Home - Outcry - March 12, 2015

As Outcry set out to discover and explore her new home, she came across a scent. It was fresh and the brown wolfess decided to follow it. Outcry being a terrible tracker lost the scent a few times, but eventually came across the source. A young wolf who was limping. Outcry thought that this could be her chance to not only meet a new packmate, but also help someone. However the brown female was unsure if she could help him, or even if he would let her attempt to help.

She gave a low chuff to the male as she approached him. Outcry wasn't as worried to meet others now, because she trusted Scarlett would only bring kind wolves into the pack. "Hello, I'm Outcry" she said and realized she recognized this male from the howling. "Umm... are you injured" she asked which was a stupid question since it was very clear he was indeed hurt, but the brown wolfess was simply trying to start a conversation.

RE: New Home - Adlartok - March 13, 2015

Artok heard another coming up behind, he laid ears back and turned golden gaze towards it. A small she wolf, she was even smaller than him, but older. Granted he wasn't exactly small anymore, and he would be large as he aged. He would be a brute actually.

He tilted one ear forward, keeping the other flat to his head. He fought to control his temper, and not roll his eyes at her. Of course he was hurt, it was obvious wasn't it. I mean clearly he couldn't even walk. So, the logical thing would be that he got hurt. He bit his tongue though, as hard as it was and lowered his eyes to slits. Thinking of what to say.

He spoke softly, though his voice was in a way friendly, it was also not. However, it was more aloof than mean. "I'm Adlartok Arrluk, and yea I'm injured. Some she wolf, ripped me apart with her teeth and claws, because I wasn't her son. Funny isn't it.

RE: New Home - Néa - March 13, 2015

Néa trudged up the hill, strides short and staccato as she tried to keep even footing on the ground and not agitate her wounds anymore than she had. They would scar viciously, that much she knew and she didn't really mind the thought too much. She'd been told that scars made a wolf that much more experienced, to have survived past those wounds and become even greater to have pushed on past.

She came up behind the small gathering, sniffing curiously as she beheld the other two wolves. "It's a nasty wound, that at least can be said. It will scar, if you can keep the infection out and not die from septic shock. Get some ashwagandha and ask the healer to place on the wound. It won't rot your shoulder out then and it'll numb the pain a little more... I'm Néa, by the way."