Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Printable Version

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Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Adlartok - March 13, 2015

Artok strode again from the den. The way Kove and Scarlett looked at each other. He pretended to retch. He honestly, couldn't stand the male. That wasn't good, and he wouldn't tell anyone about it. He wouldn't hurt the one wolf who had yet to let him down, like that. He limped to the center of the den area.

He plopped down, watching as a small tuft of dirt rose and floated away. Spring was here, oh goody. Pretty soon there would be babies everywhere. He wondered if Scarlett and Kove would be having babies sometime soon. He didn't exactly know how that stuff worked, but he did know he wouldn't probably handle it well. He lay his head across his paw, shifting so his leg didn't pull on the mangled muscles and sinew in his shoulder.

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Rhythm - March 13, 2015

Rhythm yawned and stretched as she padded through the clearing. Home sweet home. She looked at Kove and Scarlett who looked adorable together she admitted. She still longed for that connection with a wolf. Maybe one day. She would find it. One day. She looked over as she saw one of the young injured wolves pad out of one of the dens and plopped himself down.

This must be the shy one Scarlett mentioned when she first met her. There was another injured wolf but she didnt know the relation between that female and the alpha.

Rhythm padded towards the young male but didnt get to close. She sat down. A reasonable distance from him but managed a small "Hello," and a smile. She was determined to gain this wolf's trust.

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Adlartok - March 14, 2015

Ad heard footfalls and turned golden gaze towards it. It was a silver she wolf, he thought he remembered her from the howl, but he wasn't certain. He stared at her for a moment, distrust evident in his gaze. He was beginning to regret joining another pack, he couldn't stand the amount of wolves that were on all sides. He sighed, he would have to bite down and bear it.

He studied her, and dipped his muzzle. Hello. His voice was stiff and untrusting, but at least he spoke right.

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Rhythm - March 14, 2015

rhythm could just tell this wolf didn't trust her. Everything about him screamed it. His voice. His gaze. He had been hurt pretty bad. The wounds were healing though. "I'm Rhythm, and you?" She knew this conversation was going to be farely brief for she dare not push it with this male.

Rhythm took a deep breathe and then lay down. Finally getting used to the area. She knew most of her way around now. She just had to get familiar with those wolves that would let her.

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Adlartok - March 14, 2015

Adlartok tilted his ears, forward and though he was bored and didn't trust her, her might as well at least try to be pleasant. He could do that, but not be overtly pleasant. M'names Adlartok Arrluk, but most call me Ad or Tok. Artok he could hold his own end of a conversation, if it warranted it.

Artok watched her, with an amused glint in his eye. He was not a nice wolf most of the time. He was cocky, and confidant and rude. He also lied with the the best of them, if the occasion called for it. Though he tried not to, he was an honest jerk at least. He mirrored her movements laying down as well and simply waited.

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Rhythm - March 14, 2015

Rhythm couldn't decide watch she actually planned on doing laying down. This was not a productive thing to be doing. Perhaps she ought to make herself useful. How though was the question. Perhaps she would see if this wolf needed anything.

"Nice to meet you Adlartok," she wasnt one for nicknames. "Do you need anything, I'm kind of bored right now and figured id try and make myself useful." she didn't like to do nothing if there were things that could be done.

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Adlartok - March 20, 2015

Artok, didn't care if Laying down wasn't the proper thing to do at the moment. Well, actually he didn't really care about a lot of things, and getting reprimanded. Well, that was the last thing on his mind. He was injured, and he couldn't really move about freely anyway. 

Artok shook his head, You got a new leg for me? That is something I need. Otherwise, no I don't need anything. He licked at his paw and dipped his muzzle to the female. or you could show me some tricks to help my balance. AFter all I'm basically a three legged wolf

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Rhythm - March 21, 2015

Rhythm had to think for a moment. She wasn't really sure what she could do about his balance. It was unfortunate that he has to figure out how to balance on three legs. She gave him a dissapointed glance "I'm sorry i don't know much when it comes to that sort of thing. I don't know what you could do to help your balance." she muttered looking slightly frustrated by her own lack of knowledge. These were the times she wish she knew how to help. 

If this wolf didn't need anything and most of the others seemed to be fine. She decided perhaps laying down wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. She rested her head on her paws watching the young wolf. He didn't seem completely annoyed by her company although she could tell it wasn't a favourite of his either. She figured shed stay put for a while. Perhaps take a nap. Who knows. 

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Adlartok - April 02, 2015

Artok shrugged, It's okay i'll figure it out. I think swimming was good for my uncle when he hurt his. So maybe i'll try and find a lake. You know of any lakes around I can swim in? He wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, but it was all he had to go on at the moment.

Artok moved about, and lay more comfortably, his hurt leg gently set down. He looked over the other wolf with curiosity. He wasn't thrilled to have another here, but what was the harm in a little conversation. Where are you from?

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Rhythm - April 18, 2015

Rhythm's eyes lit up slightly when he mentioned swimming. "Yes that would work i should think, there is a river running through the valley the current isnt that bad if you stay far from the waterfall. Go closer and your asking for trouble," she let out a small chuff.  

She looked around for a moment ears twitching. Then she glanced back as Artok asked where she was from. She wasn't exactly sure how to answer this question. "I'm from outside the wilds. I let my pack when i was about a year old, I wandered into one of the plains nearby and met Scarlett. Then i ended up here," she smiled. She liked this place a lot. She felt more accepted here than she was at her old home. She didn't know what she had done to deserve the way the others had treated her. Even her brothers would pick on her.

Sure she may not have been the strongest wolf. That wouldn't stop her from helping out at camp. As long as there was no fighting involved she was fine. yet whenever she offered her assistance to anyone she got it thrown back in her face and ended up spending most of her days doing nothing, or wandering through the territory.

RE: Barefoot, Blue Jeans - Adlartok - May 13, 2015

[quote='Rhythm' pid='107102' dateline='1429359644']

He saw her eyes light up, and he gave a small smile. Not a large one mind you, but a small one. The waterfall is a dangerous thing. Beautiful but dangerous. That is all he said about it. He didn't fancy falling over the edge of that, on to the waiting rocks below. No sir he did not.

Artok studied her, Why did you leave? Scarlett saved me, that is why I am here. That is all he said on the subject. He did not wish to delve into details, better off left alone. However, he was not ashamed that she had saved him. No, he was grateful and he would be paying that debt until his dying day.

I am sorry it took me so long to get to this. School, and kids and life is kicking my butt lately