Wolf RPG
New home, New surroundings, New Packmates - Printable Version

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New home, New surroundings, New Packmates - Rhythm - March 13, 2015

Ooc/ Hi xD Super excited this is a thing now. Lol. AW but maybe @Outcry or @Nea

Rhythm smiled as she just wandered through the territory in her new home. Bearclaw valley. She didn't know many of Scarlett's recruits but she would sure she would get to know them soon enough. She looked up at the sky. The day was beautiful. Finally spring.

She found a nice warm spot and lay down. Just admiring the sights and sounds. She couldnt get over how amazing this place was. She wondered how Scarlett came across this. She was glad she had a pack now. Lone wolf life. No fun.

RE: New home, New surroundings, New Packmates - Néa - March 13, 2015

Nea shifted uncomfortably, feeling the jagged healing edges of her underbelly wounds twisted and pulling as she moved, but she knew it was necessary. Her wounds had been severe but now that the edges were healing and no infections had settled in, she had to keep moving. Her muscles were sore now and so was her pride, at having been caught by such a pack as the ones who had injured her.

She was enjoying the spring weather, as she followed the scent of a packmate she had yet to meet and padded up to where the fae sat in the warm sun. "Hey there... Thought I'd take a walk, stretch my legs and meet some of the people Scarlett rounded up. Oh, I'm Néa by the way."

RE: New home, New surroundings, New Packmates - Rhythm - March 14, 2015

Rhythm's ears twitched as she heard the footsteps of another wolf approaching. A packmate not a stranger. Although she hadn't met this wolf before. She glanced over to see a young female walking towards her. She mentioned her name was Nea. It was a pretty name. Then she noticed this wolf was injured. What had happend to this poor girl was unknown to her.

"Hi, I was just out for a stroll as well, still adjusting to this place. I'm Rhythm," she said with a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you," she said giving the wolf a once over to see exactly what injuries this girl had.

"You know Scarlett? Like before she made the pack," she asked with a tilt of her head.