Wolf RPG
Waterfall Exploring - Printable Version

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Waterfall Exploring - Scarlett - March 14, 2015

All Welcome <3

The white queen of Bearclaw valley didn't look so white anymore. Her normally white coat had been smudged with brown dirt. Scarlett had been adjusting the alpha den a bit more. This den housed Kove and her, but also had an extra chamber for Adlartok and a bedroom/chamber for Néa. Scarlett wanted the injured youngsters close. Her small frame made her way to the other end of the valley. To the location of the waterfall. Yes, it was easier to just take a dip into the lazy river but Scarlett also liked to explore the valley further. She had only been to the waterfall once. The female followed the river upstream, it didn't take long for her to hear the echo of the rushing water.

Her walk turned into a trot once she came closer. Instantly she took a dip in the deep pool in which the water fell. It was slightly colder than the shallow lazy river, but since she lived on a glacier for several months the colder water didn't feel that cold compared to the meltwater from the glacier. Scarlett swam back towards the mouth of the river, that was where she could feel the ground under her feet again. The mud and dirt had been soaked off. Still Scarlett didn't mind to stand in the shoulder height water for a moment longer.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Shiba - March 14, 2015

uhh, glitch. I'm still working on this post.. It won't be this short EDIT: Fixed.

Shiba was not far away from Scarlett's current location, and bounded over to her.
"Hello friend!" Shiba yelled over to Scarlett, splashing into the water with her.
"What are you doing, friend?!?" Shiba asked, still yelling. She liked this wolf. She was nice. The sky shined purple, and the tall creatures continued to roam in the water, splashing water on her face. Shiba giggled. She was a kid, after all.

Shiba cocked her head, and waited for an answer. Things were going good here. She hadn't met any guys yet, and nobody knew her secret.
She was such a smart wolf.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Scarlett - March 14, 2015

Scarlett could hear her fellow albino from quite a distance away. Her yelling also didn't help, it seemed to amplify because the walls were so steep and echoed. Her red eyes fell into the other red ones. "Hello Shiba," she smiled kindly. Scarlett was then greeted with a splash of water once Shiba jumped into the water right next to her. It reminded Scarlett a bit of a wild youngster. Shiba and Néa were probably around the same age then. The light female shook her head since a bit of water had run in her ear. "Settling in well?," Scarlett asked the other female.

Scarlett drank a few sips now she was in the water anyways. She hoped the female was doing okay. Scarlett had seen one of her episodes and wondered if she had been able to keep them at bay. She was also curious what her problems with boys were. She instantly worried for her own boy, Adlartok. She wasn't worried about Kove, the male couldn't cheat on her even if she told him to. Not that Scarlett would ever do that. Her and Kove felt like something that would be forever. "I am taking a bath, and I wanted to explore this waterfall more. Hear how the rushing sound of the water echo's? I think there is something behind the waterfall!"

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Shiba - March 14, 2015

Ever since I mentioned Yangire ocd mode, I can't help but push Shba in that diretion. it would be interesting as heck!

"Woah." Shiba said, in a mix of wonder of the world around her, and what her alpha said.
'Maybe there is a man in there.' Shiba thought to herself. But, she shook here head, and the thought flew into the air, nothing but a bubble in the back of her head.
"Let's go!" she shouted, and began paddling toward the waterfall. It was odd. The cold water turned the sky purple. Scarlett was an odd array of colors. She stopped in her tracks to look at her, she was changing... Into a two leg creature! The one from her dreams. She stopped, and looked right up into Scarlett's big furless eyes. That was her main indicator. She had no fur, except on her head! What a wonder.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Scarlett - March 14, 2015

It is definitely interesting! Do note to talk about it OOC'ly with the wolf she is going to obsess over and if they are alright with that. Since she can also get violent etc. Also let us know in the behind the scenes if she found someone to stalk!

The female grew so excited that she didn't even answered Scarlett's question. The red eyed female let it slide for now. She could appreciate the joy Shiba was experiencing now. It was such a contrast to the time when they met. The poor girl looked so scared. Scarlett had only managed to calm her to stay calm herself. Which she was doing now once more. She liked that Shiba was joyful but she had to adjust to her yelling. Scarlett took another route. The current was way to strong to swim against with the water falling down and wanting to escape the to river mouth.

"Shiba, watch out," She warned. The current could even drag her down. "You are tiring yourself out, this way," Scarlett called out towards her from the riverbank. She shook out her fur. Her small frame visible under her wet fur. Scarlett's red eyes scanned the waterfall. There were rocks along the riverbank and around the pool. These looked fine to walk on. It might gave them a peak if there was a rock wall behind the waterfall or not.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Rhythm - March 14, 2015

Rhythm was standing not far from the river. Only to hear Scarlett's voice and that of a wolf she didn't recognize. She glanced towards the water and let out a bark over the sound of the rushing water to get their attention. "What on earth are you two doing?!?" she shouted. Watching them head to the base of the waterfall. "Do you two have a death wish or something?" She said padding closer to the waters edge.

She was concerned what was their motive for swimming this close to the base of the water fall. She cautiously placed one paw in the water. The current was fairly strong. These two really did have a death wish.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Shiba - March 14, 2015

Shiba looked back, her eyes wide.
"Yeah!" She replied. Shiba was beginning to slip.. But this was so fun.
"Come swim with us!" Shiba invited, when the wolf dipped her grey paw into the water. The Mad Woman began to pant, and swam back over to where 'friend Scarlett' was standing.
"So what do we do?" She asked, calming herself a little. She truly wanted to see what was behind the waterfall, she needed it.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Scarlett - March 14, 2015

Scarlett had been standing on the edge of the deep pool. She liked swimming but she wasn't going to swim close to where the water was falling. The red eyed female turned he head when she heard Rhythm's voice. A kind smile tugged on her lips. "Hello Rhythm," She greeted. Her red eyes looking kindly at her. "I went for a swim to clean my coat. Shiba jumped in to and thought she could swim towards the waterfall," Scarlett explained on a kind tone. She was worried about Shiba, but she seemed to enjoy herself.

Shiba luckily returned to them safely. "Well, we were going to check if there was something behind the waterfall. We could use the rocky sidelines to get there," Scarlett pointed out and then moved along the edge of the round pool towards the rushing water. She carefully stepped from stone to stone. She was used to a slippery glacier,so these wet rocks were nothing. Her lean body moved forward with the needed skill, to then step on rock behind the waterfall. If you stood in front of it the white wolf seemed to have vanished. Scarlett was pleased that her hearing was right! There was a cave behind it. "Guys come and look!," she called out.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Rhythm - March 14, 2015

Rhythm smiled at the alphess as she explained what it was they were actually doing. "I think ill stay on land," she stifled a small chuckle at the unfamiliar wolf.

"Sounds interesting," she muttered ears twitching as she glanced towards Scarlett again. As Scarlett padded across the stones one by one.Careful not to fall in. Rhythm followed behind also cautious with her steps. Just up ahead she heard scarlett shout with a hint of excitement.

Rhythm picked up her pace slightly. Peaked by interest in what it was Scarlett had found. As she got closer she saw that her theory had in fact been correct. There was a cave behind the waterfall. "Awesome," Rhythm said smiling staring at the cave in awe.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Shiba - March 14, 2015

Shiba bounded after Rhythm, her breath still coming out in short pants. Shiba could finally see what was inside. She was getting 10 feet,.. 5,.. 3... When she slipped and fell on the slippery rocks!
"Agh!" Shiba pulled herself up, and kept walking toward the cave, going slower now. She still wanted to know what was inside, despite the scrape she had aquired from her fall. She stood at the mouth of the cave, and stared.

It was..

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Scarlett - March 14, 2015

As Scarlett stood at the edge of the cave she had Rhythm joining her quickly. She could hear a soft thump and looked around to see Shiba fall. She trotted forward. "Oh Shiba! Are you okay?," Scarlett asked to the other female. She helped the other female in the cave. Her red eyes fell onto the scrape on her body. Her muzzle moved to it and licked over it briefly. It was just a scrape. Scarlett was always quick to care.

Her red eyed focussed on the cave once more. "I don't think it is that deep? Maybe it would be good to hide if something happens. Or the youngsters," she returned and stepped further into the dark. The light shining on the waterfall made the cave minimally lit. "Pretty cool still."

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Rhythm - March 14, 2015

Rhythm nodded her head. "Not a bad idea. I don't think an enemy wolf would think to look behind a waterfall. Not many have as adept hearing as you do. I wouldn't have noticed this." she muttered looking around.

No the cave was not that deep. Large enough however. To hide for a short amount of time. Although a tad claustrophobic perhaps after a while.

"You should show Kove this next time you and him get the chance. See what he would think." Rhythm muttered glancing at Shiba to make sure she was ok.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Shiba - March 14, 2015

Shiba was still staring into the cave, when she saw the small space. She shoved herself into it, forgetting about the kind lick Scarlett had given. Shiba liked small spaces. Just the feeling of being cozy inside a tight bit, and feeling the stone around her warm up slowly, was heaven to the Mad woman.
"So what now? Shiba called out, finally comfortable in her spot. At the mention of Kove, Shiba's heart skipped a beat. HEr lover. She wondered what he was doing right then.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Scarlett - March 14, 2015

Well, this happens before the thread where Scarlett makes clear that she doesn't like Shiba so close to Kove. Since Shiba probably has seen Kove at the claiming thread, I think you don't need to edit the 'liking' Kove part out, Shiba! :) But just so you know that this is dated before the other thread to make things easier! One last post for everyone? :)

Scarlett was completely flabbergasted that the other albino just ignored her kind lick. Well so much for showing some comfort. The female seemed more keen on shoving herself into a tight space. Scarlett turned to Rhythm. "I will tell him, Thank you Rhythm. And I think so too. The water washes away our scent and if we stay quiet they see this as a dead end of our valley. If there be little ones it would be perfect," Scarlett returned to her. Oh, now it would be a great time to have her heat. Even though she wasn't official with Kove he already expressed to her that he wanted little ones.

"Well, Shiba since you like this spot so much I wouldn't want to drag you away again. You look super comfortable. I will probably go and tell Kove now. He will be interested to know, plus I really want to spend some time with him," She spoke fondly when speaking about Kove. "Well you guys know what I mean," she blushed a bit, luckily her face was covered with fur. Scarlett nodded a polite goodbye to Shiba and then moved herself from behind the waterfall. She wasn't sure if Rhythm was going too, but Scarlett waited a moment outside the cave next to where the river started so they could walk back together.

RE: Waterfall Exploring - Rhythm - March 14, 2015

Rhythm nodded her head at the alphess when she thanked her. She watched shiba as she seemed quite comfortable. "Im going to head back with Scarlett. So see you later i guess." she muttered giving a quick tail flick as a good bye then squeezing back through the entrance of the cave.

She smiled when she saw Scarlett had waited. 'You want to swim back. Current pushes that way anyways. Wouldnt be a hard swim," she said tilting her head. She figured it may be faster than trying to walk. She wouldnt swim though if the Alphess would walk.