Wolf RPG
A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Printable Version

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A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Blue Frostbane - March 14, 2015

Blue walked up slowly towards the wolves of Nova Peak. She kept her head up high and her tail low, she was afraid of what the other wolves would think of her.

Of course she didn't want the others to think she was weak or afraid, so she stood up tall with her shoulders back, there was a confident look in her eyes.

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Bazi - March 14, 2015

Since claiming Nova Peak and falling pregnant in the space of a week, Bazi had become fiercely territorial. Though it was customary for lone wolves to try their luck at the borders of packs, theirs had not existed for long enough to draw any visitors. Or so she thought.

It was with narrowed eyes and a bristle-lined back that Bazi approached the stranger at her door, lips twitching in warning even though she knew very well what the lone female desired. It was very unlikely that Blue was here to boop noses and run away. "And what do you offer?" she called brusquely ahead of her in place of pleasantries, approaching at a confident march.

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Blue Frostbane - March 14, 2015

Blue knew that this must be the alpha female of the pack. She bowed her head in respect and took a few steps back.
She could easily tell that the female was in distress so she tried to sound as calm and polite as possible.
"I offer you my protection. I would like to join your pack, I'm sure you guessed that already" said Blue, there was a stern look on her face. "I will assist you all in hunting and whatever you need me to do, I can assure you that I am an excellent hunter with a lot of skill."

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Bazi - March 14, 2015

Blue wisely kept a lid on any sass she might have wished to fling at the Alpha for her unwelcoming approach - Bazi noted this as she slowed to a halt, tail swinging slowly behind her. She scrutinized the newcomer through narrow eyes. The name not yet given suited her - she was a slight wolf clothed in a cool blue-grey coat. Rangy, but with a look of determination on her face. She was two, maybe three years old, and displayed no obvious sign of injury or sickness. Bazi's nostrils widened as she inhaled deeply of the foreign scent.

"Well, good. We have pups, and they are going to need training soon," she voiced, nodding to herself. One sleek, white ear angled back, and she raised her gaze to Blue's eyes. "And.. what about puppies? Birthing them, raising them.. any experience there?" Or ambitions?

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Blue Frostbane - March 14, 2015

Blue was relieved that the alpha did not attack, and she became a little less tense.
"Pups you say? I could certainly help train them." Blue paused for a second, thinking if the right words to say.

The alpha female was still looking at her, waiting to hear something else.
"My name is Blue" she said, "I forgot to introduce myself."

She once again bowed her head to Bazi to show that she was loyal. After all, she wanted to make a good impression.
"I have never had pups before, but when I was with my family I used to watch the young ones and show them hunting techniques. I would certainly like to have pups in future, though."

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Bazi - March 15, 2015

"Bazi," the Alpha introduced in return, nodding her way pensively through the girls' answer. She couldn't very well deny her entry for wanting pups some day - after all, that day might never come, or if it did, who knows? For all Bazi knew, she was looking at her future Beta.

With a flick of her tail, the leader stepped symbolically aside, allowing Blue an officially sanctioned view of the peak and its vast bib of evergreens. "We just settled her - my mate Scimitar and I, and our friends and family. Come on," she inclined her head in the direction of home - an invitation. "I'll show you around and introduce you."

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Blue Frostbane - March 15, 2015

Blue took a few steps forward and looked around. The territory was beautiful, she couldn't deny that.
"This was a nice choice of territory" she said, her blue eyes widened.

Blue was still admiring the land and as she turned she saw Bazi signaling her to come. She trotted over with her head up high; she was excited to meet the other pack members.

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Bazi - March 15, 2015

Bazi urged the newcomer along, moving them towards the Northwood at a brisk walk. "This is the Northwood," she narrated, "And that's Nova Peak behind it. You've got the Hogbelly Hills to your right - plenty of pigs, although we're trying not to decimate the population.." Easier said than done - the pigs were strangely unaccustomed to wolves, and a little too curious for their own good. The Alpha stole a sideways glance at Blue. She was young, well-proportioned - features Bazi was not fond of in ladies, but she just about trusted Scimitar not to fling her in the bin in favour of a shinier model. "Where were you before? A pack?"

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Blue Frostbane - March 15, 2015

Blue followed Bazi and listened as she explained where everything was. The territory was huge, and Blue wanted to explore but she knew she couldn't just yet. 
"Pigs? That is interesting. Where I am from there weren't any of those around."

Blue noticed the little glances Bazi gave her, but she didn't care, it was best that she didn't say anything. Plus, if Blue were in her position she would examine a newcomer.
"Well, I was with my family; my parents and brother. Once my mother died, my father said it was best for him to leave. He did, and it was just my brother and I. Eventually my brother and I split, so now I'm here. I guess we were a pack...of 4 wolves." 
Blue sighed and sat down. She flicked her ears at the birds flying over head. 

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Bazi - March 15, 2015

A pleasantly unremarkable past. No disease, no drama - but she could be lying. Bazi had lied about her origins, and so far, it had harmed no-one. "Pigs," she confirmed with a nod, "Plenty of them. We haven't done an official count yet..." she trailed off and slowed, turning towards the gaggle of squat hills that the hogs inhabited. A wave of nausea had announced itself, and was making its way slowly up the Alpha's throat. "Maybe that should be your first job. Get us a count on those hogs - how many young, how many males," she told Blue hurriedly. God, now she needed to pee as well - urgently"I need to go. Urgent usiness. Find me later to report your findings."

RE: A new wolf has appeared! {joining} - Blue Frostbane - March 15, 2015

Blue nodded, "I'll get right to it." She bounded off with her head up high towards Hogbelly Hills with many thoughts racing through her mind. She was happy that she actually might become apart of pack, yet she wondered what was wrong with Bazi.