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Nova Peak the best news - Printable Version

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the best news - Bazi - March 14, 2015

Open to anyone!

After emptying herself of bile for the third time that morning, Bazi finally decided it was for real. In the days to come, the sour taste of zombie meals would really start to grind her gears, but right now she was just pleased to have any sort of sign that she and Scimitar had managed it.

"Paarthurnax," she whispered urgently, padding back into the flat space below the evergreens that the family slept in. Between the trees, the sky was flush with pink and orange, and she quickly spotted Paarthurnax's faintly golden form nestled among the rest of their snoozing family. Bazi nosed her friendly impatiently, and would eventually have succeeded in rousing the sleeping woman had she not taken the first gently dissuading grumble to heart. 

Bazi flattened her ears. "Fine," she half-snarled, booping her friend roughly on the head before trailing off to find someone else to share in her excitement.

RE: the best news - Kaskara - April 01, 2015

This looked lonely. <3

Kaskara loved this new place. It reminded her of Dal Riata in places, though she had never lived on a proper mountain before. The areas that her brother had shown her lifted her spirits and brought out the explorer in her. She had spent the first few days simply familiarizing herself with the new territory, marking their border with her piss and strengthening any weak spots in the scent line. This was a fantastic territory to call home, and she was glad they had claimed it for themselves.

Ahead she spotted her alpha, and Kas smiled. With a bark, she closed in on the woman and gave her a friendly head-bump to a slim shoulder, careful not to topple the white dove with her brutish strength. "How're you settling in?" she asked with a smile toward her hopefully soon-to-be sister.

RE: the best news - Bazi - April 02, 2015

Very lonely! :D

Luckily, not everyone was luxuriating in a lie-in. Bazi all but flew in Kaskara's direction when the Beta made her presence known, bounding through the trees with enthusiasm and grace that Barrel Bazi of the future could only dream of. "Kaskara!" she squeaked, pleased to catch her sort-of-already-sister-in-law in a break from her duties. With so few wolves left in the pack and new borders to fortify and guard, there was little time to hang around and chat. Bazi reared up to kiss Kaskara full in the face before circling around so that they could walk side by side. With a gentle nudge, the Alpha guided her away from the pile of snoring pack-mates. "Has Scimitar told you yet?" she asked quietly, looking fit to burst. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

RE: the best news - Kaskara - April 05, 2015

Kas smiled and turned to follow Bazi away from the sleeping pile of packmates. Though she loved them, she would let them sleep. It was still quite early in the morning to wake slumbering babes. After a while Bazi grinned and asked if Scimitar had told her, and Kas frowned. "Told me what?" she asked, turning to study her alpha's face. What news was it that he needed to tell her? Were they finally, officially mates? Had they decided to finally start their family? Kas waited for Bazi to tell her the news, hopeful yet guarded, not wanting to hear something painful from her friend.

RE: the best news - Bazi - April 05, 2015

Kaskara's reply brought out mixed emotions in Bazi - 98% of them good, with a pinch of frustration at her closed book of a mate. Still, it meant she would have the honours of delivering the good news. "Ha, that sweet, uncommunicative bastard of mine... we're going to be parents. To pups!" What else? The fact that she and Scimitar had been confirmed mates since the journey to Nova Peak was something that both halves of the relationship had forgotten to announce officially. There had simply been too much going on.

RE: the best news - Kaskara - April 08, 2015

Kaskara had an inkling that this was coming and her bright smile that followed Bazi's announcement only solidified her happiness at the notion. She was going to be an aunt! Laughing, Kaskara bounced on her feet like a puppy, too excited to contain herself. "It's about time!" Kas grinned, licking her sister's cheek. Whether or not it had ever been officially announced, this news made it clear in Kaskara's mind: Bazi and Scimitar were now mates. Officially. They would be parents soon! "How long have you known?"

RE: the best news - Bazi - April 08, 2015

An unladylike burp signalled its timely arrival when the kisses ceased. Bazi turned her head to take care of it, allowing the gas to escape in as muted and elegant a fashion as possible. When it seemed like no vomit would follow, she turned back to Kaskara's grinning face with her own tired smile. "Vomiting," she announced, as if this made it certain. "I don't think it can be anything else based on h--" Bazi stopped abruptly, stopping her self from sharing details about exactly how often she and her mate had been going at it. "Well, it's definitely not food poisoning."

RE: the best news - Kaskara - April 08, 2015

Sometimes Bazi could overlook a question and begin to answer the one she thought she heard instead of the one that had actually been asked. At first this had annoyed Kaskara, but as she got to know the white dove, Kas realized that she meant no harm by it; it was simply her way. "Glad its not food poisoning," Kas replied with a laugh. "D'you know when you're due?" Though exact dates could never be determined for a wolf who knew nothing of days and weeks, Kaskara knew that it took a little over two moon cycles for a woman to birth. What Kas really wanted to know was how soon she could be able to coddle those little monsters growing in Bazi's belly.

RE: the best news - Bazi - April 11, 2015

Kaskara did not point out the mistake, and Bazi did not pick up on it either. In her flustered state, it was hard enough to string two words together. She wanted to tell her sister-in-law all the juicy details - from those first tender moments to the adorably awkward proposal. But this was Scimitar's sister, and there were certain things that a sister did not want to hear about her brother. Bazi pressed her head against Kaskara's side, listening to the faint thump of the larger wolf's heart. "I'm not sure. It doesn't feel real yet - I guess it won't until.. you know. I get fat," she grimaced. "Paarthurnax and Tuwawi managed to carry it off, but I'm not so sure I'll be so lucky - from what I've seen, you Frostfurs aren't known for your puny stature." Oh, if she only knew.

RE: the best news - Kaskara - April 16, 2015

Kaskara laughed at the idea of Bazi getting fat. She just couldn't imagine this petit dove growing round with the fruits of her labor, literally. Whatever Bazi was about to say earlier reminded Kas that this woman, her friend, was mating with her brother. It was only natural, though Kas was glad she was spared the details. Knowing that your brother had a mate was an entirely different thing than knowing the details of said mateship. "You'll be beautiful," Kas reassured her. "Don't worry about our stature. We're big, but not horrendously so. From what my mother taught me, bodies adjust to fit the babes."

RE: the best news - Bazi - April 25, 2015

You'll be beautiful, Kaskara told her reassuringly, and went on to say what Kieran had already insisted upon: that bodies were elastic, and that they could cope with more than you'd imagine. Bazi was not so sure. She smiled playfully at Kaskara, narrowing her eyes. "If I become pumpkin-sized, you have to... do the 'girls and guys' talk with them when they're older." Because ain't nobody got time for that. "Deal?" Her own poor attempts to educate Relonikiv on the matter would probably cause him to become socially maladjusted sex-pest.

RE: the best news - Kaskara - April 30, 2015

Kaskara laughed at the promise Bazi wanted her to make, but nodded anyway. "If you swell, I'll tell 'em. Not sure that talk is supposed to come from your aunt, but I'll keep my promise." Whatever Bazi was thinking was clearly influenced by the hormones rattling around inside her. Kaskara didn't know what to expect from this litter, but her heart swelled at the thought of it. She'd be an aunt. Bazi and Scimitar were finally, officially, mates. The only this missing was...no, she wouldn't spoil today with thoughts of longing. "What do you need me to do? Anything to help you prepare for them?"

RE: the best news - Bazi - May 25, 2015

Bazi shook her head, smiling brightly. When the nausea passed, she would breeze through the rest of the rest of the pregnancy - or so she thought now, without the benefit of hindsight. Little did the Alpha know that in a mere few weeks' time she would be so large, so pumpkin-sized, that moving further than two feet away to defecate would be considered a victory. "Just be here to greet them," she enthused, tail lashing behind her. "Come on - I'm starving hungry, and I want something more impressive than what I could catch on my own." With a gleeful little noise, Bazi and her peanut-sized babies sprinted south, towards the plains and (hopefully) breakfast.

Concluding! Hope that's OK, since we've got a new one. :)