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Bearclaw Valley there's no time for fairy tales - Printable Version

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there's no time for fairy tales - Raziel - March 15, 2015

RE: there's no time for fairy tales - Kove - March 15, 2015

OOC: You must be a mind reader, omg. I mentioned something to Mar earlier about wanting a Raz and Kove thread soon. :D

The life within the valley so far had been eventful for the pale man. Things were going well, for the most part, and it seemed as if many were settling in quite nicely. The place had quickly become home, both in name and in heart, and he wouldn't have had it any other way. Still, there were things he needed to do still, both personal and for the Brotherhood. Personally, he had something to ask of Scarlett, a question he wished to time just right. For the Brotherhood, he simply needed to observe and grow with the newly found pack, and see where the loyalties of each member laid. It was something that would permit the Inuit man to stay within the world of the light, but also in the darkened world he previously mixed with. Despite the combination of the two, his intentions managed to stay as pure as he could make them, and even more so when his lover was involved.

Thought after thought whirled around in Kove's head, his body practically moving on autopilot. He recently remembered that he had forgotten to fulfill a promise to a child, and needed to correct his mistake. When he would, however, was up for discussion. He was not yet ready to go on a small journey so soon after settling in, but what choice did he have? A promise was a promise, even if it was given to a boy who very well may have already forgotten the white lupine. A low sigh escaped him, hardly audible to even his own ears, as he brought himself back to his senses. Kove had decided that he would speak with Scarlett first, and then set out to tell the young shadow of where he'd gone, just as he had said he would do if he ever left. His path to find the crimson eyed belle was altered, though, as a faintly familiar scent reached his leathery nose. The name and face to match the scent was given to him in a heartbeat, as he could not forget the wolf who had admitted to harboring the same type of feelings as himself for the alabaster woman—Raziel.

Kove trotted off in the direction from which the scent had come, not needing to go long before his eyes where greeted by a silver pelt. A trace of rabbit seemed to linger with him, but when a carcass could not be seen, it was assumed that he had buried it away instead of chowing down. Steadily, the distance between the two men was closed, and the paler of the two gave a short chuff to make his presence known (even though he'd probably already been heard approaching). “Already working to provide for the pack?” he questioned, believing he already held the answer.

RE: there's no time for fairy tales - Raziel - March 16, 2015

OOC: haha, this gonna be an interesting thread :)

It was Kove's scent that first alerted the Roman of his presence, then his pawsteps, then his voice. "Hey Kove," Raziel greeted his Alpha with a smile and a nod. He figured that if he was going to stay here as long as Scarlett was here, he had better get on Kove's good side and maybe they could be friends. After all, the white man was not really that terrible from what he had seen, he was pretty cool, besides Kove would benefit from his friendship too. If he ever hurt Scarlett, maybe Raz would go a bit lighter on him and though he would still beat him up, the Roman would not make his pretty white coat entirely stained in his own blood. Maybe only three quarters of it would be covered in crimson liquid. 

At his Alpha's question, the silver prince half smiled, half smirked. Fierce teal eyes gleaming with amusement. "Already working? Dude, if everyone relaxed after the pack's just been established, we would be starving and then we'll have to overwork ourselves later." Raziel offered the fellow man a shrug and a grin, "I'm just making sure that won't happen, and fulfilling my duty as a responsible, loyal Bearclaw Valley wolf." The Roman smiled and half wondered if Kove was one of those wolves who was always serious or those who smiled once in a while and had a sense of humor. He supposed he would find out soon.

RE: there's no time for fairy tales - Kove - March 16, 2015

The greeting seemed casual enough, which was a small surprise. From their first meeting, the ghost had suspected him of being a more formal lupine, but his assumption had, apparently, been incorrect. He found it good, though, as formal interactions could get boring after awhile. He wished to befriend the other male, as both were close to Scarlett, just in different ways. His attempt to befriend and gain the trust of the younger boy in the albino's life had, more or less, failed, so he saw this as a second chance to make up for that. Like with Adlartok, he didn't expect to become best friends with him in the span of a second, but hoped to at least have a chance this time around. Kove knew he may not have made the world's greatest first impression back when he'd first seen the silver male with the pale woman.

True,” he noted. The ghost had already witnessed what happened when the crimson-eyed belle did not eat, and he didn't want to ever witness that again. Such a thing had caused a small squabble between the two, and though it was quickly settled, he didn't want to risk a repeat in the future. “I guess we wouldn't want anyone to starve. If any of the others get anything like Scarlett when they're stomachs are empty, then we'd be in trouble.” His head shook slightly to clear the memory of it away for the time being. He could only imagine what would happen if anyone starved or were forced to overwork themselves. It probably wouldn't be anything close to good. “After anything specific?” Kove asked, a bit curious about what he'd been able to find. So far, the Inuit knew of their being otters and maybe beavers, as well as some cervines of sorts, but the rest of the prey had yet to be noted.

RE: there's no time for fairy tales - Raziel - March 17, 2015

Raziel grinned when Kove spoke, he had been afraid that the white man would scrutinise him every second after all he had told Scarlett about his feelings for her right in front of her boyfriend and he was pretty sure his Alpha would want to make sure he kept to his word and only tried to be the albino's brother, protector and friend. Well, the new leader need not worry, for the Roman had already accepted the fact he would never be with her, nor were they a good match. Her new boyfriend was a much better match with her than he would ever be, in the end, the Roman was a warrior. Maybe life with a new family, mate and pups were not for him. But then, maybe he just hadn't found the right woman, so he sent a silent prayer to Venus, the Roman goddess of love.

Kove's next words sparked an interest in the greyscale warrior, he had never seen Scarlett when she wasn't eating after all. "What happens to Scarlett when she doesn't eat?" Raziel wondered, his piercing gaze finding Kove's copper ones, a small smile playing at his lips, curiosity touching his teal gaze though they were edged with concern. "Not really, I'll catch whatever I can find that can feed the wolves here. But I've spotted a deer herd nearby and I've been wanting to catch one of those, they'll feed us better." An idea sprouted in the Roman's mind and he flashed his leader a grin, knowing that some wolves did not like him smirking at them, ridiculous really but that was a story for another time.

"Hey, man. I'm sure the two of us could tackle a weakened deer, wanna go hunting?" His eyes glittered, a challenging gleam evident in his fierce gaze as he looked at the ghostlike wolf. Hunting was a great way to know one another.

RE: there's no time for fairy tales - Kove - March 19, 2015

Any idea what happened to your first post? :o

Acting standoffish towards the other male had, regrettably, crossed the Inuit's mind several times before. In the end, however, he'd chosen to take the opposite path. Though the love confession he'd witnessed had set him on edge, he believed the Roman when he'd said he would turn those feelings into a type of brotherly love. Some might call him a fool for doing so, and even crazy for being okay with him joining their pack, but he couldn't bring himself to take a low road. The silver man was a friend of Scarlett's, as well as a fellow protector of her. Turning him away or acting terrible towards him wasn't something Kove would ever allow himself to do. He needed warriors, like Raziel, around at all times, as he knew there would be times when he would need to leave the territory. During those times, he needed to know it wasn't just Adlartok looking after the albino, as he knew the injured boy could only do so much (and probably didn't come off as being very threatening anyways). When it came to scenarios like that, he was actually glad the other had a sense of love towards the crimson-eyed woman, as it made him certain he wouldn't allow her to ever fall in harm's way. All the pale wolf needed to do was look at the glass as being half full, rather than half empty.

The question caused the memory to appear fresh in his mind, as if it had only happened moments prior. He hadn't liked seeing the woman as she was that day. “She becomes dangerously irrational,” he informed the other, not a single trace of amusement in his features. “She had seemed as if she was trying to take down an elk on her own not too long ago because she was starving. I'm just glad I came across her when I did, or else who knows what could have happened.” Even now, Kove worried over what could have happened. Cervines of all kinds were dangerous when under attack, and their kicks could be just as deadly as the fangs of a wolf in his prime. Wishing to no longer dwell on such worrisome things, he opened his ears to listen to the other speak again. It would be nice to hunt, and also good to work on filling their caches. “I Wouldn't mind a good hunt,” the man responded, glad to have received the offer. It would be good for him to stretch his legs some more, and better learn the ways of the prey in the valley for future reference.

RE: there's no time for fairy tales - Raziel - March 24, 2015

No D: Mild Powerplay. I can edit if you don't like it.

Kove spoke, saying that Scarlett had became dangerously irrational when she was desperately hungry and that she was trying to take down an elk on her own because she was starving. Raziel nodded, agreeing that it was a good thing that the white king was there when that happened, he did not want to think about what would have happened if the Dark Brother hadn't been there. If that had happened when Kove wasn't there and she had gone to the underworld to join the rest of the dead.....he would never have forgiven himself for not being there and at that moment, he was glad it was the ghost who was the albino's boyfriend and not himself. For it seems he was incapable of protecting those he cared about. Anselm nearly died following him and Scarlett nearly died of starvation. Maybe the fates had a different path woven for him, one that did involved protecting Bearclaw Valley for the rest of his life, serving the pack as best as he could, diligently. Maybe even becoming the Beta of Bearclaw but never falling in love. Maybe he was destined to remain a protector, a warrior, a legionnaire for the rest of his life.

Shaking those thoughts away from his head, he flashed Kove a grin and began trotting towards the last place he had seen the herd of deer but not before bumping the white king's shoulder in a friendly manner when he walked past and took the lead. Raziel hoped the ghost would not mind him taking the lead, new Alphas were sometimes touchy and even the tiniest of things that included someone doing something related to leading would lead them to explode in rage. The teal-eyed male hoped his assumptions of the Dark Brother being a sensible man was right because he was not in the mood to be yelled at and was afraid he would attack his leader. His self control right now was not.....really good. He did not want to be kicked out of the Valley so quick after his acceptance into the pack.

"I'm glad she's in love with you instead of me," Raziel said. "You are a much better man for her and she's happy with you." Deciding he wanted to clear the air between them and remove the remaining tensions, he turned to look at Kove. "I just want you to know, that you two are perfect together and you need not worry about me ruining you two lovebirds's life. I'm a terrible match for her and I realised that me being a brother to her just helps everyone, after all, I get to warn you in the typical sibling manner. If you hurt Scarlett, I will beat you into a bloody pulp and then kill everyone who dares defend you except for Scar. I bet she would still see the good in you if you hurt her." The Roman ended the sentence in a joking manner and with a smirk gracing his features, hoping the other man would lighten up a bit.

RE: there's no time for fairy tales - Kove - March 28, 2015

Huh, wonder where it went. :o No need to edit, it's all good. c:

It had been dumb luck that Kove had come across Scarlett that day. He'd simply been out taking care of some things when he'd caught her scent and decided to follow it, never wishing to pass up and opportunity to spend time with her. He was glad luck had been on his side, however, as a life without her would not be an enjoyable one. He wished for no god to ever claim her, whether it be Pana or Sithis, he wasn't ready to allow any of the gods take he away. Though they held no mortal form, he'd gladly—and foolishly—fight one in spirit if they ever tried to take the albino woman form him. Though the silver man's feelings towards her that had been shared were more than what a brother would feel for a sister, the Inuit man could not bring himself to dislike or wish ill of him. He was appreciative of his presence, actually, as he knew he could trust that he would never harm her. One wouldn't harm someone they loved, as far as he was concerned, and he trusted the other man because of that. So much so, he said nothing when he walked passed him to take the lead. Kove simply followed suit, already looking forward to the idea of a good hunt.

His ears perked slightly when he caught the Roman's voice entering the air, and brought his gaze to his form. The words came as a shock to him, and he wasn't entirely sure if the other man could really be glad over such a thing. Tolerable, most likely, but being glad about it seemed like too large of a jump. He didn't question him, however, as he very well could be glad. The two knew little of one another, which certainly wasn't enough to be capable of truly getting into the others mindset. “I hadn't planned on worrying,” Kove stated. “Scarlett trusts you, and that is enough for me to have trusted you when you said you would be only a brotherly figure towards her. I trust your word, despite how unhappy I may have been about hearing your feelings for her back then.” A faint grin spread across his maw as he continued, even though he knew the light eyed male was being serious about what would happen if he ever hurt her. He never planned to, but was still glad to know that the albino had others looking out for her, aside from Kove. “I wouldn't want you to do anything less. I plan on never hurting her in anyway, but on the off chance I eve do by mistake, I know I'll need someone to bring me back to my senses. Scarlett is wonderful, but sometimes she is far too kind for her own good.” She'd already seen how cruel others could be, and yet she still found a way to be kind. It was strange to him sometimes, but he loved witnessing her light kindness whenever he could.