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wish id been a teen idle - Printable Version

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wish id been a teen idle - Opal - March 16, 2015

Opal opened her amber eyes and yawned from her nap. She had accidentally fallen asleep the night before in a comfy spot under a tree. It was early morning and the sun was barely rising. Opal walked up to a nearby cliff, the grass blowing across her legs. Spring was finally here after the harsh winter, and Opal was glad for that. It was as if spring had followed her onto the Sunspire mountain bringing along growing leaves and sprouting flowers. The prey had come out of their hiding and now Opal can finally eat a full meal. She had gotten the proper nutrition she needed when she joined the pack. Pack life was nice, with a family, a place to live and food to eat. But food doesn't appear on it's own and the place doesn't guard itself. Opal had been helping around with some border patrol and hunting, but they were not things she was particularly good at. She will find a job she loves and can do well soon, but Opal was too busy with exploring. the sunrise on Sunspire mountain is beautiful as expected and there was the forest and valleys below to accompany the beautiful background. This was one of the reasons why Opal loved nature. She could appreciate it properly and she admired it.

RE: wish id been a teen idle - Jace - March 20, 2015

It wasn't often, that Jace sought out others willingly. However, he took Sumayl's words to heart, and he decided to try and do something about his introverted attitude. So, with that in mind, he went in search of another. A new face, Opal he believed her name was. Within his maw he carried a rabbit, it wasn't much. But it was a gift for her, a welcome to your new home sort of thing.

He saw her and with blue eyes, he assessed. He chuffed gently to get her attention, and then dropped the rabbit at his feet. Shifting from foot to foot, for a moment. He tilted ears forward and spoke quietly, Hello, I'm Jace. Beta of the Sunspire.  I brought you some breakfast. He tilted his head down to motion, towards the rabbit. Then he looked about him, at the small shoots of plants growing tall for spring was finally here.

RE: wish id been a teen idle - Opal - March 21, 2015

Opal looked up to see a male with a pelt of the night. Jace had given her a greeting and a hare. It seemed that he was a bit shy, even while being the beta. Opal thought it was a bit cute, and quickly gave a submitting bow. "Good morning, Jace. Um, I'm Opal. Thanks for the, um breakfast." Opal wasn't good with guys, but something told her that Jace was a nice wolf. She was usually shy too, but she had gained a bit of confidence from talking to Ame. Opal should say something or start a conversation. Maybe he hasn't ate yet? The hare was looking more delicious by the moment. It wouldn't be fair to eat it up if Jace hadn't eaten breakfast yet. "Did you, uh, eat yet? We could share the hare, if you haven't." Opal looked at the hare and then at Jace, seeing his deep blue eyes. She quickly looked away with a small grin. She didn't have much experience when it came to guys. Her brother was an exception of course, but other than him, Opal never talked to guys before.

RE: wish id been a teen idle - Jace - March 24, 2015

Jace was no good with conversation, it either stalled out or ended violently whether verbally or physically. He was, however going to try his best to do better. He gave her a small smile, crooked and endearing as it always was, youthful and boyish. Though his chipped incisor, was apparent. Well Met Opal.

Jace chuckled and shook his head, yea I already ate. I'm usually up at Dawn anyway. I take a run, then do a little hunting. So that hare, it's all your's. I'll sit and keep you company though if you like. He shifted his paws, awkwardly unsure what else to do. He had limited contact with others, and females even less. Bazi and Leaf and Vienna. The first was his best friend, the next took his heart with her when she left, and the last was his sister, so yea not very good experiences to draw on exactly.

RE: wish id been a teen idle - Opal - March 28, 2015

sorry for the short delay >,<
 "Thank you." Opal said, taking a small bite of the hare and swallowing it. There was nothing like a fresh hare for breakfast. She thought about the beta's offer of staying and decided he should stay. He was a polite wolf, and Opal wanted to talk to him a bit more. However, the beta may not want to really linger around that long or maybe wasn't a chatter. Opal gathered the courage to speak up after another small bite of her hare.
  "Um, please do! I would like to get to, um, know you a bit more, if you don't mind, that is." It occurred to her that Jace might had duties to attend to right now and was only here to welcome her into the pack. She couldn't keep bothering him or anything if he had work to be done. Opal continue eating her hare for a few moments. She wasn't particularly hungry, but the hare was a nice idea. Then she racked her brain for some conversation starters that she could use.

RE: wish id been a teen idle - Jace - April 02, 2015

it is quite alright. I'm actually late on replies...college has started back up and I can usually only get on a day or two a week...plus I have kids and work...just busy so no worries

Jace was a no nonsense wolf. He would not have offered, if he was to be somewhere else. He would have offered up his greetings and then left. No, he was making an effort to get to know those that lived among them. Get to know those he could make a friend. The short end of the story, Sumayl had rubbed him the wrong way, when he had said about Jace and his hermit tendencies.

Jace chuckled and shook his head. He sat down. Blue eyes looked her over and he spoke softly, What would you like to know? My name is Jace DuAndris. I am the beta male, my sister is Vienna Songbird. I like to run in the morning, before dawn light touches the earth. What else would you like to know?

RE: wish id been a teen idle - Opal - April 08, 2015

i've been reading a song of ice and fire, so my writing may or may not be more medieval-like…

  Opal turned to the older wolf beside her with a polite smile. His deep blue eyes looked her over and he spoke softly, as if she was a delicate pup. Opal liked the attention he gave her, like she was a queen. She had never had the time for dating, trying to survive by herself and such. Opal finished off the hare as daintily as she could before speaking.
  "I'm Opal Tourmaline and I came from a forest away from here. I have a brother, Garnet who left me behind when I was a a juvenile, although I bear him no ill will. I had a sister too, Amber, who disappeared one autumn day and the wolf I've been looking for since that day." Opal said, a small sigh following after and looking down at the grass. She envied other wolves with families that were kind to them and siblings that were fun. Vienna sounded like a nice name, and maybe a nice sister. Opal liked Amber well enough and she probably has grown a lot since that day. The Amber in her mind was definitely not the one she had grown up to be, if she was still living, that is. There was still a chance that Amber was taken by nature's wiles, but Opal did not give up hope. 
  Opal looked back at Jace with a sad smile. She always got sad after talking about Amber. "I'm boring you, aren't I? Now that we've made introductions, I guess we should do something or than talk about sisters. At least you know where your sister is…" Opal made a small joke and chuckled softly to herself. 

RE: wish id been a teen idle - Jace - April 09, 2015

Jace waited for her answer, while looking her over. She seemed to be healthy, and she made a good pack mate he bet. He had never officially dated anyone, he had some sort of something with Leaf. But it had ended badly, and she had taken his shattered heart with her. He was slowly, putting himself back together. Ever so often though, the pain would sharpen and it would cut through his beating heart.

Well Met Opal. What's Amber look like? I don't travel much, but if I do i'll keep an eye out. My sister Vienna she belongs to the pack. I had to leave her behind at first, but she found me. Maybe Amber will find you too. He smiled at her kindly. Vienna had been at home, but she had found him.

Jace chuckled and shook his head, No you are not boring me. I don't mind hearing about your family, or your life. What do you like to do for fun? Do you have any trades in mind? maybe I can help you.