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Sun moon and stars. - Printable Version

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Sun moon and stars. - Rhythm - March 16, 2015

OOC: Ahh was looking for a cool thread title oh well. @Raziel

It was nice enough for Rhythm to take a stroll, so she decided she would go to the islands the ones that give the pack its name. The sun was setting and the sky was a mix of blues and reds. It was quite beautiful out. Not cold either. 

Perhaps shed stay out tonight. Sometimes she needed to get away from the confines of her den. Time to be alone. She liked to get out sometimes and if she stayed till it got dark she would watch the stars. Something that fascinated the silver coated fae.

She swam across the lake and clambered up onto the island. Not the most beautiful of entrances. She prayed no one had been watching. She wasn't sure if anyone else was out. But if anyone had seen that she would probably die of embarrassment. Rhythm glanced around for a moment as if to search for a good place to sit. She decided one of the rocks would do just fine. She hopped up on the small rock and lay down. 

She glanced up at the sky and let out a short howl then proceeded to stare off into the distance.

RE: Sun moon and stars. - Raziel - March 23, 2015

It wasn't a terrible day, he talked with Kove and the other man seemed alright, maybe Raz's outright confession to Scarlett about his love for her merely put him into protective, stoic and unwelcoming boyfriend mode. It wouldn't be his approach, his would probably be a mix of smirks and outright aggressiveness so he guessed it would be safe to say that the Kove he knew was a much better man than himself. The Roman didn't mind admitting that to himself but he would probably die before admitting that to any other wolf, pride still mattered a lot to the sterling warrior. It might even be his fatal flaw, but Raziel had a lot of flaws, any of them could be his fatal flaw. 

Sunset came and it was finally time for the Roman to rest, after a day of hard work providing for the pack, the silver Roman was more than happy to retire for the night, knowing he would have to work equally as hard tomorrow if not harder. But life here in Bearclaw Valley was simple and less brutal than the life at Imperium Romanum. There, beatings were sudden and often and blood was shed almost everyday, it was a painful and not very rewarding life. Here at least he would (probably) not have to worry about wolves trampling over one another in training, high ranks sinking their fangs into lower ranking wolves's bodies and drowning in blood. Well, they didn't really drown in blood but you get the meaning.

Deciding tonight, instead of settling on the river's edge, he made his way to the lake and with easy strokes, swam across the body of water. It seems he was not the only one with that idea for eyes of the green depths of the sea spotted a girl, a pretty one too, clambering up onto the island. A smile touched the Roman's features and lingering by the edge of the island, he called upwards to the fae. "Hey sweetheart, nice voice." Raziel grinned at the girl and gracefully climbed onto the island where he shook his stormy coat, making sure he was a good distance away from the fae to stop the droplets from splattering on her before trotting towards the rock where she lay.

RE: Sun moon and stars. - Rhythm - March 24, 2015

Rhythm sat and watched the water quietly. It was quite peaceful outside. There were not very many clouds in the sky. Made the stars easy to see. She smiled slightly deep in thought. She heard ripples from the water and glanced to see a sleek Grey wolf swimming across the waters. Oh gosh, I hope he didn't see my failed attempt at getting up here. Her ears twitched slightly as she waited for the wolf to climb onto the island.

When he had made his way onto land she had a better chance to get a look at him. His coat was a mixture of grays and he seemed like a pretty strong wolf. Then she noticed the scar on his shoulder. She frowned for a moment wondering what had happened to him. She smiled slightly as he complimented her. "Thanks," she replied as he shook himself off careful it seemed not to get her wet. She didn't care however her fur was still damp anyways. 

She could pick up the scent of the pack so she knew he was a part of it. Just a wolf she had yet to meet. " Nice night isn't it. I like to come out here to think."she stated looking back out over the water. 

RE: Sun moon and stars. - Raziel - March 26, 2015

"I'm out here 24/7. I don't like being trapped in some cave or burrow or den. I like to be out here, underneath the sky and the stars and to be surrounded by my home...and pretty packmates." He smiled and winked at her, Raziel had been brought up to think of himself as the heir to the pack, the princeling even though their treatment of princes was to beat them bloody and somehow that would ensure them to be braver instead of running away. He didn't think it would really work but he had been but a young boy then and there had been really nothing he could actually do. But the arts of charm and luring stuck and truthfully the greyscale Roman was not to rushed to get rid of the habit.

"I'm Raziel, whats your name?" he asked with a gentle tilt of his head, fierce teal eyes meeting the silver fae's bright blue ones. The keeper of secrets had made it a goal to meet all his packmates here in Bearclaw Valley, to prove to the white king and queen that he was loyal not only to them, but to the pack. And that he was hardworking and was trying his best to interact with his packmates, to socialize and form bonds with them. He wanted them to know they could trust him, and trust him they could. For Raziel's loyalty was hard to earn but hard to remove once earned, and the Alphas and the pack had earned it.

RE: Sun moon and stars. - Rhythm - March 28, 2015

"We have something in common then," she said with a warm smile. She was happy she wasn't the only one who didn't like the idea of being confined to a den. It was almost claustrophobic. Sometimes stuffy. Where as out in the open the air was fresh and the wind flowed through her fur. "You don't look to bad yourself," she replied to his compliment. She was almost sure he said that to everyone. She didn't mind though. "I'm Rhythm, It's nice to meet you." she stated.

"What do you think of this place?" she asked tilting her head slightly. She was curious as to the opinions of the other wolves on the place they now all called home. She herself loved the place. The one main entrance meant it was safe from most intruders as long as they didn't find the secret entrances.

RE: Sun moon and stars. - Raziel - April 21, 2015

Raziel laughed, "I bet you say 'nice to meet you' to almost every packmate. Its usually not nice to meet me though, I've been described as an unpleasant, conceited, arrogant man but I appreciate the gesture/compliment, whatever." The Roman tilted his head slightly, a smile spreading across his maw. "If you meant it though, thank you." Being a gentleman was not what he was best at, a sardonic and annoying warrior yes, but a gentleman was hard. He was getting used to it though, these green lands here almost always liked warriors with a kind heart. Sad he wasn't one of them.

"Its a nice place, the main entrance makes it hard for others to get in but the secret entrances make an easy way out if the need ever comes to be. Hopefully not. Our Alphas have a good eye for territories, I suppose. If I had to choose though, I would prefer to live on snow topped mountains year round, with the north wind blowing strong." Raziel smiled, a wistful look touching his features for a mere second. "It runs in my blood, northman blood."

RE: Sun moon and stars. - Rhythm - April 21, 2015

"I did mean it, so your welcome," Rhythm said with a small laugh. "I believe every wolf deep down is kind. I could be wrong but you have yet to prove me otherwise," she said a warm smile appearing slowly on her maw. She hardly knew him but he seemed nice. She could be wrong if what he says is true but Rhythm also believed in chances. Don't judge a book by its cover was something her mother had always told her. Her mother was a very wise wolf. Perhaps that was where Rhythm got most of her advice giving personality from. 

"Yea Scarlett did take into consideration the place would have to be safe or hard to find if there was potential for little wolves to be running around all over the place," Rhythm said agreeing with what Raziel had said about the secret exits that no one knew about being a great escape route should there be a time they are chased out of the valley. "I haven't actually been up into the mountains in the wilds before. So I can't relate when you talk about the north wind. It sounds pretty cold to me," she said letting out another small laugh. 

She wasn't a fan of the cold. She preferred to lay in the sun and keep warm. Although in the summers when it got really hot she would just stand in the river and let the cool water run through her fur.  So to her the perfect weather was what they were experiencing now. The not too hot not too cold temperatures of spring and fall.