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Bad Vibes - Printable Version

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Bad Vibes - Morgana Wolf - March 16, 2015

The whole world spun, she held back the urge to spew out what was left of her dinner. Strange things had been happening to her lately. She seemed to be always urinating and she could hardly keep her dinner down for the night. She honestly thought she was dying. She believed that her body was getting rid of what was left inside of her and next it would be her innards. Just then, another gag shook the body of the girl, and she heaved out...nothing. It was the worst part, barfing and barfing until you were totally empty. Scared, she let out a shaky howl forĀ  @Meldresi. Then another heave had the girl shaking on the ground, breathless.

RE: Bad Vibes - Meldresi - March 17, 2015

Meldresi's ear cocked upwards, her eyes swiveling towards the quavering howl. It was feminine, and after a while, the Night Queen understood who it was after a few brief moments. Morgana. Worried, the priestess hurried to the call, fearing the worst. As she grew closer to the Dark Sister, the queen could smell vomit and urine mingled with fear emanating from the assassin. Morgana was sprawled on the ground, her chest heaving.

The priestess approached Morgana cautiously, her nose flaring as she tried to isolate the source of her sickness. Something about her urine, especially, rang bells in her head. "Morgana, dear." She whispered to the black female. "Can you hear me? Calm your breathing.."

RE: Bad Vibes - Morgana Wolf - March 17, 2015

Morgana looked up to see Meldresi appearing. She held back a whine, trying desperately to calm her quick, irregular breathing. Finally, she closed her eyes tightly in concentration, focusing. She hated being weak like this. It was despicable. She HATED this. Being weak was, well, weak. Breathing calmed slightly, she looked up at Meldresi gaze a little out of focus, voice quavery when she spoke. I'm not dying, am I? I feel...I feel-
With a small sob, she heaved up nothing again. But she didn't cry. She never did.
Even while covered in her own barf and urine, she stayed strong.

RE: Bad Vibes - Meldresi - March 18, 2015

Meldresi sighed. How uneducated she was. Did her mother never tell her the signs? It was obvious to the priestess what was happening to her...what had happened, really. "No, you are not dying, Morgana. Far from it." She said, observing her condition. The assassin did not yet have a protruding belly, not for a few more weeks. Meldresi wondered how many pups she would bear. And who the father was. She had a sneaking suspicion... "I believe that you are simply pregnant. You are showing all of the signs, though they seem very...extreme." When Meldresi was in her first trimester, her vomiting and urination was not as violent as Morgana's. But the priestess knew that it was different for each woman. Morgana would have to be monitored for her pregnancy.

RE: Bad Vibes - Morgana Wolf - March 18, 2015

She wasn't dying. Morgana sighed in relief, and struggled into a sitting position. The terrible feeling of nausea was subdued slightly, and she was glad that she had not eaten some bad squirrel and been poisoned.
I believe that you are simply pregnant
Her breathing stopped completely for a moment, and she gasped, horror etched across her face. How was this possible? Who...
He was the cause of all this, the one who was a total f@cking bastard. She hated him, for doing this, hated him in every part of her being. She would tell Meldresi, what had happened, and he would be killed and tortured and she would strike the last blow. But his words, they stopped her in her tracks.
our little secret
we wouldn't want anyone
dead, do we now?
"No. Please. Please tell me I just ate a bad squirrel, or am sick. Please, Meldresi...I can't" she stammered, pleaded. This was just a nightmare.

RE: Bad Vibes - Meldresi - March 18, 2015

Meldresi shook her head solemnly. The poor girl never meant for this to happen. That was the way most pregnancies were, however. Especially in the Dark Brotherhood, it seemed. "The signs are all too clear, Morgana. If I lied to you now, then how would I explain it to you in a few weeks' time when your stomach grows large and you feel the pups moving inside of you?" The priestess pressed her muzzle against her brow gently. Poor thing.

"I have herbs," she murmured softly to Morgana. "They will purge the pups and it will be as if they had never been born. I am giving you the option, though I do not like it myself. Whoever the father is, you do not need to be in fear of him or crawl back to him when the pups are born. The rest of the pack and I will take care of you and your children if you choose to let them live."

RE: Bad Vibes - Morgana Wolf - March 18, 2015

Meldresi shook her head, and something inside Morgana snapped. The anger and fear turned into a steely calm. Fine. The father would remain a secret. No pup should have to recognize a wolf like that as a father. But one day, his blood would stain her fangs.

The priestess last words shocked her. Purge the pups? No, she couldn't. She would not kill those of her own blood, no matter how vile the other blood that ran through their veins was. The full weight of Meldresi's previous words still had here reeling. Her, a mother.

Meldresi, I could not accept such a thing. No matter the father, they are mine, and to kill something-someone before they ever see the world is vile. But please, will you help me?

RE: Bad Vibes - Meldresi - March 20, 2015

Meldresi was silently relieved. She had refused. A new litter of pups would be born, in late spring, and the pack's ranks would swell again. She hated to kill children anyway. The Dark Queen stood straight, eyes flitting to the nearest entrance to Mephala's Web. "I have herbs that can help with the pain and sickness." She said, glad that this had happened in spring and not winter. Morgana would be forced to endure the pain if she was impregnated during the bleakest months of the year. "I suggest that, for most of your first trimester, that you stay in my infirmary. You'll be safe and comfortable there." Her infirmary was in the works, but she would create nests of soft moss and bedding, and have a store of food for the wounded. Perhaps, if she could, Meldresi could find another adjacent cave close by, for pups to be born, or at least taken care of; a nursery of sorts.

RE: Bad Vibes - Morgana Wolf - March 20, 2015

Morgana dipped her head gratefully to the queen. Thank you, Meldresi. she said softly. Suddenly, she realized that she would need a story. A cover up, so Crescendo wouldn't think that she had told. Now that she had something, someone, someones to protect, his threats seemed all to real. She hung her head, and started her story quietly. Her emotions, contrary to the story she was about to spin, were real. I was alone, just outside the borders, she begun. There was this male, huge and dark and with no pack scent on him. He charged toward me, and I attacked him, but he...he...

She brought her paws closer to her stomach and tucked her tail up against her. In her mind she relieved the panic of the dead end, the huge shadow coming closer and closer toward her...

RE: Bad Vibes - Meldresi - March 25, 2015

Meldresi, beginning to take long strides towards the nearest tunnel, froze in her tracks at Morgana's description of the rape. Her hackles rose slightly, and the priestess silently swore. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" She bristled at the fact that loners could trespass and rape her female followers without any punishment. The priestess could not have him boasting of the act. "Give me a name, a description, directions of where he was heading, and I'll bring back his head for you." This was a very serious offense to the woman. Murder and lies were nothing to her; she considered some of the worst murderers and the best spiesĀ in Teekon Wilds to be her loyal packmates, but give her a rapist and she would flay him (or even her in some cases) without a second thought.