Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Mistaken for someone else - Printable Version

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Mistaken for someone else - Scarlett - March 17, 2015

@Marble , :)

Scarlett moved through the forest by walking up through the river. She liked how it cooled and cleaned her feet at the same time. She hopped onto a mini waterfall. Especially in the forest the lazy river had a lot of steps, almost making some parts look like a mini flight of stairs. Scarlett realized that is also was quite the nice work out for herself. When she was in Duskfire she would run around the territory to keep herself in shape. In they valley that was rather impossible. Slowly up ahead it seemed more light, meaning the end of the forest. She walked out into the light and smiled. Spring was her time of year. She liked spring even though winter was better for her to hunt.

Scarlett licked over her maw and might dig up some of the food that was being stored into the caches. This was great because now she didn't need to hunt as often. But before she got there she saw a glimpse of a fox. Was she one of the two foxes that was a couple? She hadn't met the couple of foxes yet, she only heard from Rhythm that there was a couple of foxes that wanted to be treated in kind. "Hello!," She called out. "Are you one of the foxes that is a mated pair?," Scarlett asked once she was a bit closer. sniffing the air.

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 18, 2015


  She wandered through the BCV with more caution. She wanted to leave the place as soon as she could. She wanted to explore more of the Teekon Wilds. She looked over the edge of the rocks and into a gurgling river. The tiny little vixen took cautious steps towards the cold looking stream. She was interrupted by the sound of a voice. Her paws lost footing and soon enough she was already in the stream. She was quick to lift her head and paddle in a rhythmic motion. She looked up to see yet another wolf. The red vixen bit down a yip.

  "N-no. You must mean Autumn and Kesik. My name is Marble." Despite her fear of wolves, it seemed that this one was friendly. She gathered up the courage to swim up to the rocky edge and climb out.

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Scarlett - March 18, 2015

Scarlett didn't mean to startle the fox. She winced when she saw the red furred creature tumble in the water. As a caretaker Scarlett was keen on taking care of all things, yes even foxes. "Oh no!," She called out and trotted closer to the river. She knew foxes could swim and she saw a hint of paddling form the girl. Scarlett was not that big of a wolf but she was bigger than a fox. She jumped into the water and grabbed her by her scruff in a motherly matter to then carry her out of the river and placing her on he bank. "Oh god, are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you," Scarlett spoke, she almost was licking all over the vixen's face until she remembered she was a vixen and not a child.

Scarlett took some steps back to give the other some space. "I haven't met them I though you were one of them. Well I guess this is much more prove that I wouldn't hurt them. I'm Scarlett."

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Fantastic Ms. Marble - March 25, 2015

  She was immediately taken away from the water and tended for. It reminded her of her own family. "That's ok! I'm quite alright." She spoke with her usual British accent. She had always been fond of her voice, it calmed her down at tense times

  The wolf introduced herself as Scarlett. "That is a very pretty name. My name is Marble!"

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Scarlett - March 25, 2015

Just remember you have to use minimally 350 characters for a post to count for EXP. I'd like to use this thread for 'Threads with wild fauna' and maybe even for Scarlett's naturalist trade. In your last post you used 333 characters. Could you write a tiny bit more next time? :D You can always use www.wordcounter.net if you aren't sure how many characters you used! 

The albino sat down where she had been standing. The vixen didn't seem too mad with her. "I'm glad you are alright. I wouldn't want to have startled you to death or injury," Scarlett spoke sounding relieved. She wasn't aware that this female met Kove, her boyfriend. The river washed off most of the other's scents. She didn't mind to chat with a fox or other wildlife. It even gave her some insights on a fox life which she could use for being a naturalist. 

"Oh thank you! You have a pretty accent." Scarlett was probably named after her eyes, although she wasn't entirely sure since her mother had never called her by that name. It was always 'you' or 'her'. Yeah, her mother hadn't been really fond of her coloring. "Do you live in this valley or are you just exploring our home?"

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Fantastic Ms. Marble - April 02, 2015

  She shook her head at the next question. "Oh no. I don't really have a permanent home yet. I probably arrived a few days ago." When she saw that her parents where dead, she fled from her own home. She just couldn't bare to the fact that her own blood was dead. Murdered. It bought her to question herself on other prey animals. How did their family feel when they where killed? Honestly, she would rather eat vegetation rather than meat. When she did eat meat, she would thank Mother Nature for the meal she so graciously provided. 

  She looked up at the Scarlett with a questioning glance. "Say, I have smelled a bear around these parts. I'm sure of it. Is it a nice bear? It doesn't bother anyone does it?" It was highly unlikely for a bear to attack someone without reason, but still one wrong move, and it would be ticked off.

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Scarlett - April 02, 2015

Scarlett smiled kindly. "Oh well, this valley does have a wolf pack, that means scraps, but also other wolves who might not be as kind as me," Scarlett admitted. She already needed the pack to be nice to a bear, if that was also counting to foxes they would soon have an infestation of the red furred critters. The light female glanced over her. "But of course you are very welcome to stay." Scarlett wasn't the one to deny someone a home. She had it difficult enough with loners that came knocking on her door. 

Scarlett nodded in reply. "Yes there is a bear. His name is Arthur and he thinks he is a royal or something. But he is more lazy actually. As long as you don't bother him he is kind. If he wants to talk he comes towards to you for a chat. He doesn't really attack, ever."

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Fantastic Ms. Marble - April 12, 2015

  "That is very nice of you, but I don't think your pupils would want a fox running around." She thought back to Kove, who had caught her in the trees. He wasn't to fond to see her in his territory. And if there was one there was bound to be more. Foxes and wolves never get along, just because of their sly capabilities. But Marble was different. She hated to scavenge, for she does not know the true purpose of the food. Rather she would hunt for herself.

 The description of the bear hadn't really surprised her. Most bears didn't want to harm anyone without reason. At least that's what she was told by her parents. "Well I'm happy to hear he doesn't start trouble."

RE: Mistaken for someone else - Scarlett - April 12, 2015

Scarlett smiled kindly at the other fox. "Well, like I said I can promise for the others but I try to be nice to other types of wildlife, except our prey." She didn't see a fox as a prey, but she would make sure to se if that fox was equally nice before accepting on in her territory. She was the white queen after all. "It seems we have more foxes in this valley. Maybe there is a mate for you," she shrugged. "If you were looking for that. I have never seen this fox couple so maybe they aren't even here."

The red eyed female nodded in agreement. "I wouldn't want to be in a fight with a bear. How do they react to foxes if I may ask?"