Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera the girl that time forgot - Printable Version

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the girl that time forgot - Tiger - March 17, 2015

Tiger was now a Redhawk. Cool. Not only that, but she had found Finley... Who she would harass again in due time, but for now would let her deal with the shock that she was now around. The Blackthorn was cool with that. She'd give her a literal day or two. Regardless of her sisters stance, Tiger wanted a relationship with all of her siblings. Of her younger ones, she had preferred Frog.

In the meantime, the striped white wolf prodded at the earth with her nose, noting a vaguely familiar scent at the borders. Chalking it up to Finley, she herself bent her forelegs and began to push the entirety of herself onto the borders, rubbing herself all over the earth, scent glands opened to release eau de Tiger on the lands.

RE: the girl that time forgot - Jaws - March 17, 2015

Jaws had not seen Finley since the pack meeting, and had only met her one-on-one the time she decided to haze him and order him around like a mindless peon. At first, he was rather irritated by her barging in and stealing his time away, bending him to her will as a Beta, but as their meet went on found that she was as full of jest as he, and the two had gotten along almost like old chums. Her and Elwood were largely running the pack while Fox and Peregrine were tending to their pups, so when he spotted the characteristic black stripe off in the distance he headed that way, intending to ask her if she knew of anything else that needed to be done - the border markers had been refreshed, there were no intruders, and the caches were being kept well stocked.

It did not occur to him at the time that the stripe was attached to a figure decidedly much lighter in color than Finley's, and with the breeze blowing away from him he was not immediately alerted to a difference in smell. But as the coywolf drew near, recognition began to dawn in the back of his skull. He knew this dorsal marking, but it was not his Beta's - it was a marking he had looked down on one morning while having a really good time in the forest. He did not know her name, but now suspected she was related to his packmate and leader, by suggestion of their identical markings.

Jaws announced his presence with a demanding woof. He had enjoyed this female's company before and would like to enjoy it again, but he had no knowledge of whether she had been accepted into the pack or not and so treated her like a trespasser (though he doubted she was).

RE: the girl that time forgot - Tiger - March 17, 2015

Tiger expected to be received by others with hesitation due to her newness, and the scent of the Caldera was not upon her wholly as it was her pack-mates. It was part of the reason she dug into the earth now with the whole of herself... and it was belly-up she heard the demanding woof of another. She was quick to flip over onto her stomach and peer over her shoulder to see the source of the noise, and it was a very familiar face.

She grinned.

What are the odds, she stated first. 'm new here as of last night. The names Tiger, by the way. A cheeky grin; he had left a great first impression, to her. Tiger was quite sure she'd never see that devilishly handsome mug again, but here it was. The Caldera got better by the minute.

RE: the girl that time forgot - Jaws - March 17, 2015

She grinned and was clearly pleased to see him unlike the last female he tangled with and subsequently ran into here at the Caldera - Dove had not been thrilled to see him at all. Jaws could not help but return a faint but nonetheless roguish smile of his own, but he was still in business mode. His tail twitched as he considered her words, and moved forward to circle her as he had before - but it was not in the same, salacious manner. As he stepped around her he unashamedly sniffed her, but it was difficult to pick up traces of the individual pack mates she may have encountered after she had rolled on the borders and so thoroughly covered herself in that scent.

"Surprisingly good," he commented, returning to the front and fixing his gaze on hers. He did not bother to share with her that this had happened before. "Who accepted you? What are their names? What do they look like?" his ears cocked forward, interested in her answer. "You don't need to tell me I'm the better looking of the bunch - I already know that." Jaws winked, his jest showing that while he was conducting warden business here he was not displeased to see her.

RE: the girl that time forgot - Tiger - March 17, 2015

Tiger observed him with all the curiosity in the world. Would he be pissed that she was here, now? He was here first after all... as he sniffed at her, she watched him; for the moment she was relaxed, knowing she had nothing to hide. As he responded to her comment on the odds, she wondered at that. Tiger hadn't thought so. Hell, she thought she'd never seen him again. It took her long enough to find her own sister, after all. But so soon, she pressed, only teasing and really, not at all annoyed that she had found him again at all.

But for the moment, he was all business. Elwood and Finley, she responded evenly, not minding that she had to cater to him in this instance. Tiger wasn't the sort, but having been a pack wolf, could understand the necessity of his questions. His last question, though, what they looked like, was met with a furrow of her brow. She had to laugh at his finishing comment, Well then, the opposite of tall dark and handsome. That much was true. But Finley has a similar marking to the one on my back. Go on, you can take a closer look, she purrs playfully, winking right back.

RE: the girl that time forgot - Jaws - March 17, 2015

She responded smoothly and correctly, and so Jaws accepted those answers and relaxed, confident that she was a new member of the pack and that he had performed his duty as a warden candidate.

The coywolf strolled forward, taking her up on her invitation for him to have a closer look. "Ah yes, this stripe," he said as he let his nose briefly trail along the darkness of her spine. "I remember it. It looks better from above though," he grinned impishly, following up with a question that begged confirmation. "I take it Finley is your sister?" It did not matter much other than Jaws wanted to know. It changed nothing about how he would treat her.

RE: the girl that time forgot - Tiger - March 17, 2015

Tiger hadn't any idea about Jaws ambitions, just thinking him a proper guardian. Watching him seem to relax as she informed him of those that accepted her, Tiger was happy to get back to her own business arrangements for the day, which had now become him. His response causes her tail to thump at the earth, and the still laying Tiger responds without missing a beat, “I've never seen it from above. I'll need you to tell me more, I'm very vain you know.” it was a joke, but if it kept him there, all the better.

The wolf asked a question of her, and she woud have no qualm in responding to him. “Yes, actually. Good eye. Whats your name, detective–Casanova?” 

RE: the girl that time forgot - Jaws - March 17, 2015

Jaws was not the least bit surprised by her answer; it would have been eerily coincidental if the two were not blood relatives, to the point that the coywolf would have continued to suspect they were but that they wanted to keep it a secret, or else did not know it themselves.

"It's Jaws," he replied simply when she inquired about his name. "As for your stripe - I'm on to you." he said, leaning in close until he was nose to nose with her, his unblinking stare never straying from her eyes. He lingered there in intense silence before speaking again. "You just want me to ride you again so I can have a closer look." With that, he drew back, a smug look dancing across his features.

RE: the girl that time forgot - Tiger - March 18, 2015

Jaws, not Casanova. Got it. It was then he drew incredibly close, and Tiger flared her nostrils at his words as though indignant. She kept the facade for a moment, before ending the charade. His smug expression was all it took, truth be told, to make her laugh. He had the win here. Come on, she purrs, pushing herself to all fours but not before a brief stretch of her spine, derriere high and the light hitting it properly. She strut toward him, an impish look on her own features as she moved to drag across him roughly, ever the tease. You don't wanna go for round two? 

Tiger understood the difference between then and now; before, they had no cares in the world. No pack commitment, no worries of stepping on any toes... and even now, Tiger wasn't too worried; she wasn't in heat, so it was all pretty harmless to her. A good bout of fun with this Jaws; theirs could be a friendship that was mutually beneficial in more ways than one. Her tail waved at the thought.

RE: the girl that time forgot - Jaws - March 18, 2015

Some PP here, let me know if it's not acceptable! :)

Jaws remained fastened to his position, but his eyes devoured Tiger's provocative display as she purred, teasing him with the bend of her feminine figure as she stretched and then brushed against him with hungry force. He was not at all unstirred by her behavior - while the coywolf was rarely ever moved from his collected state by anything, the temptation of another body to tangle with was not something he resisted easily, and only rarely did he see a reason not to engage.

"I never said that," Jaws replied at last, his words low as he took a pace toward her, his gaze glinting with a dark mischief. "But I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into..." his words trailed off with a ravening growl as he lunged for her. He used the strength of his towering figure to shove her down to the ground, his long legs like prison bars around her, his chest pressing in to her back as he brought his muzzle along side her cheek. His voice was thick, lustful. "I will not be your gentle lover. I was tame last time."

He would not trap her here, he was as rough but she was free to escape his powerful embrace - he would step aside to let her up if she desired.