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Firestone Hot Springs loves the water like a fish - Printable Version

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loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 17, 2015

Luke loved the water, almost to the point of an obsession. It was against the fabric of his being to stray too far from a lake, a creek, a pond - something - and so he happily followed along the river, delighted to find it lead him to a series of hot springs. The blue-pointed wolf hesitated not, and slipped into one of the springs with an enthralled "Oh yeaahhh,". He hunkered down until the surface of the water lapped at the lower edge of his nose, completely submerged except for his head, similar in appearance to a crocodile. Lukas stayed like this, enveloped in the warmth of the spring, his eyes closing in pure satisfaction, his body so relaxed than even his ears laid back. "This is the life."

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 17, 2015

Is it ok to say bristled her hair?... sorry for the stupid question

The sky was full of clouds, but the spring was something that can't be hided by them. Niria had already been able to sleep among the fluffy new grass, after an worried night running trough the forest. Deep inside her mind, she was still running, from a past which she can't forget. A strong shout from somewhere not far from her, awake her, and she ended with ears tensed, and her hair bristled. She quickly realised it was just another wolf, who Niria hadn't know yet. With a long yawn, she woke up, and walked followed by the voice of the wolf until run into a river. There was half head of a wolf over the river, a quite fun snowy face. Niria smiled involuntarily at him and still grogggy, sat down.

"If that were life, it wouldn't be as exciting as it really is" said while moving relaxed her tail.

RE: loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 17, 2015

Yep that's fine - that's a common way to describe the way fur stands up when a wolf (or other mammal) goes on alert, in this case after hearing an unfamiliar sound.

"You mean this isn't exciting?" he chirped back to the female, mock shock briefly forming across his face although most of the expression was lost beneath the spring water, evident only in his lifted brows. "Tell me, what is exciting then?" Lukas inquired, genuinely interested in hearing any suggestions she might share for he was always on the hunt for his next bout of entertainment. He was, however, not interested in leaving his warm happy place to stand in the cold just yet, so he tipped his muzzle to her as an invite to join him.

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 17, 2015


 Niria blushed, still with a smile in her face. She hadn't wanted to be rude to his pleasure, everyone is free to love whatever they want to ove... Not to seem more unpolite that she had been, she accepted his "invitation" and relaxed, she soaked her front paws, hiding them from the sight of the strange, and then she shyly jumped into the comfortable water. It was warm, unlike outside, although it was already spring...

 Niria prefered not to get closer to the wolf yet, and started swiming around him. "What about... running in the forest, at night? With all those owls, and the wind hitting your face..." She said while remembering her last night "or maybe playing with the puppies".

RE: loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 17, 2015

Lukas grinned as the shy she-wolf dipped her paws, before joining him in the spring. As she spoke, he nodded enthusiastically in agreement. "Oh yes those are very exciting too." He watched as she swam around him but stayed where he was, turning a circle in place. "But I personally can't get enough of the water," he shared, lifting his forelegs to splash a bit in front of him like a small child. "Isn't it wonderful? I just love it."

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 18, 2015

 Niria stoped swimming, at stared at the wolf, smiling, just as a new flower in spring. He splashed in front of him, and Niria laughed to herself. He must have been older than she, but both were kind of childish, and that was cool. She just hooped, he hadn't have a dark past to end with that attitude, as her. "Water is fine, I guess..." She took a breath, and dived till she couldn't been seen from over the river. In the very deep of the river, it was still cold, and, with a quick jump, she stuck out her head again.

"Maybe is a bit cold yet for me" she said, while smiling at the wolf. "What's your name?"

RE: loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 18, 2015

I think you misunderstood where this thread takes place. Firestone Hot Springs are hot all year around, so the water is like a hot tub not a cold river :)

Luke shook his head. Not everyone loved water as much as him and that to him was downright crazy. Water was the single most important thing there was. It was refreshing in so many ways too, and even provided an abundance of food. IF Luke had not been given a name upon his birth, he would have adopted a name like River, just to honor the water.

"Cold!?" Luke's jaw dropped at the female's response. "Lady, if this is too cold, I would hate to see how hot you need it. I'm afraid I'd be cooked." He laughed good-naturedly. "Name's Luke. What's yours?"

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 19, 2015

Oops... maybe, I'm sorry >_< don't really know if I improve something, but hope it works!

 Niria didn't know exactly how to deal with his opinion, untill he laughed. Although she could be confused by a north wolf, she had actually a low resistance to cold, as she usually lost part of her sense while winter. It wasn't anything she could do something to improve, then she had got used to it. She weren't able not to laugh with him while aproaching slowly.

 "Im Niria" she smiled "it's a pleasure" said while trying to do a reverence into water, what didn't go so well. Niria had arrived to the pack not so long time ago, but she had saw more or less all her new mates, but Lukas smell, wasn't from any part of the terrytory. "Then.. where do you come from?"

RE: loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 19, 2015

No worries!

"The pleasure's all mine," he winked at Niria as he offered his gentlemanly cliche. The genuine sentiment was the same whether he used his own words or an age-old phrase. She inquired next where he had come from and Luke obliged with an answer. "I came from my mother," he said, a serious look on his face as he paused, but then he chuckled and provided a better response with a smile. "I kid - I mean I did come from my mother, but I know that's not what you meant. I'm from the north but I've wandered since then." Suddenly, Luke dipped his head beneath the warm water, a few bubbles escaping his mouth before he resurfaced. His companion did not relish in the water the same way he did but that did not slow him down from enjoying every moment.

"You from around here?" he asked.

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 20, 2015

Luke's sense of humer was kind of childish, which, to a point, made Niria feel more comfortable being with him. It was obvious how much he loved that river, and he was enjoing it, even with an stranger as her. Niria listened to him with her ears laid back. She was surprised when she realized there could be more north than where they were, and prefered not to imagine the cold there...

 "Ye... more or less" smiled quiet ashamed "I've just joined my actual pack" She then swam to the edge of the river behind Luke, creeping under the reflaction of the water. "I'm from a little pack quite far away from here"

RE: loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 20, 2015

Luke listened attentively to the female, catching the slight look of shame as she spoke and having not even a flicker of an idea as to why she might feel that way. "Sounds like the start of a new adventure," he replied with a warm smile. Calling everything an adventure was how the optimistic blue-nosed wolf looked at all the dynamic chapters in the book of life. Regardless of how things came about, it was better to embrace the new experiences than let apprehension or other negative feelings consume you and stop you from living. "I do not have a pack right now, myself," he shared.

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 21, 2015

A new adventure... Niria smiled still unsecured of that truth. Although it wasn't as easy to make Niria trust someone, Luke seemed to be a cool guy, with his natural optimism. With her green eyes lost in some where, Niria sat down out of the river, close enough to not break the distance between them. It must have been a funny scene, with all her fur wet, fallen by the water weight, but her mind wasn't really there to notice it. Luke's last words awake her suddendly interested, shaking her tail.

" And you can handle going alone? " It was a fact, she had been a lone wolf for a while, but it was also proved, she hadn't born for that kind of life. She didn't even know a wolf could live alone, until she scape from her old one. "Are you looking for a pack?"

RE: loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 21, 2015

It seemed the hot water of the springs was starting to get a bit too warm, and reluctantly Luke climbed out and gave himself a vigorous shake before taking a seat. By contrast the air now felt much cooler and it was tempting to hop back in, but he could not very well live in there.

"Oh sure," Luke replied when she asked about going alone. "I like company but I know how to look after myself." She next inquired if he was looking for a pack and Luke paused to consider this. "You could say that," he replied. Luke was never one to lead his life according to a plan so much and thus none of his days were consumed with him actively looking for anything specific, but it was with absolute certainty that he knew he did not want to be a lone wolf forever.

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 22, 2015

Niria copied Luke, and shaked her whole body, thanking him for his company by damping him again. It was still midday, and just little clouds were roaming shyly trying to cover the sun, then they would be ok. Niria's pack was full and she knew it. "I guess is not of my business... but even without a pack, you could stay round here untill you find one" probably being a lone wolf wasn't as bad, as she saw in Luke, but her own feelings made her kind of responsible for him.

Niria turn back, sniffing around them, and smiled with her green eyes glitering "Or maybe you are hungre, I could help you hunting something big" she offered.

RE: loves the water like a fish - Luke - March 22, 2015

Last post for me :) thanks for the thread! Feel free to post one more time if you would like.

The water droplets that Niria threw back at him were met with no reaction other than him closing his eyes for a brief moment. Luke did not mind being damp and it was not enough to warrant another shake or otherwise. "And I think I'll do just that," Luke grinned. It was nice to know another agreed he could hang around until he found his pack, but he would have done it anyway.

She offerred to go on a hunt and he politely declined. "I appreciate the offer, but there's a whole world out there for me to explore." The blue-nosed wolf wanted to see as much of the land as he could before he tied himself down to one spot, and besides he much preferred fish to large game. "Take care of yourself, maybe I'll see you around!" With a departing nod, Luke turned and briskly loped away.

RE: loves the water like a fish - Niria - March 22, 2015

Thank you too, it was a pleasure :3

Niria staid looking at Luke's back while he was getting away. He was a cool guy. Maybe they would meet in other moment. Calm down... she thought. He hadn't won Niria's trust... yet. With a quick movement of her paws, Niria jumped into a small scrub, and left, with a little brown mouse between her jaws. It was time to return to sleep a bit. It was a shame smiled still carring the mouse I would have enjoiyed a big elk...