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Blackfeather Woods breathing you in when i want you out - Printable Version

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breathing you in when i want you out - DeadLusa - March 17, 2015

  She carried herself through the forest with speed in her step. She had adapted to her new home. She had memorized every tree, every bush. There was nothing she didn't know. The only thing she hadn't fully was the Web. To be honest, she really didn't intend to. She had wandered through only the beginning, but didn't want to wander further.

  As she walked, she was thinking of someone. Her emotions were mixed. No! He's a bad man. But you haven't even got to know him... Her eyes where only focused on the path that lay in front of her. The moonlight seeped through the trees with beauty. The wind whistled softly and rhythmically. The only thing that ruined the beauty of the forest was her own confusing thoughts. They washed in her head like waves. One moment they where reachable, than they washed into the ocean. Oh yes, they had made the dark star blinded with uncertainty. She didn't want to be this way. She would never show her emotion to anyone. Or would she? What if she changed? What if she's grown soft? What if... what if. What if she wasn't who she thought she was...

RE: breathing you in when i want you out - Potema - March 18, 2015

Potema was an independent girl. Or shy, depending on what perspective you are looking from. Nonetheless, she had not met most of her packmates. Most of her time with either with her mother, her brothers, or by herself, wandering and listening to the voices. She was following one of them, always trying to understand what she was saying, when she crossed paths with a speed-walking female who looked distant, similar to how the princess looked when she was listening.

"Hey!" She protested, her sapphire eyes narrowing indignantly at the black female. "Oo're jou?!"

RE: breathing you in when i want you out - DeadLusa - March 22, 2015

  She was soon joined by yet another pup. The girl didn't know who's pups they were. Just that they were roaming around the woods. The young lady had a authority in her voice, even for a youngster. "Hello. My name is Lusa. What's your name?" She liked how the girl acted. Strong and brave.

RE: breathing you in when i want you out - Potema - April 05, 2015

The princess narrowed her eyes at the white female. Lusa. She wondered what her name meant. Everyone of her family had a meaning to their name, or some kind of story; Cicero was named after a famous jester-assassin, a Keeper of the Night Mother, Damien's name meant to master or subdue, and Potema was named after a Necromancer Queen. Mama's name was "dark blue fire" after her eyes. She always wondered what kind of stories those names could tell.

"Potema. Princess Potema." She said, throwing her tail over her back defiantly. "What're jou doin'?"

RE: breathing you in when i want you out - DeadLusa - April 07, 2015

  The girl sure did have a sense of authority in her, even compared to the dark wolfess. But she respected that. After all, who doesn't want to be at the top? And it didn't truly matter about your age. The dark star gave a quick bow to the pale pup. "A pleasure to meet you Princess." She looked over the young lady's shoulder and into the distance, lost in a thought. "I wasn't doing anything exciting really. I was just willing to take a stroll, memorize our territory by heart."

RE: breathing you in when i want you out - Potema - April 07, 2015

Potema waved her tail again, pleased by the respect she was getting, from an older female! The Snow Princess' chest puffed out in pride, and she flashed a smile, proud of herself. When Lusa spoke again, she tilted her head to the side, trying to meet her gaze. "Wha're jou lookin' at?" She asked, turning to where Lusa was looking. "Nuttin' dere."

RE: breathing you in when i want you out - DeadLusa - April 22, 2015

  She shook her head as she heard the girls voice. "Huh? What?" She blinked a few times. The dark furred girl seemed to be changing every second she was here. She looked down at Potema with soft eyes. It was instinct for her to be nurturing to young. "Sometimes I like to look off into the distance when I'm thinking. Makes me more... focused."

RE: breathing you in when i want you out - Potema - April 23, 2015

The white princess wondered if Lusa had voices like she did. The voices often turned her away from conversation at inopportune times, or set her in a daze when they got really loud. Even now, she could hear their whispers, but she did not pay attention; she tuned them out like she always did. "Mama says it's rude to look away during a conversation, 'nd some people'll think you're a coward." She peeped up dutifully. Her mother was always right, she knew that well.