Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley j - all that has been - Printable Version

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j - all that has been - Vega Kyran - March 19, 2015

Vega had drifted through the Teekon Wilds much like the wind pushed the snow -- a flit f motion as she ambled from place to place, never lingering for any length of time and ghosting about others as if they did not exist. It was not that she was an anti-social creature -- no, she was simply particular about where she wanted to reside next.
The problem with this, of course, was that she put little effort to seeking out the inhabitants of the regions to see if there was any group that did call to her. Northstar Vale had been a poor choice of home, and she would not make this mistake again. But she could no longer deny the pull she felt to settle somewhere -- to run with pack once more, and have others to cal family.
The borders she came upon were intricately marked.. assumed to be well guarded and well established. It had never occurred to the swarthy femme that the pack had newly risen.. and yet her paws had never led her here before. With her nose dipping to the ground, she attempted to discern any ifnormation she could come upon.. finding none. So she settled back.. waiting for one of the very wolves who marked these borders to find her -- and perhaps offer her some insight.

RE: j - all that has been - Kove - March 19, 2015

While the valley held wolves capable of acting as guards for the entrance, a system had yet to be created to make sure it was never left unguarded. It was the man's own fault, really, as he was the one who was suppose to handle stuff like that. It was at the top of his to-do list, though, and he was slowly figuring out a way to make it work so no one would be pinned there longer than what is comfortable. Until then, Kove didn't mind checking things out when he could, and making sure the territory was kept safe. It was a Warden's duty to protect the borders, and he wasn't going to change that just because his position in a pack had changed. It was without hesitation that he headed towards boulder path, body and mind alert as he did so. The valley was fairly secluded, and the entrance difficult to find, but that was not the same fate for the open area that surrounded it. One could never be too sure who—or what—was lurking out there.

Before the Inuit man had even made it through the stone filled pathway, a scent entered his nose. It was somewhat familiar, but only in a memory. He did not have a name to go with the face, but as he drew nearer and rested his gaze upon her form, he did at least recognize her. Not entirely, of course, as they'd only ever met once before, but enough to know she probably wasn't a threat. “Didn't expect to ever run into you again,” he called, stopping a short distance away from her. His words were true, as he really never did expect to see her again after their first, and assumed last, meeting. Even so, it seemed his presumption had been incorrect, as he stood there looking at the darkened figure. “What brings you to the valley?” Kove inquired. Could it be the thirst for more knowledge, or the pull to join a pack? Unsure which way the tree would fall, he mentally prepared himself for both.