Wolf RPG
The Heartwood we kill heroes 'round here - Printable Version

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we kill heroes 'round here - Envy Elric - March 19, 2015

The past two days had not been sweet to Envy's belly, and she felt as if she were getting hungrier by the minute. Her chases had not gone as well and the more she missed the more frustrated she got -- which in turn only seemed to make her more sloppy than usual. Her survival thus far in her life had been a mostly dependent one, and though she was quite capable on her own four feet, this was not to say she was particularly talented at it. Practice would be her decree, but at the moment it was the farthest thing from her mind.

She just wanted something on her stomach.

RE: we kill heroes 'round here - Niria - March 22, 2015

  It had been a long night, and search for new paths to run had become something urgent since Niria had run  all her pack's terrytory at least five times. Crosed the river, Niria ended up in the middle of nowhere, but she hadn't wandered a lot when she realised something different around her. She wasn't longer in free terrytory. Her paws kept strong although she hadn't stopped since twilight. Niria bristled her fur and laid down her head when she heared another tired breath. Maybe she shouldn't be there, maybe it was dangerous... but as a puppy, moved by her curiosity, she kept on walking untill she saw a tawny grey wolf.

 Nobody  was around her, and her awkward apearance caught Niria's attention. With her ears laid back, she steped calmly into the wolf's sight, in order not to scare her. " Are you ok? " Niria asked sweetly.

RE: we kill heroes 'round here - Envy Elric - April 01, 2015

Envy turned sharply at the voice. She was alarmed at first, ears up and stub-tail stiff, teeth ready to bare, but in a squirrelish movement her entire vibe changed, and she was abrasive now rather than afraid. "What do you mean am I okay? Are you okay? Sneakin' up on another predator like you're some sorta snake... And an apex predator, no less! Are you crazy?"

She loosened up, and tipped her chipped ear back as her mood reverted to its normal level of shark-like charm. "So what's up? You just creepin' around or what?" she asked, less unkindly this time.

RE: we kill heroes 'round here - Niria - April 09, 2015

The wolf's answer surprised Niria. It is normal to get scared when find a strange in your territory just because, but it wasn't that bad. The sun was already shining, and it could have been wore if that meet had been few hours before. Altough, Niria laugh to herself at the stranger's first impresion. "Ye, kind of" she sat down fun "I'm exploring new territories".

The weaknes of the wolf made Niria more confident, without forgeting her history, and trying not to relax too much, always ready for a quick escape. "And ye, im quite fine" lie. Night had been long, and she was starting to feel tired "then are you?"