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Stavanger Bay Among the world - Printable Version

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Among the world - Thistle Cloud - March 20, 2015

Thistle strode from the den sight. She was fast approaching the last few weeks of her pregnancy. It would not be long now, it was clear in the sight of her wide hips, and even wider tummy. The way, she would walk and her body would wiggle, and jiggle in places it didn't before. She had been big before, with Gunnar, and Mercury, and Gyda. But this time, oh this time she was twice as wide as she was tall. It was hard for her really, to move about.

She shimmied and shook, and if she had found it humorous, would have laughed. But as it were, her back ached. Her belly hurt. There were cramps, and finally the ripples every now and again, had started. Her body, making it's way ready for these little ones. And the worst of it all, was that Ragnar was largely absent. She knew he worried, and he traveled the borders like a mad man. But it would have been nice, to have some of the care, she had with the first three. Especially, since these were his own. She sighed, and waddled to the edge of her clearing, and lay down. It was awkward at first, and she had to twist her body in such a way. But she found the correct position and lay there. Happy to take a nap, and pass the day. Perhaps someone would come and see her. That would be enjoyable.

RE: Among the world - Aesop - March 20, 2015

Ooh, nabbing this!

Aesop was pleased to see the borders of his home.  His trip had been long and hard, but ultimately worth it.  The nights of his return trip were spent dissecting and analyzing each moment of his second meeting with Alastor, picking through the conversation with fervid glee.  It was his tendency to fall hard and fall fast, and though Aesop was reticent to call what he was feeling love, it was certainly a cousin to it.  So overwhelming were his affections that, from time to time, he would have to pause in his travels to roll boneless and giddy in the grass, overtaken by his feelings.

His mood had not diminished over the days, so that a smile still graced his lips when he arrived back in the Bay, travel-weary and ragged.  The weather had been kinder to him, allowing him more hours of sleep during the day, so that by the time he arrived home his exhaustion was only cursory.

Still, he was ready to nap, or at least rest his weary legs.  When he came upon Thistle Cloud doing much the same, he barked a friendly greeting and approached.  Already he could see that she was very round, very pregnant.  He hissed sympathetically, trying and failing to imagine how awful pregnancy must be. "Shit," he muttered when he was nearer, "you look full to bursting.  How're you holding up?"

RE: Among the world - Thistle Cloud - March 22, 2015

Thistle had not failed to notice, that Aesop had gone away. She was hoping it was just to visit someone, and frankly he could have told her. But with the way her pregnant brain was working, well it was possible she just couldn't remember. She hoped he was well, she had grown to like the southern gentleman.

Footfalls, fell upon ears, and she looked up. She met the sympathetic gaze of Aesop, and his words caused her to laugh. He looked happy, excited. She thought about it, wonder what it was. You look happy Aesop.

She tilted her head, and moved about ungainly, and unattractively until she was able to sit up. She panted a little bit, but it wasn't polite to stay laying on the ground. She gave him a small smile, and dipped her muzzle in greeting. She scratched gently at a swollen limb, with her teeth. [I am holding up well, despite the fact that I am twice as wide as I am tall. I think I am about the size of a baby hippo. What do you think?[/b] She jested softly.

RE: Among the world - Aesop - March 23, 2015

Such was his mood that when she laughed, he did too.  He ducked his head and chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he came to a stop.  "Shit, can't let that happen, can I?  I had a good few days, I guess.  Finally went to go see the sights.  Visited a friend way out at the Bypass, all the way across the wilds," he said, only just realizing how long he had been gone.  Perhaps it would have been best to inform her that he would be leaving, but the decision to go had been so abrupt that he had little time to do anything.  Now that he thought of it, it was a rather impulsive trip.

He watched as she began to stir, heaving herself up to stand.  "No, no," he tried, coaxing.  "No need to stand up for my sake.  Honestly, I was about to ask if I could join you.  I'm beat."  Aesop offered a smile, settling down on his haunches a few feet away.  If she laid back down, so too would he.  "Baby elephant, more like," he suggested.  "Props to you for managing it.  I can barely take care of myself, let alone a bunch of li'l hangers on.  I'm happy for you, though.  I ain't great with little shits, but I'd be happy to babysit, if you like.  You got names picked out?"  He was a bit brusque with his mentions of her future children, but every "little shit" was meant with the utmost affection.  Children were far from his strong suit, but he could admit that they had their charms.

RE: Among the world - Thistle Cloud - March 24, 2015

Thistle chuckled, It is beautiful here in the wilds. Next time, though please let someone know. I like to know where my family is, and this pack is family. I just worry after everyone is all, I know i shouldn't, but I do. I am glad you had fun, and met some friends. She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling happily.

Thistle warred with it for a moment, but frankly laying down won out. She lay back down, and a soft sigh left her maw. Thank you, though usually I would think it rude. I find I can't sit or stand long, without severe aches.

Thistle chuckled at him and dipped her muzzle, A baby elephant, I am huge aren't i. We've talked about it, but i do not remember if we decided to go with those names or not. I fell asleep pretty quickly afterwards. She smiled up at him, I know the names Floki, and Jorunn were thrown about and Kaylan and Ragna. But we will know more, when they come. There's a few, I can feel all their little paws kicking up my sides. I think the one is a warrior, and another is a dancer.

RE: Among the world - Aesop - March 24, 2015

Shame pricked at his ears, and he nodded solemnly.  "Aye aye, captain," said Aesop, and when he caught her expression, he let himself relax.  And oh, to be considered family again.  "I'll be home for a while, and I don't plan on going so far again.  I definitely plan on bein' around for the birth.  Wouldn't leave for somethin' so important."  And something that could so easily render them defenseless.  Perhaps he was being paranoid, but the fight with the intruder had him rightfully wary, and a birth would leave them vulnerable.  And perhaps, he thought, he should tell her.  "I should tell you, a bit before I left I caught a guy sneakin' in.  I think he was from the forest near that lake, kinda near the mountains?  He was after information."

As she settled back down, so too did he.  He rested, sphynx-like, a few feet away and facing her so they could continue to talk.  He was far happier to talk about her children rather than the intruder, and was glad for the more light-hearted topic.  "Sounds miserable," he muttered, unable to imagine what it must be like to carry so much extra weight for so long.  He wondered if he could help, and so he offered, "I can try and find something, if you'd like.  For the aches.  Still ain't the best healer, but I've been learning."

She rattled off some names, all foreign and strange, but he was not one to talk.  "All good names."  He laughed, staring intently at her stomach as if he could see them kick, too.  Aesop pondered her words for a moment.  "A warrior and a dancer, huh?  Sound like they'll be a handful.  Won't be so quiet around here anymore, I bet."

RE: Among the world - Thistle Cloud - April 02, 2015

Thistle chuckled at his aye, aye captain. She was far from a captain, and sometimes she even wasn't sure if she made a good leader. Oh but she tried, and where she could she made up for her flaws with love and joy. It was hard, but she had a good balance most of the time. Thistle tilted her ears forward at his words, and frowned. That is not good, thank you for taking care of that. If you would be so kind as to mention it to Ragnar. He and I came across someone marking over our borders the other day, we don't know who yet, but we will find out. And Aesop, you have my permission to take captive, or kill any intruders that our trespassing, it is the viking way. She still had misgivings about captives and slaves, but she did her best to respect her husbands and  now her own culture.

Thistle chuckled and shook her head, That is alright. I am doing okay with it, and I have most of the herbs that you will find already in the den. I am an avid collector of the medicinal. If you ever want to learn more, let me know. Healing is my first trade. It is how i met Ragnar actually, the insufferable man that he is. The last part was said with the highest of fondness. She loved her husband, in all his ornery glory.

Thistle dipped her muzzle, Yes I imagine they will be, I just hope this ones will stay around, my other three have gone off adventuring, two of which have not been seen since. She grew quiet and looked about her, wondering of the day. Spring is my favorite season, everything is so new.

RE: Among the world - Aesop - April 04, 2015

Aesop nodded, taking note.  He would contact Ragnar as soon as he was able, especially in light of the information regarding the markers.  Though he had thought that the situation with the intruder was an isolated incident, perhaps he was wrong?  "He came from a forest in the south of the wilds," Aesop provided.  "I think he was acting alone, but I can't be sure."  His gaze fell to his paws, now, frowning at her addition.  "And if I choose mercy?"  Mercy, as he had with Burke and would again unless instructed otherwise.

This conversation was lighter, and one he indulged in happily.  He smiled at the story, softly, though the shadow of their previous conversation still hung over him, a heavy mantle.  "I am learnin', so I might take you up on that sometime," he said.  Aesop was pleased to find a potential teacher, as he still had so much to learn.

Aesop inclined his head, doing his best to look sad for her.  "Yeah, kids do that, don't they?  Sometimes the bug catches 'em and they go, but there's still time for them to come back."  When she glanced around, so, too, did he.  The day was verdant, pleasant.  Clouds hung in the sky, but they were sparse.  A lovely day, epitomizing spring.  "It's a good time," he agreed.  "Always feels like a sigh of relief, to me.  Winter's over."

RE: Among the world - Thistle Cloud - April 09, 2015

Thistle frowned trying to remember like crazy, where the markers were. It was a failing thing, as she could not remember. You will need to talk to Ragnar about that. I apologize, but I can't seem to remember where the marker was. Terrible isn't it? The more babies I have I swear the more memory i lose. Thistle heard his words, and she looked down too. She however answered him, If you choose mercy you tell me and not Ragnar do you understand? She would then break it to her husband, she did not keep him out of anything. However, she also was more lenient than he was, where Mercy was concerned.

Thistle nodded her head, then saddened. My friend Julooke, I was teaching her. She is Charon and Levi's late mother. I enjoy teaching. Sometimes, she wanted to give up her title, and just teach healing. However, she knew then the bay would perhaps be lost?

 Thistle chuckled and looked him over. I've never heard it described that way I like it.

RE: Among the world - Aesop - April 17, 2015

Aesop nodded, silently promising himself and her that he would seek Ragnar out to discuss the matter.  Perhaps it was her warnings getting to him, but he found that he was nervous about the meeting, interesting though it may prove to be.  "Understood," he said solemnly.  Clearly, sparing the lives of intruders was not done here.  Still Aesop couldn't find it in him to regret his choice, having won mercy for some future pack member.

The air around them became somber, her head falling in quiet melancholy.  "Maybe once you've got some free time?" he asked.  "Though I'm imaginin' that that'll be pretty sparse once you've popped these guys out."  He grinned, nosing her shoulder to try and lift her spirits.  The loss, it seemed, had hit all of them hard, not just Charon.

"Really?  That's how I've always thought of it.  Never really liked winter, myself.  A hungry time, and too quiet," he mused.

RE: Among the world - Thistle Cloud - April 27, 2015

Thistle did not say much, and she had not meant to make him afraid. She dealt with intruders with mercy often, it drove her husband mad sometimes. However, she was also learning to not give so much, that they could take a mile.  And they did spare some lives, those became slaves or captives until they could prove their selves. Like Atreyu the first time he came, if memory served. She nodded at his quiet murmur of understood.

Thistle chuckled, Whenever is fine with me. I love to teach, it is one of my favorite past times. Babies sleep, eat and sleep again for the first week or so mostly. It is once they get their sight and their hearing that you have to watch out. She spoke with a quiet laugh. She could not wait to meet these babes. She nudged his chin, to say thanks.

Thistle nodded in agreement, Yes I agree, it is a rough time to be a wolf. I enjoy spring best, all the plants and baby animals, and just newness.