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Blackfeather Woods madhatter teaparty - Printable Version

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madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - March 20, 2015


  I am only friends with nightmares. This girl had no feeling. No soul. No care for anyone. Well, at least that was before she came to the woods. She had this weird feeling inside she couldn't understand. At peace. Here, she felt peaceful and free. No one could phase her. No one could scare her. No one could intimidate her. She has seen it all. She has seen dead bodies and bold. She was the reason of those lifeless bodies. She murdered them. Those humans made her. But, she loved it. She loved satisfaction. She yearned for it.

  And now she had just the plan for that. Oh yes, the dark star would be in major trouble. But not from her own Pack. She would stir up trouble with someone. Anyone. To smell the tang of yet another male made her tingle with joy. It was time to make a fool of someone.

 Her paws carried her to a tan wolf. She kept her distance. She was hiding, but not to well. It was on purpose. She observed the male to see if he would detect her.

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - March 25, 2015

The cawing of ravens has Grim's nose pointed upwards. A scowl bares long fangs and sharp teeth. Black glistening shapes sit high above in the dark trees of the woods. Wings beat the air. Feathers drift down. Grim lunges to snap them in his jaws. He can't stand the dumb birds. Always they settle high in the trees taunting him. Not once has one flown close enough for his teeth to sink into their hollow bones. Nuisances. They need to be driven from his territory. Kill, the voices advice. Slaughter, they say. If only he could. A feather drips down the side of a strong jaw. A wet plop lands in the new grasses of spring. One will come close enough eventually.

The scent of another wolf enters the warming air. Amber eyes scan the trees. A wolf stands partially hidden among the woods. A low snarl vibrates in his chest. Eyes narrow. How big has this pack grown? It was enough for them to always be bothering him. Grim takes in the scent. It is a new female. Perhaps he could take this one since Trickster got away from him. Grim's head lowers. Slowly he stalks towards her. Ears perk forward. What does this one want anyway? To trade words of greeting? He isn't interested in knowing her name like the rest. Of course he can guess that she will introduce herself no matter what he says. All the others had. Such a bothersome pack. These woods should be his alone. 

Paws stop a few steps away from the new pack member. "
What do you want?" It is foolish of her to be near him. Never know what tendencies may arise within . Grim lets a deep growl slide past unsheathed fangs. Ears pin back against his head. Fur along his spine start to stand on end. He is in no mood to deal with any wolf. The stupid birds have already irritated him. Now the presence of this stranger flames that irritation into anger.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - March 25, 2015

  The male stalked up to her with a growl erupting from his throat. His voice told her to go away, but she ignored it completely. She only stood up to meet hi eye to eye. The dark star let out a chuckle of amusement. "Calm down dude. Before you hurt yourself."

  Obviously, this guy didn't want to be bothered. Perfect. Time to get on someone's nerve. Her eyes glinted with happiness at the thought. "I am Lusa. Impure amongst the pure." She sat down on the cool earth, examining the male up and down. "I reckon you are too, are you not?"

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - March 26, 2015

The female speaks. She tells him to calm himself. Grim snaps his teeth together. Who is she to tell him what to do? Then the stranger says something else. What was she talking about? Grim repeats himself again. Asking the female what she wants. He could attack her. Teach her not to bother him. But he had attacked a member before and that had not ended too well. Quite a few of the pack had shown up and Meldresi had ordered two to bring him under control. Grim growls at the memory. Slade. He hopes that wolf never shows his muzzle again.

Grim gives the female a glance over. She's all black like most of the pack. Her eye's are a blue color. She is a pretty thing like Trickster. Maybe he should make her his. She would do. He could have dark pups with this one like he had planned to with the other. Does she have darkness in her though? It wouldn't do to have pups who were good. Grim narrows his eyes. Maybe he should test that. See what this black female would do if he lunged at her. It wouldn't be a serious fight like it had been with Bane. He can't lose control again. Grim waits for her reply before making a move. What should he go for first? Her long legs? Her sleek body? Perhaps he should try to jump on her back. Grab a thick mouthful of fur and skin. Drag her to the ground. He sits while he debates on what he should do to start a small spar. Will she respond in turn? Grim assumes that's the point of attacking in the first place. To see if she will respond.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - March 26, 2015

PP on this post. Tell me if you want to change it!

  Her question was only answered with another question and a snap of his jaws. Oh he looked fun. She only chuckled darkly in response. "Do you really wanna know? Fine." Without warning, she lunged at the male, teeth bared and ready to fight. Her fangs sunk into a mouthful of neck fur and flesh. She dragged him down and put all her wait on his body.

 "I donf like to playf gamfs," she growled through a mouthful of fur. If this male wanted to fight back, then she wouldn't let him leave without a scar. She loosened her grip and placed a paw on his head. She smiled, "Told ya' to calm down didn't I?"

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - March 30, 2015

The black female had attacked without warning. Grim finds himself on the ground. Fury burns through thick veins. How dare she assault him first? He was the one who wanted to test her. A snarl rips from his maw. Grim lunges forward. He aims for her sleek legs. She would give him pups to be proud of despite sparking anger in him. But he won't let her get away with making the first move. Grim would bite down hard on her leg if he can manage to sink his teeth in. Hopefully the bite will force her to let go. He will drag her to the ground if she does. If not then he will rip his fangs through her flesh until she lets go. He will show this female that he is not to be toyed with.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - March 30, 2015

  Suddenly, sharp fangs sunk into her legs. She howled in pain, ripping away from his neck. She swiped a paw full of claws towards his eye, and jumped back, creating separation. A growl passed through her lips warning him to stay back. If he did attempt to come at her, she would give him something to remember her.

  She lifted her leg to lick the droplets of blood of her. Her ocean blue eyes watching the man closely. "Your easily angered. You better keep that under control when you deal with enemies. It's a weakness" It was true. Your enemy will feed on weaknesses.

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - April 04, 2015

Sharp claws swat across the left side of Grim's face. The sharp pain excites the dark male. Blood trickles from the four scratches. Will he end up with a scared face? He hopes so. It will make him seem intimidating to enemies if he has battle scars. He watches the black wolf jump back and growl at him. She licks the wound he left on her leg and speaks. Eyes narrow in irritation at the female's words. What did he care about controlling his anger? Grim licks the wolf's blood from his lips. Perhaps he should keep attacking her. He has only managed one wound on her. She would look better with more. Grim jumps at the female with reaching jaws. He doesn't care where his teeth manage to sink into as long as this wolf bleeds. 

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - April 04, 2015

A bit of PP. Tell me if you would like to change that :)


  Soon enough the brute came for more. His teeth came in contact with her side and she was tumbled over. Her belly was exposed and that was a big no no. She leaned up quickly and bit down onto his neck, not willing to let go anytime soon. Despite the fact they where fighting, she was loving every second of it. Blood and gore made up her personality. Untrustworthy, sly, and rouge.

She breathed in his scent and his blood as it trickled into her mouth. Her jaws clamped down harder. She waited for the male to react.

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - April 08, 2015

Sorry that my replies take a few days. Work tends to get in the way more often than not! And no worries about the PP :D

Teeth had managed to dig into the females side. Grim had lunged after her when she  tumbled over. He aims this time for her exposed stomach. Instead her teeth sink into his neck fur. The blood dusted wolf pushes into her bite. A grin reveals his enjoyment. The pain of her fangs digging further into his neck sings through his body. Grim growls with amusement. This female really thinks she can defeat him? He presses a paw into her neck since her hold prevents him from biting her. He would much rather sink his teeth into her neck. The large paw presses down on the pretty, black female in an attempt to free Grim from her jaws. He will pay her back with a bite to her own neck if he can tear free from her grasp. He has a small amount of admiration for the way she seems to be enjoying this fight almost as much as he is. "Does it excite you?" Grim asks. "The taste of blood? The feel of your teeth sinking into flesh?" Golden eyes narrow at the female. With a deadly soft voice he asks, "Does it make you long to kill?"

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - April 08, 2015

No problem! :)

  A grin crosses his face as she clamps down onto his neck. Paws press down unto her neck.  Her blue orbs flickered over to his eyes as he spoke. She loosened her grip and, half waiting for his payback.

  "Maybe it does. I do like to see people suffer, though it doesn't seem that you are." She growled softly. "Oh, yes it does. Crazy me. I would kill you if you where an annoying brat like some. But no, your different..." The girl did have a pretty short temper. Usually she would want to isolate herself from everyone just so she wouldn't attack anyone. She had already made Ohen her enemy. And who knows, he might want to tell someone. If that happened she would probably have to leave.

  She blinked a few times, shaking it out of her head. "Do you enjoy it?"

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - April 09, 2015

The grin on his muzzle widens as the female returns his question. Does he enjoy it? If by it she means making others suffer, sinking his teeth into them, killing them, and feeling pain himself. What was there not to enjoy? Grim's golden gaze meets hers. "I joined this pack with the intent of killing them all." Eyes narrow slightly. "Though it is no longer my intent...." He pushes closer to the wolf saying softly, "I still long to murder." Grim pulls free from the black wolf's loosened jaws and steps back. Eyes study the female intently. This pack is filled with killers. Though none can match the darkness in him. Not even Trickster had. Show her, the voices tell him. Attack, they urge. A flicker of his longing to kill shifts in his gaze. Her question had put water to his flames though. Eyes look the female over.

He notices a wound to her ear and several scars along her body. She is a fighter then? A growl slips past his lips. Should he continue to fight? If he did, the small flame of longing would grow. He may not be able to stop his assault then and she would end up dead. Grim sits. Killing is all he had ever wanted to do. No matter the wolf. Something inside him is slowly changing though. He doesn't care for that change. Once he had longed to destroy this pack and kill every wolf in it. Then he had the idea of becoming alpha and using this pack to kill other packs. But what did he want now? His darkness had been revealed after his encounter with Bane. And with the whole pack knowing his true side, the want of murdering any of them had faded. And why was that? He couldn't say. After he had come back from his three week banishment he had avoided the pack. Had kept to himself. The confusion circles his mind. Anger grows at the loss of purpose. And one thought begins to consume him. He needs to kill.

The blood dusted wolf slowly gets to his paws, his gaze clouded. Fur bristles along his spine. A growl deepens in the males chest. He is a killer. That is his life. That is his purpose. The thought of not wishing to kill the female slips from Grim's mind as darkness consumes him. She will know his pain, his longing, his need. She will feel the bite of his teeth, the fear of losing her life. She had admitted to wanting to kill him, though she had an excuse not to. But he will bring forth that need in her. He has to. Blood, the voices call. Pain, they say. And just like that, the darkness takes over.

His large body darts towards the female. Jaws wide, a snarl ripping from his maw. He will try to get a hold on her. Use his teeth and claws to shred her flesh. He won't kill her immediately. He wants her to fear him. He wants her to know his suffering. He wants to watch her slowly bleed to death. Listen to her breath weaken and fade. Watch the light die from her gaze. He will have his purpose back.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - April 09, 2015

  She listens to his words with a smile on her face. "As of I. But you never know when I might snap."

  As he steps off of her, the girl rises to her paws, half relieved she wasn't crushed. One more second of him on her throat and he would probably cut a hole through. The girl shakes off the scarlet blood from her midnight pelt. Her muscles where just about ready to collapse underneath. Crap. I'm open for attack. Right now, her body screamed to just flop down and rest there, but she did otherwise. She tried her hardest not to show her weak shots, but failed slightly.

 And then, the huge wolf came barreling towards her. She had failed in dodging and teeth came in contact with her chest. The fangs were way to close to her neck for comfort. Her body was once again pushed into the earth below. But this time, her body lay still and her breaths became slower. Her blue orbs stared into his orange ones. "You are wishing of killing me, but for what reason?" She placed a paw over his shoulder. "What is it that you really want from me?" Her voice came out in a low purr. Maybe his guard will go down. Or maybe he won't. Only time will tell.

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - April 14, 2015

Teeth sink into the females chest. Grim pushes her onto the ground. Blood trickles into his maw. A paw touches his shoulder. He bristles at the contact and growls. The female voices a few questions that confuse Grim. She asked what reason does he have for wishing to kill her? That was simple. The darkness inside him craves death. Her second question was asking what he really wanted from her. What did she mean by that? The last inquiry angers him. Wasn't it obvious what he wanted? He wants to take her life. But what about this place? A small voice says. You could be banished if Meldresi finds you fighting again.... Grim pushes the voice away. The light inside hadn't spoken in quite some time now. So that means he still hasn't gotten rid of the good in himself. He grinds his jaw in irritation with the females flesh still between his teeth. The motion loosens even more blood to wet his tongue. As much as he hated the good part of him, it made him stop and think. He doesn't want to leave these woods. Grim has come to love the dark trees, it is a part of him. 

Very hesitantly, his jaws free the wolf that had angered him. With fury lashing in his gaze, he steps back. He doesn't say anything. He just gazes at Lusa, looking her over. He wants to be the Alpha of this territory, and as much as he doesn't want to admit it, this female is a part of these woods. Internally he fights a battle with himself. A certain protectiveness of the female clashes against his longing to spill her blood. He gives a low growl. What was happening to him? He would have never hesitated before. He hadn't with Slade, and one of them would be dead now if it weren't for the interference of the pack back then. Golden eyes narrow. He can not accept this change. 

What I truly want is to kill you," Grim answers her previous question now that he has calmed a bit. "But I will lose this place that has become a home to me." He looks the female over, eyes drinking in her pretty form. "But I also wish to have you as mine, Lusa." How will she respond to this? Grim doesn't have high hopes of her accepting him. Especially after admitting to him wanting to murder her. But even if she does not accept, he could take her by force. Then again, she could eventually be his. He is not colored like the other males in this pack who are mainly black or grey. But that doesn't mean that he isn't a handsome male. That just means that the preferred wolf is not a brown and tan one with a dusting of red. He could have a chance of winning her over. She does have that darkness in her that mirrors his own. She would be a lovely mate.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - April 14, 2015

  She cringes as the male grinds his teeth into her fur, creating more blood to flow. Her body tells her to screech in agony, but she rejects. The thing she hated most was to give in. She had never recalled to give up on a fight, and to do so created flames from head to toe. But even still, the pain makes her silently plead for the madness to end, as much as a crooked part of her enjoyed it. You can run... a voice tells her. A small growl escapes from her cage-like teeth.. No way! The last option was to run. But to think such thoughts was very foolish. His hold puts her in a disadvantage though. Prevents her from using the most lethal weapon: fangs. Maybe claw at his snout? Or his other eye?

 But there was no need, for the male finally released his death grip. She was quick to get on her fours and shake of her now blood-stained pelt. She sat down on the damp earth and examined her fresh wounds, not noticing the male looking her over. 

What I truly want is to kill you.

 The words weren't that surprising, but what he said next had. She tilted her head slightly, a smirk on her face. Her ocean blue eyes studied him. "You want to have me do you? Well that does spark interest in me." She made a fake innocent look. "But why me out of everyone? I'm such a bad little girl, and I did attack you and all." Her tail swished back and forth in a slow motion. She wanted him desperate before he could claim her. It wasn't that easy to convince someone as stubborn as her. "Hell, I don't even know your name. Why should I want to be with you?"


RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - April 14, 2015

lol the line 'he can feel something inside himself' reminds me of that song Believe by Cher'... made me laugh so hard because I was singing it as I typed it and didn't realize it at first lmao!

Grim lifts a lip in a slight grin. "It is because you attacked that I want you. I can see that darkness in you, the bit that calls for blood." He steps closer to her saying in a low, deep voice. "We both want the same thing. We both have that lust for murder. You would be a perfect mate." He begins to circle her, slightly brushing up against her flank. "And why would you wish to know my name? Do you ask my name to get closer to me? To get to know me? Do you ask it out of courtesy or kindness? I have never cared to know another wolf's name for no other reason than I know that they will end up dead- murdered by myself. So in the end their name won't matter to me." Grim stops in front of her again with a grunt. "Do I matter to you, Lusa?" He doesn't want to admit to it, but he can feel something inside himself that wants to reach out to her.  He doesn't know how to react to it. He isn't sure what 'it' is really. He has always been the type to wish death upon everything and never stop until he had reached his goal. So does he really want to kill this female? This pack is changing him. Was that good or bad? He no longer lives in a world by himself. Things are starting to look different. Instead of wanting to kill all the wolves in Blackfeather Woods, he wishes to take the alpha position simply so he can lead them the way he sees fit. But even so, his motivation to take that position is next to zero. It is merely a dream at this point.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - April 14, 2015

XD I can relate. I can do the most random things at the most inappropriate times. People think I'm crazy, but I don't blame them!

  She smiles as he circles her, his fur brushing against her own. Breaths came out in a soft and slow pace. Her eyes glinted with pleasure at the man's words.

  "That is true. I do like to murder. And its obvious you do to." A smile formed at the thought. There had seemed to be no one with her twisted qualities. She worried that she would never truly fit in with the dark pack. But now it seemed that her thoughts were wrong. There was someone who was as twisted and devilish as her.

  "You are the only one who seems to know how I play around here. And you are more special than the rest," she thought aloud, "so maybe you do, or maybe you don't." She stood on her paws and nosed him in a friendly manor. "That you must find out for yourself. I like to be a wildcard and keep people in a guessing game."

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - April 17, 2015

Grim pins his ears back at her show of affection, friendly or not, he isn't sure how to respond to it. He listens as she speaks, growling a bit at her words. He doesn't like to play games. He wants her and he has made that known. Though, he will have to show the rest of the pack that she will belong to him. Once before he had wanted to claim another female, but hadn't the chance to before he was banished. He won't let anyone take Lusa from him. She is too perfect for him. The one before had hinted at a darkness in her, but this one in front of him has shown and spoken the fact that she does have it.  "I will not play games," he growls. "I will have you as mine. I will make sure no other male touches you and kill the ones who do." Grim turns away from her in the direction of the swamp. He could go to the tunnels. Find the pack mates who may be resting beneath and let it be known that Lusa is his. If any wolf stands against his claims, he will fight them.

Golden eyes rest back on the female.  A lip lifts in a slight snarl. "
Let it be known that Grimnir Sath Bolverk has claimed you." All this talking is starting to annoy him. He has gotten his point across and that is all that needs to be spoken. "One way or another you will be mine, Lusa - my little killer." He takes a few steps towards the swamp with hesitation. He is curious to hear what her reply will be to his outright claim.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - April 17, 2015

  A growl comes from the male, followed by some choice words and his name. His sudden protectiveness was interesting to her. She liked that. No one had ever cared for her this much, so it was a privilege. And obviously Grimnir had some kind of affection for her. But if he wanted her, he had to earn it. Earn her interest. Earn her love. 

  She sat down once again, watching him depart.

  One way or another you will be mine, Lusa - my little killer.

 Little killer. It reminded her of what her father used to call her. The man who had made her a killer. But the memory was far off. She now watched him as he hesitated to leave. Why? She chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, Grim. I can't allow you to just tell me that I'm yours." She walked after him and swerved in the front, blocking him. "I should be the one making that decision, not you." Though her expression was serious, her words had mischief in them. She took a step closer, sniffing his neck, and up to his face.

RE: madhatter teaparty - Grimnir - April 17, 2015

Grim will probably be in a lot of Lusa's threads now unless they are marked as 'private'. I hope you are okay with that xD He has to make his presence known to her where ever she goes just to remind her that he wants her. And I look forward to doing a lot of threads with you! This one was absolutely amazing. I enjoyed it a lot!

She says that he can't allow him to just tell her that she is his. Grim grins at that. So she thinks she can get away if she wants? Well, Lusa will notice otherwise now that he has spoken his claim. He halts, his head shooting up as the female unexpectedly swivels in front of him. He had expected just a few words at his claim, but instead she places herself in harms way. Of course then she has to say that she will be the one making the decision which adds to the danger of making him angry. But before he could begin to get fired up again, his little killer runs her nose from his neck up to his face. His body stiffens. He finds that he enjoyed that. 

With a show of teeth, Grim's head darts forward to rub down her neck. To put his scent on her. The move feels awkward to him though. It is a show of affection from himself,  but it also adds to his claim. Thinking of that, he continues forward to push his whole body along her side and walks past her. "
Remember my words, Lusa," he offers as a final goodbye while trotting off before she can say anything. Now all the males in the pack will smell his scent on her and they will know. Whether she says anything or not about his having her. Though, once he enters the underground tunnels they will all know anyway. He tilts his head to the side just enough to glance back at his female as he leaves. She is beautiful and she will be his.

RE: madhatter teaparty - DeadLusa - April 18, 2015

That's fine with me! :D Sounds interesting XD Thank you for the thread!

  The male stiffens as the dark star rubs her nose him. His head went into her neck, then moving his whole body against her own. She lays her head on his back as he moves, enjoying every moment of his affection. His scent soaked into her pelt, making a statement for other males to stay away. A grin forms across her snout. This man must truly want her to be his, and his words proved it even more.

  She turned and sat on the damp dirt, watching him depart. She watched until he was out of sight.