Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods Drop like a stone - Printable Version

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Drop like a stone - Comet - March 22, 2015

His tender heart fluttered within a small cage when he thought of her. Gweniver. She was beautiful, with her stippled plumage and brilliant yellow eyes. He had been out looking for nest-materials, thinking of her. Comet hadn't noticed the sun crossing the sky at a chipper pace, merrily blazing past the afternoon clouds as it descended towards that constant goal - the horizon.

From his height, Comet spotted a woods looming, but it did not appear to be The Heartwood. Bird-poo, and a pile of it he thought as his mind was pulled from the distraction of his betrothed's ample feathering. A sharp shriek emerged unbidden from his curved beak, darting into the air and scaring whatever prey might have been milling around. Great. Now he was without a place to sleep and without supper. Desparately his sharp eyes searched the ground below, but there was nothing within sight to create decent cover for the night while he roosted. He resigned himself, with a breathy sigh, to heading into wolf territory.

The flaming sun bulged wantonly on the horizon. Comet's wings moved rhythmically, without thought, taking him closer to this wood which wasn't his home. He took comfort in the knowledge that he was not yet complete in his nest-building task. Gweniver would not know of his idiocy and he saw no reason to tell her he had spent the night inadvertently stranded. Better to pretend he had done it on purpose.

Upon reaching the edge of the woods, Comet angled his wings to bring him under the cover of leafy branches. He glided through the guardian trees, making his way into deeper forest, slowly turning his head to peer around him.  A small patch of rocks unfolded underneath his path of flight. A vole darted from beneath the largest grey rock in the pile. Comet's bright eyes lit up, he swooped. His left wing clipped a tree trunk that had materialised from nowhere. With a curse to the skies, the owl dropped like a stone, plummeting to the forest floor.

Luckily his light body avoided the rocks and bounced instead into a bush. Snarling branches tugged at his feathers as Comet checked the collateral damage, nestled within some sort of berry bush. He opened one eye and peered out, noting that his left wing was stuck inside the bush, with the rest of him dangling an inch from the floor. "Drat!" he shouted irritably as he gently tugged at his wing. It wasn't going to come free easily.

Of course, the vole as nowhere to be seen. Its rapid disappearance mocked his predicament. Coment cast a wary eye about him; darkness was descending over the scenery as the trees worked to block out the last dying embers of the sun. And here he was, easy pickings for any predator that should chance by.