Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake miniature link - Printable Version

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miniature link - Eight - March 24, 2015

  The warrior trudged merrily along the Big Salmon River. He listened to the stream gurgling quietly. It was only one of the beautiful signs of spring. Soon, the Teekon Wilds would be frolicking with life. And more life meant better hunting for him. More delicious baby deer. His favorite. His mouth watered at the thought of food. Hey, I'm by a river. Why not go fishing? 

 The boy peered over the edge of the lake, slowly placing one paw after the other into the lake. When his body was in, he sat down on the lake's floor. He let the current drift him away. This was a fun thing to do. To let the river carry you off. It was childish, but the boy was a very energetic fellow sometimes. He just loved to let all of his troubles wash away.

RE: miniature link - Kiera - March 25, 2015

Kiera was parched, she had been walking for hours. Exploring everything she possibly could. She has not been in the Teekon Wilds very long, but she was already in love with the scenery. Its calmness was welcoming.

Her paws carried her to a place wolves called Big Salmon Lake, in search of a drink and light meal. She padded over to the edge of the clear lake, dipped her head and lapped up some water. For awhile she was oblivious to the the male wolf.

RE: miniature link - Eight - March 26, 2015

  He started to swim, his paws carrying him with the current. So much fun. "Ha! Eight do you have a life?" He looked over in the distance to see a caramel figure. He swam over to the girl, eyes peaking over the water. When he got closer he lifted his head. "Hiya! What's a pretty lady like you doin' in a place like this?" He smiled at her. He wasn't so good with girls, but still at least he tries right? He wasn't lovesick though.

  He clawed his way up the bank to face the fae. He shook the water from his pelt. "The name's Eight. What's yours?"

RE: miniature link - Kiera - March 26, 2015

Kiera had just settled near the edge of the bank when splashing caught her attention. Her head swiveled in the direction it came from. She was suprised to see a wolf heading her way. However she could only just see his face and back while the rest of him was hidden underneath the water. Kiera grew nervous, as the last few encounters she has had with other wolves did not go well. She had gotten lunged at, snapped at, snarled at, and chased. However when his voice sounded out she relaxed. This wolf was actually being nice to her. Her voice sounded out loud over the water in response "Oh, just was passing through and decided to take a break."

Kiera moved back a few paces as the male clambered out of the water and shook himself. A few of the water droplets that went flying from his pelt landed on her dark black/grey dappled coat. Her tail wagged in greeting and her had swung low submissively. "Its a pleasure Eight. My name is Kiera. I hope im not interrupting you. What brings you to the lake? Do you live near here?

RE: miniature link - Eight - March 26, 2015

  He wagged his tail in the rhythm of hers. "Nah, you weren't interrupting anything. Just trying to entertain myself." He sat down by the bank, his tail getting soaked once again. "I'm a Loner. I was trying to discover all of the Teekon Wilds."

 He gave a warm smile. "Maybe we should explore sometime? I would like to have some company for once."

RE: miniature link - Kiera - March 26, 2015

She moved into a sitting position across from him. "I am a lone wolf as well. At times it gets rather boring being alone dosnt it?" The  thought of possibly having a friend for once in her life, brought excitement causing her to smile rather big.   "Really? I would like that very much. I too want to see all of the Teekon Wilds, and perhaps discover some places no other wolves have yet to trek to!

Kiera let out a soft yip and tilted her head some curiously. "Eight may I ask you a question?" She paused a moment to scratch an itch at the base of her ear before continuing. "What brought you to the Teekon wilds?"

RE: miniature link - Eight - March 26, 2015

  He barked with enthusiasm. "That's great! I can finally have someone to talk to."

  What bought you to the Teekon Wilds?

  The next question made him uneasy, sent a cold shock up his spine. "When I was young, my mother died from the coldness. I don't know how. My father took care of me and my siblings. It was so fun to have him around. But then..." His eyes clouded for a quick second, remembering the incident. "He was murdered." He looked out over the lake, then looked back. "I came here to start a new life. But hey, it's ok. I've gotten over it a little."