Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley right and wrongs don't really matt - Printable Version

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right and wrongs don't really matt - Raziel - March 24, 2015

Sorry this took so long @Shiba :)

Today, the Roman had taken up the job of guarding the entrance to Bearclaw Valley and secretly he had been hoping for someone to intrude so he could fight them. He had been aching to do something that would get his adrenaline pumping and his whole body alert and ready, he wanted to practice his battle moves. Not only did he want to do that, he wanted to taste the blood of an enemy and know he had injured his opponent. He wanted the satisfaction of beating a wolf in a fight, he wanted the rush of battle and the feeling that came along with it. It was sick for some wolves but Raziel had long ago gotten over the guilt that plagued him when he injured someone, when he killed someone, gotten over the feeling of disgust, gotten over the fact that he had killed somebody. It was who he was and if anyone had a problem with that, well they just had to figure it out before he slashed their throat open.

Raziel paced back and forth in front of the entrance that led to the Valley, now wondering why he had even volunteered to do this before reminding himself that he was serving his pack and this would benefit everyone. Guarding would also protect the members in the pack in case some random intruder came and decided to start killing everyone. Knowing that standing here and keeping his senses alert would protect Scarlett and his packmates made him concentrate on his job, listening keenly for any sound of rustling. Watching the entrance fiercely, teal eyes gleaming from beneath a mask of greys. Anyone who came through that wasn't a friend who be smashed against the ground immediately.