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Blackfeather Woods stop and smell the roses - Printable Version

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stop and smell the roses - DeadLusa - March 25, 2015


   Her dark pelt seemed to glow amongst the new red blossoms. And that was unusual considering her pelt was jet black. She sat down to sniff the roses. They were beautiful. The dark star had been visiting this place after she patrolled. It bought joy to her heart. It was consoling.

 She started to roll around in the petals, enjoying everything. Soaking in the red beauty.

RE: stop and smell the roses - Kelorth - March 25, 2015

The Dragonblood was a born explorer, he loved adventures especially those that involved fighting. Because usually when he fought, it meant he could kill the opponent. Or injure them. Whatever, it involved teeth and claw and that was what Kelorth loved. The rush when in battle, the feeling of glory when you tasted blood in your jaws, the feeling that the other wolf was at your mercy and with one bite or swipe with his claws, the life would fade out of the other wolf's jaws. The ghost did not like torturing wolves for he felt it was not a fair fight and he wouldn't get to actually fight them. By fighting, he meant both wolves could move and attack one another. It wasn't a fight in his mind if only one wolf could attack the other while the other could only lie helpless, awaiting death's embrace, or injury's embrace.

Lost in his thoughts where his best battles were being replayed in his mind, Kelorth only awoke from his brain's grasp when he caught sight of blood red roses on the ground. And a dark beauty rolling on the roses. The sight of it nearly brought a chuckle to his maw but he restrained himself, instead allowed a small smile to curl at the corner of his lips. "Hey sweetheart, you don't need roses to look pretty."

RE: stop and smell the roses - DeadLusa - March 25, 2015

  As soon as she heard a voice, she rolled back onto her stomach. A wolf as white as snow stood in front of her. A smile appeared over her snout. "Well your quite the flatterer aren't you?" She stood up from the bed of flowers. "I'm Lusa, Epsilon around here." For some reason, the wolf reminded her of a calmer form of Crescendo. The thought of Crescendo's name stung her. He had just disappeared a while back. He could have ran off. He could have chosen the life a loner. He could be dead. He could be anywhere. It made her a bit sad to see him gone. But life goes on. People come and go.

 She wanted to have some fun, but not just yet. She kept a casual stance. "I suppose you are new to the Blackfeather. I presume you know our culture?"

RE: stop and smell the roses - Kelorth - March 26, 2015

He watched as the girl rolled onto her stomach, stood up and smiled. The Dragonblood laughed softly at her words, the noise rumbling out gently from his chest, eyes of fierce ocean blue studying her, holding a gleam of amusement. "Not really, darling. I simply state what I see and what I believe to be true. Can't a man compliment a lady sincerely?" It was nice to be around wolves once more, in a pack where hopefully he could befriend everyone and have no enemies though that was usually not possible. There were madmans and crazed lunatics and psychopaths that he simply could not befriend. Truthfully, he doubted anyone could befriend them.

"I'm Kelorth, lowest ranked around here." The ghost dipped his head politely, his body posture one of a lower rank though it somehow still managed to appear proud. Her next words however, confused the young male but he did not let it show, instead cocked his head sideways in a birdlike manner and asked, "I know not of the culture you speak about. What is it?"

RE: stop and smell the roses - DeadLusa - March 26, 2015

  A smirk curved on the corner of her lip. "I don't see why not." Her tail wagged for a quick second. The man introduced himself as Kelorth. "It's nice to meet you, and I hope you will feel comfortable here."

 I know not of this culture you speak. What is it?

 "Well I'll keep it simple. We honor the gods Mephala, Sithis, and the Dread King. Lords of Darkness. There is also a society of elite assassins, the Dark Brotherhood. To join, you must assassinate another wolf. Make yourself worthy." She held her head high. "When you do that, you will get a red paw mark on your shoulder. The mark of Brotherhood. I myself am planning to join someday."

RE: stop and smell the roses - Kelorth - March 27, 2015

"Delighted to meet you too," said Kelorth, dipping his head to her politely, a gentlemanly gesture that he displayed to ladies when he was not fighting. Because that gesture would simply not exist in his head when he was fighting, for he was only out for blood and his brain would only focus on the strategies to defeat the opponent, not how to gentlemanly kill the offending wolf or creature. The Dragonblood doubted if that was actually possible, to gentlemanly kill someone. Maybe ask them if he could slit their throat? Or pound them to death? Or bury them alive underneath the bush of blood red roses and mark the place as their grave for them for free? 

It was weird.

The white prince listened as Lusa explained, saying they had gods they honored and that there was a society of elite assassins called the Dark Brotherhood and that to join they must kill another wolf. When they joined, they would get a red pawprint on their shoulder. Immediately, the ghost was interested in joining, the gods part was a bit more complicated as he believed in his own gods but he was a master of deception and he was pretty sure he could pretend to devote himself to their gods while keeping faith to his own. "Sounds interesting," said Kelorth, closing the distance between them.

RE: stop and smell the roses - DeadLusa - March 27, 2015

  As she finished, the pale wolf moved closer, closing the gap between him and her. She grinned and said softly, "Tell me, do you like to spill blood?"

 The dark star had a bad habit of giving people scars and bruises. It made her quiver with joy. Indeed, she was a killer. Ruthless, manipulative, and strong. No one dare  turn their back on her. Not even her own Packmates should trust her. But still, they had. For now, she would keep it that way. She looked into his  eyes, her optics glinting. "Because here, it's where the big boys play. I hope your up for the challenge."