Wolf RPG
Silver Moraine There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - Printable Version

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There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - Sen - March 27, 2015

Set at the Silver Moraine.

The dark woman had fought along the other Duskfire wolves, but deep down she knew the war was not her's to fight. She did not know which side had started it, nor was she sure which side would end it for good, but she wasn't so sure she wished to learn of either. Sen had only fought because she viewed the Glacier as her home, but things had started to change. No longer did Malachi lead, as he'd been replaced by the fire-like wolf, and she was not so sure she could live under the woman's rule. It had been claimed that she was the true leader, but only recently had she made herself known to the other wolves. To the obsidian wolf, she would never be the true leader, however. She;d joined under the man's rule, and it had been he who she found herself having become loyal to. Not some vengeance-fueled beast.

Despite her inner thoughts, she'd stayed quiet and rather neutral on the outside. The pack was changing and she could not stop it, but whether she would move with it or not was still up for consideration. If she stayed, she would have to serve under the ember and probably fight more battles against the sea wolves, but if she left she had nowhere. She could not return to the place she'd been born, as she was certain it had been abandoned long ago, and she knew not of any packs she could turn to. Though she could very easily just walk away and live as a lone wolf until she came across a pack she developed a fondness towards, there was something holding her back. Duskfire was the first, and only, pack she'd ever been apart of, and leaving proved itself to be much harder than she'd hoped. For now, the only thing she knew she could do was travel away for a bit and see some new sights. It'd been awhile since she'd gone on one of her beloved journeys, and she secretly hoped that putting some space between her and the Glacier for a short bit of time might be all she needed. Perhaps she did not need to leave, but all she needed was a bit of space. With such thoughts and hopes in mind, she'd left the pack's land without so much as a goodbye, as was normal for her, and headed off in the first direction that she'd stepped in.

RE: There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - Saēna - March 27, 2015

In the early morning before the sun began to rise, Saena discovered a vast plain. Rather than traveling north through it, the young woman skirted its edge, intimidated by its seeming endlessness and the possibility that she would be caught in the open if she tried to cut right through it. Trotting along the edge of both plains and foothills, the lone female felt much less exposed. The comfort the mountains afforded her was an artifact of her lifestyle, but was also typical for a wolf with no allegiance, as she now was. She knew she could count on her aunt for anything, but she didn't plan to go back to Blue Willow until she'd fulfilled her dream.

The edge of the plain soon met a miles long pile of rubble and debris. Not knowing that it was called a moraine, she picked her way carefully upward, climbing until the rocks became larger and easier to traverse. She picked her pace up and bounded between rocks. Being a wolf, she was sure-footed and knew that she was in no danger. Even when a dark-haired wolf became visible further ahead, Saena kept on going, feeling high-spirited and a little drunk on life.

When Sen was close enough for Saena to make out details, she grinned wolfishly and loosed a playful growl. She stopped her bounding for a moment, paws splayed out on three different rocks, then dropped into a play bow in an attempt to entice Sen into a game. It wasn't really an impressive sort of game—first to the bottom without tripping wins[/mdash]but it was something to keep her in a good mood, and hopefully infect the stranger with it as well.

RE: There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - Sen - March 29, 2015

Good moods hadn't use to be a common thing with Sen, but since entering the Wilds they'd started to appear more often. It was strange how a simple change of scenery could present such an affect to living things. Sadly, however, one of those strange good moods hadn't appeared in awhile—or, to be more precise, since everything with the salt-scented wolves started. Since then, plus with the ember's raise to power, Sen hadn't been in a feel-good type of mood. He body had, more or less, started going about on a type of “autopilot”, making her appear as someone devoid of emotion. That wasn't the case, however, she was just stuck within her own mind, trying to work through things on her own. A break from everything was what she'd needed, especially since it was the first truly stressful situation she'd ever been introduced to. But a break from her thoughts seemed as if it would be an impossible thing to come by, but once again, she was met with a surprise.

When the playful growl had sounded, the dark wolf contemplated ignoring it and continuing on as if she were deaf to the world around her, but after further consideration she felt that to be a terrible idea. Her head turned just enough for her to cast a glance over her shoulder, and just in time to see the girl lowering herself into a play bow. Quietly, she snorted at the sight. With her legs on several different rocks and her rump in the air, she looked rather ridiculous, but who was Sen to judge. They were mere strangers with the opportunity to play a game placed before them, and the sooty girl found herself wishing to play along. It couldn't hurt to act a bit kinder towards others, and what better way to do that then to play a harmless game with someone she'd never seen before? She sniffed first, however, just to make sure the other didn't smell like the sea, and was relieved to find she didn't.

Though hesitant at first, for concern of looking like a fool, Sen eventually lowered herself into a bow of her own, her tail flickering about much like a cat's would behind her. She'd yet to figure out exactly what they were to play, and so she waited for the other to make the first move. To every kind being in the world, she hoped it wouldn't be any sort of play fight. She'd had enough of real fighting to hold her over for, oh, the rest of her life, probably. Sen was an antagonizer, not a fighter. Little did she know that she would actually love the game the other had in mind, since it involved one of her favorite activities—running.

RE: There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - Saēna - April 02, 2015

Sen didn't keep her waiting for long. As soon as the dark-haired woman's lean body tilted forward, Saena lurched into movement. At first she bounded across the rocks in her opponent's direction, looking every bit a sparring partner, but a few feet before reaching Sen, she wheeled, tossed her head over her shoulder, and barked with laughter. Her short red tail switched back and forth as she briefly frolicked on the rocks, and then, with a playful yet challenging stare, she fully turned and bolted down the moraine.

No doubt Sen would quickly engage and would be right behind her. Although she was born and raised in mountainous terrain and therefore was exceptionally sure-footed in spite of the uneven floor, Saena was a bit chubby and not really much of an endurance runner. Although her initial flight would be impressive thanks to her long hours of gamekeeper training, it wouldn't take long for her to slow considerably. On the other hand, the glacier wolf had the trim waist and long limbs of an athlete, so it was likely that Sen would have no trouble catching up with her... unless, of course, the other was a plains wolf. That was something no one could really tell from mere appearances.

As she pounded down the long rubble pile, Saena's tongue flapped in the wind at the left side of her jaws and her ears pinned themselves back as sheer joy overtook her.

RE: There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - Sen - April 25, 2015

My apologies for the belated response.

With the first few motions form the other, Sen's head lowered and she pulled her ears back. She was confused by the girl's actions, then, as one second it seemed things were going one way, and the next another. Was there to be a game or a fight, she could not decipher right away as she was once able. The more recent events that had taken place left her unable to trust her instincts entirely, which made for a slightly muddled wolf more often than she cared for. At the last second, the other girl made it clear she was not there to fight the woman, which both her actions and laughter made clear. She stood watching the other female's movements, having a fleeting feeling of concern for her mental health, but that was easily shoved away. She was a stranger, and strangers where those she could harbor no emotions of any sort towards. Besides, maybe she was ill in the mind, just odd. Before Sen could ask, though, the stranger wolf took off down the moraine, and caused the earlier curiosity the darker being had held to vanish as she was given her answer.

Sen took off after her playful opponent, more eager to run than she would have ever guessed. Being born and raised in the mountains aided her with her footing as she made her way down, and she didn't bother to hold back. With the glacier, she could not move on it without having to double check to make sure she was stepping right onto a sheet of ice. It was, literally, a slippery slope, and not as familiar to the mountains her family had resided on as she'd originally thought. The moraine, however, was nothing like the glacier. It reminded her of her old home, and she enjoyed that quite a bit. Even a sure-footed wolf could make a mistake at times, though, so she tried to focus on her steps the best she could to be positive she wouldn't trip or hit a loose patch. As she drew closer, her concentration was forgotten, and laughter managed to make it's way out of her maw as she caught sight of the younger wolf. She looked quite funny to the amber-eyed woman, what with her tongue moving with the wind beside her face and everything. Sen's earlier worries were forgotten for the time being, too. The matter seemed like nothing compared to what was currently going on, and the sight she was currently witnessing. It looked priceless.

RE: There is Nothing to Change in This Stranger's War - Saēna - April 29, 2015

The wind whistled in Saena's ears as she veritably flew down the moraine. Even with this muffling her hearing, she could hear the sound of Sen's nails clicking on stones as the female pursued her. Judging by the growing volume, the other wolf would catch her by the time they both reached the bottom of the slope. Made ever the more serious by the game, which was decidedly un-serious in nature, Saena sucked her tongue back into her mouth and chanced a glance over her shoulder.

That's when the unsteady ground coupled with her velocity got the better of her. Her paw slid over a loose stone and she careened wildly to the side before stumbling with an alarmed yip. Being a wolf, she recovered very quickly, but the fall cost her the game, for Sen was nearly upon her. Still, Saena made a valiant effort to regain her former speed, but it was simply impossible. Instead, she tried to turn the tables by veering sharply to the right, hoping to throw off her pursuer for just an instant.