Wolf RPG
Sheepeater Cliff billy goats gruff - Printable Version

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billy goats gruff - Luke - March 27, 2015

It was a rare occurence that Luke chose to ascend in elevation, so attached was he to the lowlands where water gathered, but since he was up here anyway (having escorted Harlyn to the plateau to reunite with Mordecai), he figured he ought to explore a bit. So the blue-nosed wolf traveled southeast, finding himself standing on the edge of a cliffside with feeding goats not too far off, further down the way. They were wary animals and kept a watchful eye on Luke, whose attention was cast down below, admiring the landscape from above but nonetheless missing being in the valleys and flatlands. After a few moments of surveying his preferred haunts, Luke turned his eyes on the goats, watching them with casual interest, intending to rest only a short while before making his descent.

RE: billy goats gruff - Ryker - March 28, 2015

Ryker was enjoying the sunlight today. it was not cold anymore and that made him happy. it also meant fair game as far as hunting. A lot more prey comes out of hiding. Although this area seemed to have lots of packs. He would have to be very careful where and when he hunted.

He came upon a rocky area where a bunch of goats were balancing. It was a curious thing why they liked the rocks so much. he was careful so as not to disturb any of them. he wasn't hungry and also didn't feel like he could take one down on his own. He made his way carefully over the terrain. Trying not to fall or stumble over any boulders.

He paused for a moment taking in his surroundings. he picked up the faint smell of another wolf. Although he didn't think it was close enough to worry about. He lay down and looked out over the flatlands. This was a peaceful spot. Perhaps he would stay here for the night.

RE: billy goats gruff - Luke - March 28, 2015

As Luke gazed upon the goats his attention was pulled to a darker figure that moved just behind them, drawing a few wary bleats from some of the animals. He immediately perked up, ears leaned forward and tail wagging gently, thinking that he might be about to meet another new face. But to his disappointment, the wolf did not turn his way, instead he continued just out of sight. Perhaps he did not see Luke? Either way, the blue-nosed wolf was not content to leave at that, he rose to his feet and started a brisk jog toward where the other wolf disappeared.

Luke was not so careful not to disturb the goats, and they bleated and herded away from him. As he crested another high point he spotted his target laying down not far from him, looking across the same flatlands Luke had been moments earlier. "Hey!" Luke called as he approached, his tail swaying in a friendly greeting. "Do you live up here or do you like the lowlands like I do?" he smiled.

RE: billy goats gruff - Ryker - March 28, 2015

Ryker jumped when he heard the voice of another wolf. He glanced over at the wolf who had just come into view. "Don't scare me like that," he muttered with a hint of anger in his tone. "I don't really live anywhere. I only just got here to the wilds." he stated standing on his paws. He padded closer to the wolf. Seemed friendly enough. Just looking for a friend perhaps.

"Hey, sorry if i came across harsh," he immediately began to apologize for the way he had greeted this wolf. "You just startled me that's all," he took a seat facing the strange wolf and then glanced around. He was making sure this wolf didn't have any friends. That they weren't out to gang up on him or something.

RE: billy goats gruff - Luke - March 29, 2015

For how unsneaky Luke was about approaching other wolves, it occurred to him that he startled them quite often. Although he was not particularly wary, not always on high alert like some, he tended to notice someone else's presence, be it just by scent or sound, before they could surprise him by suddenly appearing. He was about to offer a sheepish apology, when the other fellow started to apologize himself.

"Oh, no worries," Luke replied with a smile, his tail continuing to wag. "I did not realize I was so stealthy. I wonder how badly I could scare someone if I actually tried," he chuckled, his smile broadening into a playful grin. "Name's Luke," he went on. "I don't live anywhere particular either, but I prefer it down there," he gestured with his muzzle, "to up here."

RE: billy goats gruff - Ryker - March 29, 2015

Ryker's tail wagged slightly and he chuffed at the stranger's joke. "Pretty bad if you tried hard enough," he smiled. "I'm new to the wilds in general. Im hoping to settle down somewhere eventually. I been travelling a while. I don't mind a bit more. Think ill explore freely for a while," he stated "Although i must admit. The heights can take a bit of getting used too," he said glancing down at the flatlands below.

He hadn't figured out where he'd want to be. If he wanted to be anywhere at all. He had spent all his life on his own or travelling. He wasn't sure if he could even be in a pack. He had spent all his life without authority. Doing what he wanted when he wanted to do it. It was free like this. However lonely at times.

Ryker was so busy thinking he had almost forgotten to introduce himself. "My name is Ryker," he stated. "Nice to meet you," he finished before waiting to see what else this wolf had to say.

RE: billy goats gruff - Luke - March 29, 2015

Luke had to agree that the freedom afforded to lone wolves to travel and explore of their own free will was a nice perk and he was making the most of it as he roamed about, checking out the various terrains that composed the extensive park. But for him it could never take the place of the comfort and security of one's own pack, and the blue-nosed wolf had ambitions of being surrounded not only by dedicated packmates, but a family, someday.

"Nice to meet you too," he returned with a smile. "I haven't been here long either," Luke shared. "Just haven't found my place yet. Wherever it is, it just has to be near water," he laughed. Being near water was perhaps one of his only requirements. Otherwise, he was pretty outgoing enough to try anything.

RE: billy goats gruff - Ryker - April 18, 2015

"Water, why water?" Ryker asked with a small tilt to his head. "What's so important about water," he questioned. he couldn't figure out why water might be so important to this wolf. The only use he saw in water was drinking and the occasional swim. Maybe this wolf liked swimming that could be it.

"I'd settle for anywhere really. I don't think i would do well in a pack however. I have spent all of my life without authority. Then to go from that to having to respect authority. Might be a little hard for me," he admitted.

He certainly wasn't going to kid himself by saying he would respect authority especially when hes had so much freedom. He enjoyed this life he just hated being alone. Compromises had to be made. He was alone and free or had company but boundaries. It wasn't as easy of a decision as one might think.

RE: billy goats gruff - Luke - April 20, 2015

Luke was a bit surprised that Ryker asked him what was so important about water. As he saw it, water was the basis for all life, habits and preferences aside, but he was not up to lecturing the male about it, instead offering the usual explanation. "I love to fish and swim," he answered. "Hard to do either if I don't live near the water, a river or creek or the like."

The blue-nosed wolf could understand the draw of the freedom of the lone wolf life; he was after all liking it himself right now, but he would disagree that all authority was hard to live under. A good Alpha looked out for the well being of the entire pack, but that did not mean the subordinates could not enjoy a free life beneath them. Perhaps this male's experience had been different, there were those that ruled strictly and held others under an iron paw so to speak. "I get ya," Luke nodded. "You could always start your own pack though," he commented.

RE: billy goats gruff - Ryker - April 20, 2015

Ryker wasn't a fan of fish. never had been. He understood however that if you like fish you would have to be near water. Without it there are no fish. Swimming was alright. He agreed with the wolf on that point as well. Ryker began to realize how stupid his question must have sounded. He let out a sigh. "That's true. I guess i didn't think before i asked that question really," he said sounding slightly disappointed with himself.

Having spent all of his life alone the thought of starting his own pack had never really occurred to him. "Do you really think that i could gain the respect of wolves older than myself. I am only young. I don't think anyone would listen to me. I also have little experience with the way packs work for i have never been in one," he stated. He felt honoured this wolf might consider him alpha material. Although the wolf didn't really know much about him so Ryker didn't take it for much.

RE: billy goats gruff - Luke - April 21, 2015

Luke flicked an ear at the young male's answer and furrowed his brows momentarily, not appreciating the do you really think I could... start off. It came across a bit rude but the blue-nosed wolf was quick to shrug it off with a literal roll of his shoulders. He did not think the male had meant anything by it. "Younger wolves often take an older Alpha's rank," he replied back simply. "It's not about age." Just because Ryker was young and inexperienced did not mean he could not form his own pack. Even if he had never been in one, most wolves were born with the instinct to function in one, and some were natural born leaders at that. "You should give a pack a try sometime," Luke suggested, if only because he knew wolves belonged in a pack and he thought this boy should have the experience before deciding he did not like it. "You can always leave again if it don't suit you, but you never know, you might love it." The white wolf flashed him a smile.

"I'm going to head back down I think. See you around!" With a friendly wave of his tail, Luke departed Ryker and struck off back towards the lowlands.

RE: billy goats gruff - Ryker - April 22, 2015

Ryker listened and nodded as Luke explained that young wolves normally take old alpha's places and that he should give a pack a try sometime. Ryker admitted it might be worth a shot to at least try to function in a pack with other wolves. Lone life is lonely most of the time. He watched as Luke turned tail and began heading back down the mountain towards the lowlands.

"It's been nice meeting you," Ryker said quickly "Hope to see you again sometime," he smiled and he himself turn on his heels and walked further through the mountains. If all wolves were this nice around here perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing running into them. However if there was one thing Ryker had learned from his mother. It was don't make assumptions. Ever. Now matter how right you think you are.