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Bearclaw Valley Safety first. - Printable Version

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Safety first. - Scarlett - March 28, 2015

The white queen trotted through the valley, close to the rock wall off mammoth mountain. She wondered if there were any secret paths out of the valley, or maybe some tunnels going through the mountains that would give them shelter. As a naturalist she knew about wildlife, plants and the earth. The smart white wolf was keen on hearing other wolves stories about the earth, one was so convincing that she believed it. The earth was made out layers of different types of dirt and stone. Scarlett placed a white paw against the rock wall. Scarlett could make out the different shades of color in the rock. It was her way of mentally confirming that theory.

The alpha female then moved further along the wall, there seemed to be a crack up the steep cliff but it was no way she could reach it. She was not a mountain goat. One day they would hunt one of those damn things, if only they didn't stay so high upon the rock. Her red eyes turned to the ground along with her nose. For her it was of vital importance to know where certain exits were. Maybe the river would flood, where would they go? Maybe fire broke out, where would they go? She needed to ensure the pack's safety.

RE: Safety first. - Smokey - March 29, 2015

  The man went into their territory like it was his. He didn't care. He could care less. The rules didn't apply to this assassin. He sniffed the mountain side, trying to detect the scent of his son. Redwood. The little piece of dirt ran away fro.m him once. If he declined his offer, he won't get away twice.

 There was a glowing white pelt in the distance. A wolf was detecting the mountain just as he. He approached the girl with confidence. "Hello sweety. I have to ask you a question." He went around to look her in the eye, no emotion on his face. "And, yes, I am in your territory. I'll be right out after you answer." He waited patiently to see how the lady would react.

RE: Safety first. - Scarlett - March 29, 2015

Scarlett turned around when she heard a strange voice. How could this be!? They valley only had one entrance and it was heavily secluded and guarded. Instantly she viewed him as a thread. Her head was thrown back in the sound of an alarm calling the the warriors of their pack; @Kove @Raziel @Adlartok @Normandy . Scarlett's fur bristled and she bared her teeth. She was the alpha female now and needed to protect their lands. "You are not welcome here. How dare you to invade our lands and ask for a question!," Scarlet snarled. 

The red eyed female disliked her nickname. She was mated to Kove. She might be a sweety but he was not allowed to give her any other nickname than The White Queen or other names related to that. "You might not make it out of this territory."

RE: Safety first. - Arthur - March 29, 2015

Arthur walked mindlessly through the valley when he saw Miss Scarlett walk in for to him through the fields. He was about to greet her and have a friendly conversation, after all he had been awake and didn't mind to have a conversation now. But that was when another wolf approached her. The black bear first thought it was another pack member but the instant howl of alarm made the bear stand up on his hind legs and frown. Was Miss. Scarlett in danger? The black bear was rather lazy and gentle, but not when his land was under attack when his wolves were under attack! They might be annoying with their howling but Miss. Scarlett had always made sure they weren't too much of a bother. Arthur could appreciate that. 

Arthur started a run, something he rarely did, and ran towards the two with his most intimidating growl. The large black furred body made a stop right in front of the intruder and let out a loud angry growl. Arthur could be quite badass if he wanted to be. He made himself awfully big by standing on his hind legs again and crashed back down on his front paws centimeters before the stranger with a mighty roar. The ground around his large body trembling when he roared. 

RE: Safety first. - Kove - March 29, 2015

The man's return home had taken longer than expected, but he'd wished to canvas the area a bit more. Well, the space between the dark forest and the valley, that is. All other places could be viewed later, as the ways to get between the two pack lands were the only thing that currently concerned him. He'd only just made it back into the valley when he heard a howl echo through it, and he instantly knew who had called. It was hard to forget the voice of the one you loved, especially when you'd once heard it so many times in order to meet with her. His legs, though slightly tired from his adventuring, had him running in the direction her voice had come from before he could even blink. As he drew closer, he couldn't help but go a bit wide-eyed at the sight. There was Scarlett, of course, along with an intruder. What really got him going, though, was Arthur. The giant black bear seemed to be angered, but it was directed towards the strange wolf. He appreciated having the bear around in that moment, and for more than just the sense of home he provided for the Inuit.

Once Kove was near them all, he pushed himself between the albino and the stranger, hackles raised and teeth bared. If she had called for those able to fight, then surely the male was a threat. He pulled his ears back and raised up his tail, copper gaze morphing into a glare as he looked upon the intruder's form. How he'd found the entrance was a mystery on it's own, but what the pale king was really interested in, is why he'd chosen to enter despite the scents clearly alerting him to the fact that it was claimed land. “Why are you here?” he inquired, a low growl mixing in with his words. “Are you alright, Scarlett? He didn't hurt you, did he?” Though his words were meant for his crimson-eyed lover, his gaze did not leave the stranger for even a second. He stayed focused on him, watching for any signs that would give away a possible attack. If the man had harmed Scarlett in anyway at all, he would be living on borrowed time. There was no way Kove would allow anyone to continue on living if they hurt the one he loved.

RE: Safety first. - Smokey - March 30, 2015

Couldn't help but reply to this :) Stupid Smokey

  As soon as the words escaped his lips, the albino female became hostile. Typical. He couldn't blame her though. He was, in fact, on her turf. She had a great advantage over him. He gave her an emotionless smile. "Hey, no need to get all crazy. I'm was just going to ask if you have seen my-"

 A black bear had caught his eye in the distance. What surprised him was that the bear came trampling down, right at the wolves side. He roared a defending roar. Oh, why must others always ruin my fun? If it couldn't get worst, another wolf came down to the scene. And clearly he cared about the other, Scarrlet. His amber gaze burned into his, not ready to back down.

 The red wolf still kept a calm status as he spoke. "I would never hurt someone that doesn't deserve it. That would just be ruthless." His voice sounded truthful, but it was a stone cold lie. In fact, if the bear wasn't here, he would kill her in a heartbeat. "I have not started trouble, have I not? So why attack me from all angles when I haven't done a single crime?" Yet. Has not done a crime yet. "I came here to ask you if you have seen my son. I believe he wandered in the Teekon Wilds. I really wish to  speak with him." His eyes glinted with amusement for a split second. Ha! He would do much more than speak with him. "He's a young fellow. Looks exactly like me. Have you seen him anywhere?" He nodded respectfully to the two. "I will be on my way if you know nothing. You have my word." He looked from one to the other waiting for a reply.

RE: Safety first. - Scarlett - March 30, 2015

Bearclaw Valley had a bear in their ranks beware! >D I don't know how much you want Smokey to get hurt, but he is close to getting some beating if he doesn't watch out. Let me know through PM how much injury or not you allow. :)

Scarlett was mildly surprised too when she saw Arthur running. The bear seemed to protect her. Oh that was wonderful to know. Scarlett instantly felt more safe. The bear looked really intimidating, she had to admit that. Her red eyed scanned to the other wolf, before she could even react Kove was back! She missed him. Her tail wagged when she saw him, the female couldn't help it. "No. I am not hurt... Arthur helped me." But then then red eyed female was distracted by the stranger. One of those rare snarls came from Scarlett. She disliked that this stranger wandered into their lands. "Yes, you are in trouble! How dare you to disrespectfully trespass onto our lands and on top of that bother by time by asking me if I've seen your son while you can clearly smell we don't have one that looks like you," Scarlett huffed.

The white queen was sick of wolves thinking that they could do anything to her without consequences. Her tail rose onto her back. The male had chosen the wrong pack to enter. Scarlett felt surprisingly angry towards someone she didn't know, but that was usually the case when Scarlett got upset or angry. A whole flood of anger she had been holding inside would unleash on that unfortunate soul.

RE: Safety first. - Arthur - March 30, 2015

Arthur was all about respect and formalities. He might have been a bear but he wasn't some commoner like this wolf. He had clearly made Miss. Scarlett in distress and Arthur didn't wish that to the kind female. The bear kept his eyes on the wolf ready to swipe his paw at him. He knew that if he hit the wolf right he might even could knock him out. Arthur looked up when Mr. Wolf came running towards them. "I was protecting her, Mr. Kove," He returned and then growled at the intruder. Sir Arthur rose his head and then stomped the grounds again to make the male back off or even run away. The black bear disliked savages like him, he was disturbing Miss. Scarlett so therefor disturbing him. "Just say the word, Miss. Scarlett, and I will unleash my dislike on this savage that is disturbing us."

Arthur didn't turn his eyes and nose away from the male. His nose was better than his eyes. Normally he would look at Scarlett when talking since that was how he should behave with a conversation but now the royal bear couldn't permit himself getting wolf fangs in his dark fur. "I hope you can run fast, you savage, You are not welcome here! Disturbing my wolf friends is inadequately rude," Arthur roared.

RE: Safety first. - Raziel - March 30, 2015

The Roman had been hunting when the howl rang through the air, the voice was very familiar and he knew immediately it was the white queen who called. Immediately, he abandoned the fish he was hunting and made haste towards the source of the howl, running as fast as he could. But he was rather far away from the entrance, having drawn to the edge and back of the pack lands to have some time to himself as well as hunt for the pack. For the lands there seemed to have not been touched by wolves yet and the prey that ran there was unaware as he slaughtered them. Not all, for they had to reproduce for the wolves of the valley to continue living. Raziel cursed himself for his stupidity as he ran, the only goal in his mind right now was to reach the entrance where Scarlett was and protect her from whatever was doing danger to the pack or her.  When he arrived, he saw Kove and Scarlett with an intruder but what really caught his gaze was a black bear, who was speaking and seemingly on their side. He supposed this valley was named Bearclaw for a reason. Other than clawlike walls. 

Raziel stopped just behind his two leaders, murmuring an apology for his lateness softly, only for the ears of his packmates. Ears flattened and teeth bared at the intruder, fur bristling in anger and it was clear by his posture that he would attack the intruder once his leaders allowed it. "Allow me to dispatch this intruder, my king and queen." The Roman growled, intense dislike radiating off him for the stranger in his home. 

RE: Safety first. - Kove - March 30, 2015

Whoops, shadowposted. Edited to make note of Raz's arrival.

"It is good you are alright, and I thank you, Arthur, for protecting her." Kove was relieved to hear Scarlett was fine, and also that their bear friend had protected her. His appearance did not show such a thing, however. He stayed practically like a statue, not moving, aside from the occasional flick of an ear or his tail. When the other male mentioned having done no crime, he nearly snorted in disbelief, but held it in. The Inuit had met a number of trespassers, but all seemed conscious of what they'd done, aside from maybe one. The man before him now, however, seemed to be so ignorant that he was incapable of realizing crossing into a pack's territory alone was an offensive crime worthy of any punishment that came to mind. To make things even worse for the stranger, though, was the fact that he just so happened to have come across the albino after intruding on land that was not his to enter. Such a thing was seen instantly as a threat by Kove, and he didn't take such things lightly.

“You have caused trouble, and you have committed a crime worthy of death,” the pale man stated, hid voice holding a cold edge to it. The only thing holding him back from attack was the fact that the other didn't seem to be making any moves to do so, and the ghost made a point to never attack first. “Despite that, you still ask your question, and expect us to answer? How foolish could you possibly be?” One of his ears turned slightly in order to catch the words of the bear, which caused him to grin inwardly. He knew from the start he'd like Arthur, and his current actions did nothing but solidify such thoughts. He was a pretty awesome bear, and Kove was grateful to have him on their side. Right now was not the time to think about that, however, as they had more pressing matters to deal with. “If you leave now, perhaps your life will be spared. I am sure your son left for a reason, anyways.” Even if he did know where the man's boy was located, he would not give up such information. Wolves usually left home for a reason, and some weren't too keen towards their past following them. He didn't want anymore strangers coming about and risking them running into Scarlett.

The sound of footfalls entered the pale wolf's ears, but his gaze still refused to leave the intruder. His ears stayed open to a voice, however, and he was glad to hear it was the Roman who had come along. He must have heard Scarlett's call as well, and Kove was glad to know the male would answer such a call when their was a danger. For a moment, he considered allowing the silver man to tear into the intruder, but for the time being, decided against it. "Wait a moment longer," he said, his words directed towards his fellow pack mate. "If his stupidity gets the better of him, then you'll be permitted to do as you see fit." Of course, the Inuit would probably partake in getting rid of the intruder as well, but he would save that for later, if it was needed.

RE: Safety first. - Smokey - March 30, 2015

  He watched as another wolf came over. All of them had something to say, always negative. "That's to bad. I was hoping he would be here." He looked around, watching if anyone else would come. "He did have a reason to leave in fact." He turned his head to Kove, eyes clouded with fake grief, "His whole family, with an exception of me, were murdered. Of coarse, I killed the murderer out of my own sadness." He looked down to the ground, forcing himself to hold back a twisted smile. He was the murderer. He killed his own flesh and blood. And he enjoyed it.

 "I just wanted to know if he was safe, and he got away without a scar." He gave a small bow of respect to the Alpha's. Obviously they where the Alpha's for the gray wolf called them 'king' and 'queen'. "But since you refuse to answer, I will leave. As promised." The crimson fury was indeed an excellent  liar.

RE: Safety first. - Scarlett - March 30, 2015

Smokey's player PM'ed me and she didn't want to get Smokey under 45% injury! Just so you guys all know we dan do some damage. :)

Scarlett growled, and her hackles raised. "If you don't leave it is you who shall be murdered too," Scarlett huffed. She was really starting to dislike this intruder and his nonchalant behavior. She turned her head gratefully to the bear. She was pleased to know that the Arthur was on their side. Soon Raziel joined too and Scarlett greeted Raziel with a court nod. She was pleased to see that he responded to their call. It was seen by the look on her face she was grateful. Along with Kove they had a whole united front to cast the stranger out. "He makes us the bad guy by not giving him an answer...," Scarlett spoke. "Arthur.. maybe you should shake him up a bit just to see how we deal with trespassers here. The same goes for you Kove and Raziel. Who ever wants a piece of him..."

Shocking to hear such words coming from Scarlett but it was clear that the white queen was displeased with the stranger. He made her feel like she was the bad guy while she was not. Scarlett always got the blame in her birth pack. She wouldn't allow that anymore. "Chase him out!," she ordered. Her blood red eyes staring the male down. No one would be allowed in her territory uninvited. 

RE: Safety first. - Arthur - March 30, 2015

Arthur stood as another wolf approached. He wasn't sure if they met but by the way the male walked Arthur could tell he was a born royal like him. The bear nodded to the grey knight and then turned towards the stranger again. The bear felt super though hanging out with his wolf friends like this. So exciting. Maybe he should socialize more with these wolves. The sophisticated bear jumped forward with a roar and slammed his paw in the direction of the intruder. Arthur wasn't sure he he wanted to directly hit the wolf. He had never done such violence really. Though it was terribly exciting to do. "Go away, savage! You made Miss. Scarlett displeased!," The black bear roared.

The bear tried to swipe another paw so the wolf would start running towards the exit. Arthur disliked Running so maybe the two wolf knights could initiate a chase so he could stay with Miss. Scarlett. That sounded like a good deal to him. All this paw swiping, twice even!, had tired him out. 

RE: Safety first. - Raziel - March 31, 2015

A cold, humorless smirk flitted across the Roman's features at the Inuit's words, the offer his king gave him sounded pretty good. Besides he had been yearning for a good fight in ages, a chase wasn't as good but it would serve better than just pacing around the entrance or fighting prey. Not that you could actually fight your food but you could fight foxes he supposed. But those long muzzled creatures were rather easy to defeat if you knew how to, so in the end, the pointed ears were no fun to fight at all. Better to end their lives quickly. It was rather unlucky for the intruder that he was not going to get the same treatment as the prey did, or maybe he would like it, after all it might inflate his ego to know that they were going to give him special treatment. 

Sad that they were only allowed to 'shake him up' a bit and not allowed to tear his throat out, but it was better than nothing he supposed. When Scarlett spoke, Raziel smirked once more and breathed out words of ice. "With pleasure, my queen." Then alongside the bear, he leaped forward, ears flattened and teeth bared in a snarl. A growl rumbled out of him before he attempted to sink his teeth into the intruder's shoulder while swiping a paw at the man's forelimbs, trying to get him to turn around and scurry away the way he had arrived. "Run along now, coward." he sneered. 

RE: Safety first. - Kove - March 31, 2015

Things that were false, untrue, were easily seen through if you knew how to look passed the mask. No matter how securely in place it was, everyone found a way to slip up and make a mistake, showing the true intentions that hid below. Kove, however, was too caught up in the albino's words to have paid much mind to it. It was clear something was amiss, but the whole situation seemed to be that way. False grief and untrue words of a murderer. Had he been interrogating the male as he'd done Star, he probably would have caught those things, but that wasn't how it was going. No, instead, his mind was closed off to such a thing as he stood staring down an enemy, acting as some guard dog rather than giving the situation an entire examination. His ears pressed further against his skull as he heard her speak of shaking the male up, and a moment prior she'd mentioned him being murdered if he did not leave. Hearing things like that come from her normally so kind mouth was off, but he didn't question it. Things were changing, that was clear, and he believed it was for the better. Just as long as any aggressive behavior and cruel words were reserved for trespassers and enemies alone, he saw no problem.

When the command was given to chase the man out of the valley, Kove watched as Arthur took a swing at him, and then the Roman lunged towards him. The pallid male was never one to attack first, but to keep both Scarlett and his home safe, he would make an exception. He moved forward, ears back and teeth bared, then snapped at the intruder's legs. It was a simple thing, and would never cause as much damage as one of the bear's swipes or Raziel's teeth, but his intentions were not to cause injuries right away. He would attempt to get the male moving in order to give chase, and if he tried to resist, he would attack. The Inuit would not do so to kill, of course, but he would definitely aim to take a chunk out of the man. For now, though, he simply snapped at his heels and waited for him to take off, having a brief memory of the wolf hunt flash through his mind as he did so. The result of the current situation would not become the same as the one from the woods, just as long as the stranger cooperated.

RE: Safety first. - Smokey - March 31, 2015

Let the fighting commence! Go ahead and feel free to rough him up a bit :)

  He chuckled at the albino's harsh words. "Tsk, tsk. Wouldn't think someone can kill another when he had never even took action."

  Chase him out!

  Soon after those words, the bear attempted to take a swipe. He jumped back so only his claws could snag at his chest fur. Fangs sunk into his shoulder, than his leg and he howled in agony and irritation. He smiled wickedly as he attempted to take a bite of the gray wolf's ear. The crimson fury's leg flung around, claws aimed for the white male's underside. If he succeeded to do his actions, he will aim for the female. Aim for her neck.

  "If it's blood you want, then it is blood you shall have." His words came out in a sadistic, menacing growl. If they chased him out, he would come back. Come for their warm, sweet, metallic blood. 

RE: Safety first. - Scarlett - April 01, 2015

Scarlett felt horrible for sending these men on the stranger but if she wanted to be alpha female she had to toughen up more. She couldn't be warm and kind anymore. They needed to send out a message for other wolves so they wouldn't even think of entering their valley without permission. The red eyed queen kept all her struggled behind a mask. Probably the only one who could see her inner struggles would be Kove since he knew her so well. Scarlett took a few steps back as the others attacked. 

Scarlett felt safe there was no way the stranger could get around 2 wolves and a bear. It was plainly impossible. The light colored female's heart sunk when the male stated to fight back. So this stranger wasn't so innocent after all. Scarlett had enough information. She hoped her mate, Raziel and Arthur would manage to get this stranger out of their home. 

RE: Safety first. - Arthur - April 01, 2015

Arthur growled deeply when his claws only glanced at the male because he jumped away. He didn't know wolves could be this vicious. The royal decided that the strange wolf was rather stupid. He was far outnumbered against them. The black bear let the two wolves take the lead, he was was large compared to them and would only stand in their way. But then the bear saw an opening and charged at full speed at the stranger. He lowered his head and barreled in the loner. Such are large animal charging at you from the side were bound to make some injury, at least it would cause some imbalance with such force.

Another roar came from the bear and then Arthur backed off. Now it was to Mr. Kove and the other wolf to have the loner evicted. He kept his ears and nose on the loner as he made it to Miss. Scarlett. He stood by her with a grim expression, ready to protect her.

RE: Safety first. - Raziel - April 21, 2015

Raziel sidestepped and ducked, easily avoiding the intruder's blow and offered him a sardonic smirk. "Is that the best you've got, little coward?" He taunted the man, his agility kicking in, he wanted to rip the intruder into shreds and throw him out into the wilds but their main focus now was to chase him out and make sure he knew to never return. The Roman felt the rush of battle enter his blood, the roar in his ears and he managed to withhold a gleeful smile. Battle was what he was made for, after all.

He kept his eyes focused on the male, trusting the bear to protect Scarlett if the need ever came. Raziel dove in once more, snapping at the intruder's hind legs, his jaws attempting to close around the left hind leg and snap it, break it, making it harder for him to run back into the valley later. He jumped back after making his move, fierce eyes of the green sea fixed on his form. "Off you go, intruder, don't want to die yet do you?"

RE: Safety first. - Kove - April 29, 2015

Going to end this here and archive it since Smokey went inactive. A bit of PP.

The pale man was quick to move away before the claws of the intruder could rake across his underside. The distance wasn't there long, however, as he soon had himself between the threat and Scarlett, the want to protect her having never left his mind. His copper gaze slid over to glance at the Roman's form when he spoke, seeming to taunt the moronic wolf. It baffled him that not only did the man enter a claimed territory uninvited, but then he went on to try and fight two wolves and a bear. Kove could describe his actions as nothing more than idiotic, as well as quite the nuisance. The sooner they got rid of him, the better. With those intentions in mind, the man let out a low growl of warning, directed solely at the stranger.

For a moment, the man watched as Raziel lunged towards the other male, and then his gaze slowly slid away in order to check on the albino. Arthur seemed to be doing a very good job at protecting her, which he appreciated greatly. Seeing her well and out of harms way, the Inuit returned his eyes to look upon their opponent, before lunging forward himself. His goal was not to bring too much harm, but to give him no choice but to move. Kove continued to press forward, practically shoving the man as he did so, until they had made it to the boulder path. Once there, he released another growl, and continued to take steps closer and closer to the trespasser until he finally got the hint and left the valley entirely. There was always a chance he could come back, but the ghost hoped him not to be so stupid as to try to. He continued to stand and watch until it seemed the other was really long gone, then he turned and headed back towards the others.