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Redhawk Caldera New meat - Printable Version

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New meat - Sebastian - March 28, 2015

Let's meet the pack!

Sebastian took Peregrine's words very seriously the moment his paws crossed the border he would need to do something useful. The large male decided to patrol the borders, he would get an instant insight of the territory and he could use their scent marked places to take over their scent in his own fur. Sebastian's nose, ears and eyes were on sharp as he trotted by the border. He was checking for anything that seemed out of place. When a scented tree came on his path he made sure to rub himself against it so he was smelling less of a loner. 

The young tank-sized male licked his maw as he trotted on. He had a nice overview of the Caldera below, with the big lake. He wondered if there were some empty den's he could use this night. He didn't feel like digging one himself or sleeping in the open air. With each step he tried to remember the names of the wolves he still needed to meet. Also one of Peregrine's requests. Fox. Finley. Elwood. Fox. Finley. Elwood. It would be impolite to forget. 

RE: New meat - Jaws - March 28, 2015

Jaws and the grayjay had just finished sharing a meal of squirrel together, and now the two crested the edge of the Caldera on a leisurely stroll, the bird comfortable seated on Jaws' back. It seemed to Jaws that things had been quiet as of late, even the newer recruits had been a bit scarce, but he did not think too much of it. Jaws himself had been elusive, for despite all the progress he had made transitioning from a lone wolf to a pack wolf, he still felt the need to spend much of his time alone, and perhaps that would never change. For all the social instincts he did possess, it still went against the grain for him to converse and just socialize for the sake of it.

But Jaws had developed a keen sense of protectiveness over his pack and its claim. So, when his sweeping gaze fell on a the silhouette of someone unknown, he bristled instinctively. At first, he thought he was looking at Elwood with his gray mix of a coat, but this wolf was built noticeably different from Jaws' Beta, he was much heavier set. With a low growl, the coywolf approached, immediately throwing out a snappy question. "And who are you?"

RE: New meat - Sebastian - March 28, 2015

Sebastian snapped his head up when a wolf protectively came closer. This was to be expected since he didn't really scented of RHC yet. Plus with him looking around so much it was certain that the wolf was unfamiliar here. He studied the black wolf-- no? Coywolf? Sebastian was rather large. It was thanks to his father genes that he was such a giant. Basically everything about his appearance was the same as his father's. The only thing different was the docked tail his father inflicted on himself. Sebastian quickly gave a quick wag of his tail to tell the other he was friendly. Or well, not trespassing.

"I'm Sebastian," he responded with a calm tone. "Peregrine just accepted me into this pack," he explained. "I promise I am not trespassing. Would be strange to have a trespasser trying to protect RHC borders," Sebastian chuckled lightheartedly. Since that was what he was doing, protecting the borders like he promised to the alpha male. He wasn't sure if he offended the male with the multicolored eyes.

RE: New meat - Jaws - March 28, 2015

I don't think Sebastian 'towers over' Jaws by any means, who is a rather large wolf himself, particularly tall but not heavily set. ;)

As Jaws expected, the other male answered that he was a new recruit, having just been accepted by Peregrine. Furthermore he did not behave like a guilty culprit having just been caught redhanded trespassing and so the coywolf was inclined to believe him despite how mistrusting he tended to be.

"I see," he said coolly, his crisp gaze inspecting the burly male. Jaws would have preferred another female recruit, another possible fling, rather than potential competition, but at least this one looked like someone that could defend and provide. "Is that your favorite thing to do, patrol the borders?" The coywolf quirked a brow, relaxing a bit and speaking more casually. No doubt Peregrine had told this male to make himself useful as a warden and gamekeeper, as seemed to be his Alpha's theme.

RE: New meat - Sebastian - March 28, 2015

Oh my bad! Sorry!! I edited it out! I just assumed without reading your profile throughly! Sorry!

Sebastian nodded once more to confirm he wasn't really trespassing. Which trespasser would rub himself against a pee stained tree after all? The charcoal grey male sat down and shrugged in reply. "I think so. I still have to find what I really like to do. But knowing that I could have protected the pack from a loner trying to raid the caches or one that wanted to cause trouble feels good," he explained and then quirked up his lips a bit. The male's pale eyes studied the other curiously. Sebastian hoped he could get an acquaintance or a friend out of this male. He joined his pack not only for the shelter but also for the social interactions.

"How about you? What trades do you like to pursue?," Sebastian asked curiously. "Or did I just take over your job by patrolling this border?," he wondered. He didn't want to take anyone's job away. He just did what that alpha male expected of him after all.

RE: New meat - Jaws - March 28, 2015

No worries! ^_^ I assumed you thought he was more coyote-ish lol.

Jaws was truly expecting this male to come back with an answer detailing how Peregrine made the suggestion to watch the borders, but that was not the reply he received. Apparently, this male actually did have a preference for patrolling, and it was just as well. With a heavy physique such as his he was well suited to the warden trade, or one would assume at least. He could be a pansy, for all Jaws knew at this point.

The coywolf seated himself after Sebastian. "Makes sense," Jaws replied, allowing enough pause for the new recruit to ask his own question. "You're not taking away my job," he chuffed. "As long as it's done it don't matter who does it." It did not concern him whether he was the sole provider or sole warden (which he was not, anyway). Jaws was not an ambitious wolf, looking to make a name for himself someway or the other. He was a survivor, looking for little more than security and a full belly, and a bit of tail once in a while. "I do spend my time patrolling and hunting, just the same. What's your name?"

RE: New meat - Sebastian - March 29, 2015

Yep! Definitely did that :P  (And Sebastian already told him his name XD) 

Sebastian licked over his maw and nodded courtly. His whole body looked calm now. That was the one thing he tried to embody from his father that certain calmness he radiated at all times. It have his father some air of mystery, at least Sebastian found so. "I'm glad you think that way." In some packs it could be that way that wolves would get mad if you take away their job. They needed it for a higher rank. But here it seemed to be okay to shift and do things for each other. 

"Oh so it could be that we hunt and patrol together one day?," Sebastian offered. The male seemed pleasant enough to be around. Only those different colored eyes were something to get used to. But not entirely disturbing. Some found his pale eyes and dark masked face look scary. "I already introduced myself, but, I know how it gets with newbies and their names... I'm Sebastian. What is yours?"

RE: New meat - Jaws - March 29, 2015

Oops what was me having a brain fart haha. Oh well it's Jaws' brain fart now! ;)

Sebastian suggested they tackle their duties in tandem some day. Jaws was quiet at length, considering the offer and although he wanted to warmly accept as most packmates were likely to do he felt his throat gripped by that usual aversion of his to doing anything with anyone. He forced a better answer than the one that had immediately formed on his tongue. "Yeah, I guess so," he said.

When next Sebastian spoke Jaws realized that yes, the new recruit had shared his name earlier, but the coywolf had been so absorbed by the other half of the conversation that he had failed to register the name for more than a second. "Right, so you did," Jaws cleared his throat, feeling a bit irritated at himself that he had made this error. "I'm Jaws. So where'd you come from?"

RE: New meat - Sebastian - March 29, 2015

I have brainfarts all the time :D *highfives*

Sebastian's ears fell back as the male felt a bit rejected by the other. "Or-- not. I mean.. don't sweat it," Sebastian mumbled awkwardly. He only wanted to be open and spontaneous but sometimes that backfired when another wolf was not willing to be social. The tank of a male quirked up the corners of his mouth into somewhat of a smile. "All good. It happens. Well nice to meet you Jaws," Sebastian returned politely. He didn't want to make the male dislike him any more than he already did. Luckily for Sebastian he was used to feeling unwelcome. His father always ignored him and his uncle wasn't so great either. But then he had his mother to go to, and now.. he didn't have that. He missed her. He wished she didn't die.

His pale blue eyes grew sad for a moment. "I'm form Canada," he returned. "Thorn Ledge, because.. well there was a ledge with a thorny plant growing on it," Sebastian spoke sheepishly. His tail swayed a bit. He didn't want to cause drama, he promised that to Peregrine, so he wasn't going to tell this male anything about how his father left him with his horrible uncle and that everything went to shit after that.

RE: New meat - Jaws - March 29, 2015


Jaws twitched his lips, feeling a bit bad for causing this male to mumble awkwardly when he did not openly accept the offer to patrol or hunt together. It was evident that this new recruit was just trying to mingle with his packmates and seemed to be making an honest attempt at contributing, and Jaws had burst his bubble like the proverbial stick in the mud that he was.

When the male had finished speaking, Jaws addressed his social faux pas. "You'll have to forgive me," he began, "I'm used to being alone and still have a preference toward it." Without allowing Sebastian much time to say something in return, the coywolf continued. "That's a sensible name," he chuffed. "I'm from the northwest myself." Jaws did not specify the name of his natal home because he did not know its name.

RE: New meat - Sebastian - March 30, 2015

Sebastian turned his pale eyes on Jaws that eventually asked for forgiveness. The large male had been eager to meet his new packmates and have some social interacting. "It is quite alright. I just figures that wolves that were in a pack liked to be social all the time. I just misjudged you on that. It is fine. I can image that I was quite forward by asking such thing," Sebastian spoke, being utterly polite the the one that was probably higher in rank.

"Not the most fun place to live I will tell you that," The tank of a male returned. His tail gave a sweep now he thought about it again. Visions flashing in front of his eyes of how he shoved his uncle off that ledge. Whoops. "Oh Alaska? My dad was from the Northwest too. Its even colder there right?"

RE: New meat - Jaws - March 30, 2015

"Most do," Jaws returned simply with a shrug. He knew he was the exception, an erstwhile loner that was still trying to adapt to pack life, succeeding in many areas but still not blossoming into a more sociable wolf and he had his doubts if he ever would fully integrate.

The coywolf had no idea of the name of his birth area, it was not something he had learned before being abandoned and having to spend every last scrap of energy just trying to stay alive. He knew it only directionally, and that yes, it was colder in general than here. "It was sometimes," he answered vaguely. "But whether its cold or heat you always got something to deal with."

RE: New meat - Sebastian - March 30, 2015

Last post from me! Thank you for this thread! :D  Will you archive it after your post?

Sebastian licked over his maw as he male confirmed that most thought like he had. But this wolf was not one to socialize then. He also wouldn't like to bother this male with him being all cheery and wanting to socialize. "True. There is always something else that requires more attention," Sebastian agreed. He bobbed his head courtly at the other male. "I guess I will continue with my patrol now. I wouldn't want to have Peregrine thing I am just lounging around."

The large tank of a male nodded a polite goodbye. "See you around," he spoke more formal than he intended. He continued his path to also explore the territory that was his new home.

RE: New meat - Jaws - March 31, 2015

"See you," Jaws gave the new recruit a nod, watching as he continued his patrol. The two had not clicked, but Jaws was largely to blame. The male had been nothing but friendly and cheerful, eager to meet his packmates and start contributing, but the coywolf had shut him down by being standoffish. Perhaps another time they would hit off on a better note. As Jaws began to walk along, he sighed, momentarily questioning his life in a pack. Some packmate he had been, he hardly made the newest arrival feel welcome. But he shook the thought from his head, chalking it up to an off day.