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Bearclaw Valley j- shut up and dance with me - Printable Version

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j- shut up and dance with me - Honihetane - March 28, 2015

Everything about the shift in seasons seemed magical at the moment. After a bitter winter that threatened to never relinquish it's crown to spring, even the slightest elevation in temperature was appreciated. The Teekon Wilds seemed to drink in the changes eagerly, and already evidence that warmer, brighter days were eminent flaunted themselves as the young wolf found herself more lost in the endless territory. Her mocha dipped nose and ears worked overtime, as awkward feet carried her faster than sensory receptors could process her surroundings. Following her nose, before she knew it, she was lost. The spring thaw revealed so many overpowering scents, she had absent mindedly gravitated towards the scent of other wolves. A scent she enjoyed mentally analyzing until a sudden realization ran her pale with shock. She had wandered to the doorstep of claimed territory.

Blinking citrus eyes at her own naivete, the pup tried to reason with herself that this was exactly where she had intended to be. Really, it was. She hadn't known it setting out, but this was the secret mission she had planned for herself today. Too stubborn to admit to herself that she wasn't as prepared for life as a lone wolf as she thought she was, Honi clung to her independence and stroked her own childish ego, reassuring herself that it was just the right time to try and prove herself to a pack she might call home. Like a teenager planning their life away from those pesky parents, she had reveled in her solitude as long as survival skills would allow. Now it was time to finally try her paw at becoming a part of something bigger. She was a very safe distance from those who used and abused her in her birth pack. She was safe, she told herself. Far safer in these strange lands than in the plots and sick intentions of her family. She would make good on her word of a brighter future for herself.

Today was the day, and now was the hour. Pausing a moment, as large eyes rolled around to scan the scenery one last time, the pup gave a hearty shake, her still oversized ears flopping with a child's grace as she rid herself of anxiety over requesting an audience with the residents of the valley. She had overcome worse. Finding the strength in her own chest, Honi threw back her strawberry-blonde head and howled as evenly as her adolescent voice would permit, crackling a bit at the end with an excited squeak. Clearing her throat afterward, she licked her lips and snorted in attempt to cover her embarrassment and awkwardness. Y'know...in case anyone was watching.

She stood patiently, unsure of what to do with herself in this situation, and paced a bit when her young attention span began to stretch beyond it's limits. Her nose never quit, and it found a thousand new and thrilling scents to catch and ponder as she pawed a bit anxiously at the thawing ground, ears perking at every slight noise. She tried hard to keep her cool and act older than she was. Nobody wanted a dork in their pack. She was only mildly aware of her beauty at this point, and put on a front with others, but alone she enjoyed her awkward personality. A bird called out nearby in the late afternoon sky, and another bird answered. The feeling of belonging.

RE: j- shut up and dance with me - Scarlett - March 28, 2015

Bearclaw Valley as easily seen from above, the steep ridges gave a balcony view into the territory Scarlett and Kove decided to call their home. Finding their front door on the other hand was rather difficult. One had to be lucky to find it. Hiding behind two big boulders was a path that descended into the valley. The wide 'path' was move a descending clove with spurs, rocks and other big boulders. One had to navigate past the boulders to get down into the valley. Scarlett had hoped it would keep out intruders. She hadn't really thought of the fact that it would also be a difficulty to find new recruits. For now they had plenty of members. They were even close to their limits. Scarlett was currently down into the valley when she heard the howl. She wasn't sure if her mate was off doing something, so she decided she would go. The kind red eyed female should work on being an alpha. With Normandy she had Kove with her but there was a possibility now that he wouldn't be there with her to ask the questions.

She had to remind herself that if the wolf didn't fit in their pack she would need to reject them. She also didn't want anything to happen like what happened with Shiba. Scarlett was still wondering if she shouldn't have been kicked out. For now though, she would keep her tail high and her head raised. The white queen trotted up the boulder path, feeling confident. There were enough other packs and since they were close to being at their limit she could be picky about who she wanted. A wolf would need to prove itself if it wanted to belong in their awesome home. That was the way of thinking, she praised herself in he remind. The albino queen reached the end of the boulder path and saw a chocolate mixed young female standing there. Scarlett approached her and stopped when there was a normal amount of space between them. Her blood red eyed scanned over the other briefly. "You called?," Scarlett spoke. Her voice wasn't cold, it hardly could be. It was warm and kind like any caring mother would have.

RE: j- shut up and dance with me - Honihetane - March 29, 2015

The birds continued their calls, which bounced off the surrounding boulders and echoed proudly in the evening air, tickling her ears and keeping them in constant motion. When the wind blew, and it was a gusty day, a chill still nipped at the bones and almost blew through you, but the well placed ridges seemed to block most of the wind as it channeled down the path. The warmth of the sun in the nearly cloudless waning afternoon was the only pleasantly about the weather lately, and the youth pondered how the seasons never failed their cycles. She hadn't even witnessed a full year of life yet, so it all still seemed magical in her eyes. The birds sounded off again and raised into the wind in a flurry of flapping wings as a white wolf approached not long after she loosed a howl. 

Oversized ears perked as the other approached, then swept back to hug her nape as the female continued closer, her apparent greeter. The rebellious pup couldn't fight the instinct of submission, nor had she any desire. It felt natural to drop her belly to the ground, eyes blinking and searching the pebbles before her nose, pink tongue flickering to sweep her lips excitedly, and her tail tucked close as the end tuft flicked like a rattlesnake. A soft whine caught in her throat, and she tried to process all the scents the pale woman brought with her. "I did, yes." The teenager managed, trying to still her instincts and find the words she needed. Up north, back home, they had been wolves of little speech and almost entirely body language and nonverbal cues. Primal beasts. This lady seemed more refined and obviously preferred a verbal answer. Licking her chops, Honi began. "I've recently come to this Valley, from north of here, in search of a better life. A way to become a part of something bigger than myself. My name is Honihetane. Honi..or Tane..if you like.

The awkward girl paused a moment to catch her breath and her thoughts. The giant ears plastered to the ruff of her neck twitched, and again she licked the scars along her muzzle. Her small body had many old scars, but not all were as visible under thicker patches of fur, which helped to save her developing beauty. Thick paws shifted as her abdomin remained magnetized to the ground. "I called out in search of someone who lives here, who might speak with me in my quest to find a purpose within the pack here." Spicy eyes blinked and softened as they searched the ivory wolfess before her, flickering quickly over her face. Her ruby eyes were cause for a double-take, something the youth had never seen before. Was this woman a ghost, an angel? Was she an otherworldly being? Honi waited patiently on the ground to find out. The sun burned in it's chilly spring sky. In a few hours it would be dusk. 

RE: j- shut up and dance with me - Scarlett - March 29, 2015

Scarlett was pleased to see that the young male instantly moved to her tummy, something that would help her along the way if she wanted to be accepted in the pack. The white Queen looked down at the curious teenager with her blood red eyes. Some rumors were already spreading that they lived with bears, which was true, and that they were ruled by a queen with red eyes. It all sounded so scared but Scarlett was hardly scary. She was more of a mother than a ruthless queen. But she would let those rumors spread across the lands. It would mean less wolves were inclined to attack their lands. The albino listed carefully to the youngster. Instantly she thought that she might be a friend for Néa her adoptive daughter.

"You have the right person in front of you. I am Scarlett, Queen of this valley. My mate Kove leads this pack with me," Scarlett explained briefly. Her white tail in a more neutral dominant stance as she spoke. Scarlett was proud to call Kove her mate after all. Hopefully soon they would have young of their own. But that was a thought for later. "That all sounds very vague I must admit," Scarlett spoke. "What do you mean want to be part of something bigger? Do you mean home, food and shelter from my pack?," Scarlett inquired. The evening was about to set and Scarlett would hate to let the teenager go alone in the dark. But she couldn't let her feelings get in the way now. They only had one more spot left and if this female wanted that spot she needed to check throughly if she could be trusted.

"You are from the North you say? What kind of pack have you been born in? If I may accept you what are the trades you like to pursue?,"Scarlett questioned. Her blood red eyes were never mean. Currently they were a mix of curiosity and a certain warmth. It was the same with her way of speaking. Even though she might call herself the queen it didn't sound arrogant coming from there.

RE: j- shut up and dance with me - Honihetane - March 29, 2015

Back home, Honi had learned to become the scrapper she was. Life in the male dominant pack had taught her to be rough around the edges, and quick on her feet if she intended to survive. She had been unable and too young to escape without scars, evidence of an unusual and hard-knocks kind of life. Most of the child's scars were mental scars, but the calloused personality she had developed made certain that virtually nobody was aware of those. The now teen had been blessed with beauty from birth, though it had been her downfall. Her mother was no one special in the pack, another female kept as a breeding wench to keep the pack numbers strong, as their territory grew vast and stretched further than manageable. Through blood and atrocities the barbarians of her birth pack had savaged other packs to claim their territory, out of greed. Honi, like many of the young females in the barbarian pack, was kept as a toy for the males to do with as they pleased. It was thought of as an honor. The strawberry blonde, with her chocolate dipped stockings and eyes that burned like embers, had been treasured most of all out of the young females. She had been far too young the first time she was taken by a male. It left scars deeper than a bottomless canyon, and she mentally dissolved, as time passed, into exactly what they wanted. In order to survive. She became so well known, she was many times offered to other packs as a peace offering. They could have their way with her, so long as no wolf revolted after their lands were conquered. She had been told she was solidifying the truce. She acquired pretty incredible skills in order to fight and flee from her captors each time, to drag herself back to the only home she knew. 

Honi found herself staring at the snowy woman with something like awe catching her breath in her throat. Those eyes. How beautiful and strong she was. And to learn that she was the Queen of this Valley..the girl forgot to breathe for a good minute. With a start, her dark stocking legs scrambled a bit, and she curled her head into her fluffy chest, eyes averted and a whimper escaped. She'd been gawking at the Queen like some little girl all wide eyed over a Disney Princess. Immediately she knew. She wanted to be her. Y'know..when she grew up. Life as a child concubine had jaded her so far that she'd delusional my accepted the life, until something inside told her to escape. That she was meant for more. She had more to offer the world, and this Queen who came to hear her out, she inspired the girl to rise above her past. Even if nothing came of the meeting, she would remember those red eyes and the graceful power she carried herself with. 

"Sorry..ah...sorry ma'am. I never met no Queen before. I didn't know. I..thank you for coming here. ..For talking with me." By now, she was pressed so far into the dirt that the obvious appeal she once carried gave way to a more street urchin appearance. She tried her best to answer all the questions as her little mind raced. "Aye, the North. Mine was a pack ruled by men. Barbarians. Took anything they wanted. .. She bit her lip, debating if she should share any of the disgustingly uncomfortable truth with this flawless woman. Trust had to be built somehow. Truth from the beginning encouraged lifelong truth. She would share only the vital bits for now. Maybe after a bond of some sort had been built, she would find her voice to share the whole story. This woman seemed intelligent, and could most likely pick up on what she implied. She hoped. "They took me too. Any time they wanted me. Anyone who wanted me. I was praised for that." She stopped, embarrassed. Hurt to have to bring up the past, even though she had only escaped a month ago. As she told the Queen her dirty truth, her eyes had grown hollow and dead. She was a prisoner of the past, and she hated it. It kept her rebellious and wild.

"I'm worth more than all that. I know it." Hot tears threatened to spill, she bit her lip harder and kept them at bay. No crying in front of the Queen. "I realized one day that I have more to offer the world than what they made of me. I don't quite understand your valley's "trades", I think my pack had a similar word for it. I can offer you my skills, my life, my loyalty. A home, food, shelter, they all sound perfect. But what I seek is a purpose. A reason to live. A true family to devote my life to. In exchange for safety." From the demons I can't drown. The girl drew in a deep breath and rolled onto her side, stocking legs tucked close, back leg kicked out to expose her vulnerable throat and belly. The White Queen could tear into her in an instant if she didn't like what Honi had to say. Regardless, she offered her life and loyalty. Better to die by the jaws of a just woman, than the savagery of the beasts back home. "I'm a fighter by nature." She listed, not exactly proud of the fact. "What I mean is..ma'am, I won't be any trouble, but I'll keep the trouble away. I don't look like much..till you test me. I'm still alive because I fought to stay alive. I'll fight to keep your loved ones alive and safe too. I can scout, and I can protect." She issued a yawn, a canine calming signal to help ease the situation. Her tail now wrapped itself around her rear leg. The fluff of her belly fully exposed.

RE: j- shut up and dance with me - Scarlett - March 30, 2015

Scarlett will have a whole mini-army of teenagers that is willing to die for her if Honi joins them XD

Scarlett didn't know about the younger female's past. If she would have known Scarlett's motherly side would have a difficult time not to run over her alpha-side. The want of being a mother was bigger than the want for power and being an alpha. This was shown when she ruled. She expected other solve to be loyal to her but she wasn't going to drill them or put them there. She wanted them to follow her because they wanted to, fight for her because they wanted to. Scarlett then realized that the young girl was gaping at her. When she came to the wilds she would instantly think that the young female was judging her by the weird color of her eyes. But, after being her for a longer time, Scarlett realized that there was nothing monster-like to her appearance. Scarlett didn't came from a nice pack either. She was bullied day in day out not only physically but also mentally. It was a true miracle the female was still so kind and not showing any bitterness.

"Oh no, sweety. You get is all wrong. I might call myself the queen of this pack but that doesn't mean I am any less better or more wroth than you," Scarlett returned. "Your presence deserves attention and it would be rude to not listen to someone who calls for a home," She added with that warm and kind voice. Mothers could be kind and warm but they could also be strict. Scarlett had a way of both. When the teenager spoke of a barbarian pack in the north she instantly had to think of the cannibalistic pack that had taken her adoptive daughter Néa to torture. Yet, when Honi continued she realized this young girl had gone through another type of torture. Scarlett was lucky they were so repulsed by her that males wouldn't even come close. She was mostly ignored, which was also not very.. nice. Her face softened. "Of course you are more worth than that," Scarlet agreed instantly. "I was bullied too. I won't allow that in my pack, not any of those tortures."

"Well, Honi, our trades are basically like skills yes. You can earn them by showing interest in certain things. You have healer, gamekeeper, warden, warrior, chronicler, naturalist, caretaker and a few more. I'm a caretaker, naturalist and gamekeeper. This way each wolf gets is own role and purpose in the pack. Gamekeepers and aspiring gamekeepers go on a weekly hunt with me. Wardens protect, and patrol this boulder path into the valley. etc." Scarlett kept her same calm tone and a kind smile. She tried not to think of what happened to this poor girl. She really didn't want to send her away especially after what happened. "What is most important to me though, is that you will follow me because you want to. Not because you get food and shelter. My past also isn't that pretty, even recent events made me realize that I can't be all flowers and rainbows. I am not saying you have to give your life for me, but there will need to be a sense of loyalty towards me and my mate. Naturally this needs to grow and bond, I understand that, but I do want to run this pack as my own family. We might not be related by blood but we are with friendship."

Scarlett was reminded so much of herself with this teenager. She wanted to fighter. "I know what you mean. I am not a warrior but I am a fighter and I won't give up. I admire such a trait actually. Please you can sit again," Scarlett assured. "You have to understand that if you join, and we grow close you would be just as much a loved one to me as others would be. Don't think of yourself as any less worth than others. You would be just as important. But I do like that you would protect. We could use some more protectors here." Scarlett had her full attention to the female and when had to smile a bit. "Another Question... How are you with bears?"