Wolf RPG
Sea Lion Shores I'll Close My Eyes - Printable Version

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I'll Close My Eyes - Muirgen - March 29, 2015

Seal hunter, perhaps? c: Or maybe even someone who wants to try (or succeed in) stealing her skin? Either or neither is fine by me.

As more and more days seemed to go by, the pinnipeds of the shore seemed to grew more accustomed to the child's presence. No longer did they try to get away from her as quickly as they could, as the second they saw the skin upon her back they knew who she was. The wolf who believed herself to be a seal, who would lay about and sunbathe with them often. Of course, she also tried to keep them out of harm's way, and attempted to keep other wolves from harming them, but she was only a single selkie. There wasn't much the girl could do but send her sorrows to Lir and hope He would assist her the next time. The strength she needed to truly protect her cousins of the sea would not come so easily, she knew, but she still hoped and pleaded each and every time the life of one of the sea lions was claimed. Someday, she hoped to be able to have said strength, and possess such abilities that would aid her in life, but she knew she would only be given what she truly needed, and she was fine with that. It was an honor to receive anything from the sea, so she would take whatever was presented to her with a great deal of joy. For the time being, the only gifts given were her own life, as well as the knowledge that He was watching over her, both of which she was content with.

Such thoughts were distant in Muirgen's thoughts as she laid with her new found colony, however. The only thing that occupied her young mind was enjoying the time spent with the sea lions. She'd laid her sea skin out on the sand and then laid atop it herself. Her right side looked up to the sky, while her stomach faced out to the sea, and her eyes stayed shut as she relaxed beneath the sun's warm glare. Her trip to the island off the coast had been odd, to say the least, but was enjoyable all the same. She'd met an interesting looking wolf, whose nose held a blue coloring to it. Such a look had intrigued her, but not enough for her to have stayed around for an overly long amount of time to chat. After all, she'd informed the seals that she'd be returning quickly back then, and hadn't wanted to turn herself into a liar. Since then, she'd stayed among the colony of pinnipeds, watching over them as Lir did them all, and as the sea lions had slowly stated to do for her. They were family to her, and family looked out for one another.

RE: I'll Close My Eyes - Lacinia - March 31, 2015

{ooc: Hope you don't mind but I want Lacinia to make an attempt, or a gamble. who knows what will happen xD.}

The coast has become a point of interest for Lacinia. If there was nothing to do she would just follow the coast and watch the sea. It wasn't long until she discovered strange creatures she had never seen before. She stood on top of a boulder that allowed her to see their numbers. They didn't smell nice at all, it was hard to want to stay here. It wasn't enough to beat her curiousity, she wanted to learn more about them. It was up to her to collect information for herself since she can't seem to find anyone willing to stick with her.

Analyzing them from a distance was easy. These beast are clearly slow but their trade to that was that they were large. Lacinia have already understood that layers of fat protects the sensitive nerves that she enjoys stabbing with her claw, making it meaningless to toy with them. Her hunting techniques wouldn't work very well either. She goes for quick killing blows by the neck, mainly by piercing them with her fangs. Even if her chances of killing one was low, she still wanted to know what they were capable of, and even what they tasted like.

She wasn't hungry enough to try to pull off something crazy but a snack was welcome. She scaned the whole group with her eyes. There was one that stood out a bit compared to the others, actually it stood out alot. A wolf among them? Did that mean they weren't hostile? If that was the case, she could get close and take a bite out of one. That would give her all the wanted information but what was a wolf doing among them? Before thinking about she decided that it would just be better to make her move now and approach the closest creature.

RE: I'll Close My Eyes - Muirgen - April 19, 2015

I don't mind at all! So sorry for such a delayed response. x-x”

The tranquil atmosphere that had grown around her and her cousins from the sea was soon disturbed by a single scent. It belonged to a wolf, that much was obvious, and it brought the young girl to her feet almost instantly. She pulled her skin along with her as she stood, making sure to place it upon her back before turning looking over the area. With such a dark coat, it was easy to find the woman who owned the scent, the one who had put an end to the peace. She seemed curious of the sea lions, but curiosity was not always a good thing. Though the woman had age, as well as size given that fact, on her, that did not stop Muirgen from moving towards her. She approached with her head held high and ears pressed forward, trying her best to put on an act of false superiority. Her eyes, however, betrayed her, showing just how worried she was beneath the surface. Maybe the dark girl was not looking to harm her family, maybe she was just interested in what they were like. Oh, how naïve the selkie was to even think such an idea for a moment. It couldn't possibly be true, as the stranger's eyes betrayed her in the same way as her own.

Muirgen's body came to a stop between the obsidian coated lupine and the sea lions, but she made sure to keep some distance between her and the wolf. She was young and sometimes foolish, yes, but she did not want to be harmed, and something about the other felt off to her. The girl believed it to be Lir's doing, sending her a message telling her to be way of the stranger, and it was a message she would obey since it came from the Sea himself. “G-go away,” she stated, mentally flinching at the slight stutter in her words. It made it all the more obvious that she was a bit frightened, but her fear would not send her away. It was her duty to protect her family, as they did for her, and she would not leave them to fend for themselves. “You are not allowed here. Seals only.” The words probably sounded rather humorous coming from the little girl, as they suggested she believed herself to be a seal—which was entirely true.

RE: I'll Close My Eyes - Lacinia - April 21, 2015

Shortly after the strange young wolf approached before Lacinia could attempt anything to the sea lions. But how cute it was, watching her. She found it adorable enough that being ordered to go away had no effect. "oh? I'm sorry, I had no idea." She said, toying with the young female. Then she realised something. Seals only? but wasn't she a wolf too? "But wait, if only seals are allowed then why are you here? You're not a seal. You can't have all of these for yourself either. You'll just have to share."

Lacinia actually believed that the female carrying that sea lion skin was some sort of talented hunter. It was possible, even Lacinia was able to use her talents to make her pull through life. As she thought about bit she wondered what kind of skills the young one used. Maybe she could show her the way she hunted, That's the reason why she must be here. Lacinia guessed that the skin was to be able to hide within this pack and then to pick off a weak link. It's quite smart actually but Lacinia had her own skill set that was better suited to her own liking. Still she did find this interesting enough to wonder.

RE: I'll Close My Eyes - Muirgen - April 28, 2015

Though a bit scared, she kept the best brave face on as she could managed, and continued to watch the dark stranger. With the first words spoken, Muirgen believed she might have actually succeeded in getting the woman to leave, but soon after it appeared as if that was not to be the case. First, she didn't leave, and then she offended the girl, of all things. Saying she wasn't a seal... how wrong could one possibly be! A new wave of determination seemed to roll over the girl's body, and she continued to hold her ground. There was no way she would let a danger near her family, especially after she'd sworn to protect them to the best of her abilities. “I am a seal!” the girl countered, narrowing her gaze. Even though her goal was to look serious and threatening, such words could not be used to describe the way her face appeared. She was still far too young to be able to make such a face. “I will not 'share' my family with you, either! You can not come near them!” Though her appearance was closer to that of a child's than anything else, the look in her eyes made it clear she was being dead serious.

If Muirgen knew what thoughts were going through the woman's mind, she would have most likely gotten angered. Never would she hunt one of her own kind, and never would she use her skin to try and hide among them in order to bring her family harm. Such a thing seemed like it would be taboo, in her mind, and she would never stoop so low. The girl could hardly even hunt, anyways. She was an excellent fisher, probably the best out of her litter, but hunting was a different story—unless you counted tracking down crabs, of course. Aside from that, such a skill did not come easy to her. Maybe it was her age, or maybe she just wasn't cut out to be a hunter. Whatever the case, it would have made the stranger's thoughts almost laughable, had she been able to hear them.